Template:Chem molar mass/format
This template calculates the molecular mass (or molar mass) of a chemical compound. It is designed to be embedded in infoboxes {{Infobox drug}} and {{Chembox}}, but it can be used in-line just as well.
Rounding and uncertainty
- (to be documented, 2019-02-09)
Use chemical symbols to compose the molecular formula:
{{Chem molar mass|H=2|O=1}}
(for H2O) → 18.015 g·mol−1
The next parameters will always show:|fixed=
to enter a fixed (predefined) value+unit. It will overwrite any calculated value+unit.
|ref=<ref>some source</ref>
will add the reference right after the unit.
|comment=Any text
is added as a suffix, after a space and unedited (no brackets added etc.).
{{Chem molar mass|fixed=234.56 g·mol<sup>−1</sup>|ref=<ref>Some source</ref>|comment=My Comment}}
→ 234.56 g·mol−1[1] My Comment
, for use in sortable tables: will add a hidden sortable number, and omits the unit (see table below).
Blank parameter list
{{Chem molar mass | round = | unit = | fixed = | ref = | comment = | sortable= }} |
{{Chem molar mass <!-- with 118 chemical symbols: -->|D= |H= |He= |Li= |Be= |B= |C= |N= |O= |F= |Ne= |Na= |Mg= |Al= |Si= |P= |S= |Cl= |Ar= |K= |Ca= |Sc= |Ti= |V= |Cr= |Mn= |Fe= |Co= |Ni= |Cu= |Zn= |Ga= |Ge= |As= |Se= |Br= |Kr= |Rb= |Sr= |Y= |Zr= |Nb= |Mo= |Tc= |Ru= |Rh= |Pd= |Ag= |Cd= |In= |Sn= |Sb= |Te= |I= |Xe= |Cs= |Ba= |La= |Ce= |Pr= |Nd= |Pm= |Sm= |Eu= |Gd= |Tb= |Dy= |Ho= |Er= |Tm= |Yb= |Lu= |Hf= |Ta= |W= |Re= |Os= |Ir= |Pt= |Au= |Hg= |Tl= |Pb= |Bi= |Po= |At= |Rn= |Fr= |Ra= |Ac= |Th= |Pa= |U= |Np= |Pu= |Am= |Cm= |Bk= |Cf= |Es= |Fm= |Md= |No= |Lr= |Rf= |Db= |Sg= |Bh= |Hs= |Mt= |Ds= |Rg= |Cn= |Nh= |Lv= |Mc= |Fl= |Ts= |Og= | round = | unit = | fixed = | ref = | comment = | sortable= }} |
Standard atomic weights used
Atomic number | Element | Molar mass | Formal standard atomic weight | s.a.w., formal short | Note | ||
Z | calculated; g·mol−1 | Ar, standard[2] (data) | Ar, abridged and conventional[2] | ||||
C9H8O4 | 180.159 g·mol−1 | aspirin, calculated from formula | |||||
C9H8O4 | 180.157 g·mol−1 | fixed value from ... | |||||
charge=+1 | −0.000548579909070 g·mol−1 | ||||||
charge=-1 | 0.000548579909070 g·mol−1 | ||||||
H+1 | 1.007 g·mol−1 | ||||||
1 | hydrogen | H | 1.008 g·mol−1 | [1.00784, 1.00811] | [1.00784, 1.00811] | atomic mass for H, not molar mass for H2 | |
[[]] | D | 2.01355321275 g·mol−1 | deuterium, 2H[3] | ||||
2 | helium | He | 4.002602 g·mol−1 | 4.002602±0.000002 | 4.002602±0.000002 | ||
3 | lithium | Li | 6.94 g·mol−1 | [6.938, 6.997] | [6.938, 6.997] | ||
4 | beryllium | Be | 9.0121831 g·mol−1 | 9.0121831±0.0000005 | 9.0121831±0.0000005 | ||
5 | boron | B | 10.81 g·mol−1 | [10.806, 10.821] | [10.806, 10.821] | ||
6 | carbon | C | 12.011 g·mol−1 | [12.0096, 12.0116] | [12.0096, 12.0116] | ||
7 | nitrogen | N | 14.007 g·mol−1 | [14.00643, 14.00728] | [14.00643, 14.00728] | ||
8 | oxygen | O | 15.999 g·mol−1 | [15.99903, 15.99977] | [15.99903, 15.99977] | ||
9 | fluorine | F | 18.998403163 g·mol−1 | 18.998403162±0.000000005 | 18.998403162±0.000000005 | ||
10 | neon | Ne | 20.1797 g·mol−1 | 20.1797±0.0006 | 20.1797±0.0006 | ||
11 | sodium | Na | 22.98976928 g·mol−1 | 22.98976928±0.00000002 | 22.98976928±0.00000002 | ||
12 | magnesium | Mg | 24.305 g·mol−1 | [24.304, 24.307] | [24.304, 24.307] | ||
13 | aluminium | Al | 26.9815384 g·mol−1 | 26.9815384±0.0000003 | 26.9815384±0.0000003 | ||
14 | silicon | Si | 28.085 g·mol−1 | [28.084, 28.086] | [28.084, 28.086] | ||
15 | phosphorus | P | 30.973761998 g·mol−1 | 30.973761998±0.000000005 | 30.973761998±0.000000005 | ||
16 | sulfur | S | 32.06 g·mol−1 | [32.059, 32.076] | [32.059, 32.076] | ||
17 | chlorine | Cl | 35.45 g·mol−1 | [35.446, 35.457] | [35.446, 35.457] | ||
18 | argon | Ar | 39.948 g·mol−1 | [39.792, 39.963] | [39.792, 39.963] | ||
19 | potassium | K | 39.0983 g·mol−1 | 39.0983±0.0001 | 39.0983±0.0001 | ||
20 | calcium | Ca | 40.078 g·mol−1 | 40.078±0.004 | 40.078±0.004 | ||
21 | scandium | Sc | 44.955908 g·mol−1 | 44.955907±0.000004 | 44.955907±0.000004 | ||
22 | titanium | Ti | 47.867 g·mol−1 | 47.867±0.001 | 47.867±0.001 | ||
23 | vanadium | V | 50.9415 g·mol−1 | 50.9415±0.0001 | 50.9415±0.0001 | ||
24 | chromium | Cr | 51.9961 g·mol−1 | 51.9961±0.0006 | 51.9961±0.0006 | ||
25 | manganese | Mn | 54.938043 g·mol−1 | 54.938043±0.000002 | 54.938043±0.000002 | ||
26 | iron | Fe | 55.845 g·mol−1 | 55.845±0.002 | 55.845±0.002 | ||
27 | cobalt | Co | 58.933194 g·mol−1 | 58.933194±0.000003 | 58.933194±0.000003 | ||
28 | nickel | Ni | 58.6934 g·mol−1 | 58.6934±0.0004 | 58.6934±0.0004 | ||
29 | copper | Cu | 63.546 g·mol−1 | 63.546±0.003 | 63.546±0.003 | ||
30 | zinc | Zn | 65.38 g·mol−1 | 65.38±0.02 | 65.38±0.02 | ||
31 | gallium | Ga | 69.723 g·mol−1 | 69.723±0.001 | 69.723±0.001 | ||
32 | germanium | Ge | 72.630 g·mol−1 | 72.630±0.008 | 72.630±0.008 | ||
33 | arsenic | As | 74.921595 g·mol−1 | 74.921595±0.000006 | 74.921595±0.000006 | ||
34 | selenium | Se | 78.971 g·mol−1 | 78.971±0.008 | 78.971±0.008 | ||
35 | bromine | Br | 79.904 g·mol−1 | [79.901, 79.907] | [79.901, 79.907] | ||
36 | krypton | Kr | 83.798 g·mol−1 | 83.798±0.002 | 83.798±0.002 | ||
37 | rubidium | Rb | 85.4678 g·mol−1 | 85.4678±0.0003 | 85.4678±0.0003 | ||
38 | strontium | Sr | 87.62 g·mol−1 | 87.62±0.01 | 87.62±0.01 | ||
39 | yttrium | Y | 88.90584 g·mol−1 | 88.905838±0.000002 | 88.905838±0.000002 | ||
40 | zirconium | Zr | 91.224 g·mol−1 | 91.224±0.002 | 91.224±0.002 | ||
41 | niobium | Nb | 92.90637 g·mol−1 | 92.90637±0.00001 | 92.90637±0.00001 | ||
42 | molybdenum | Mo | 95.95 g·mol−1 | 95.95±0.01 | 95.95±0.01 | ||
43 | technetium | Tc | 98 g·mol−1 | ||||
44 | ruthenium | Ru | 101.07 g·mol−1 | 101.07±0.02 | 101.07±0.02 | ||
45 | rhodium | Rh | 102.90549 g·mol−1 | 102.90549±0.00002 | 102.90549±0.00002 | ||
46 | palladium | Pd | 106.42 g·mol−1 | 106.42±0.01 | 106.42±0.01 | ||
47 | silver | Ag | 107.8682 g·mol−1 | 107.8682±0.0002 | 107.8682±0.0002 | ||
48 | cadmium | Cd | 112.414 g·mol−1 | 112.414±0.004 | 112.414±0.004 | ||
49 | indium | In | 114.818 g·mol−1 | 114.818±0.001 | 114.818±0.001 | ||
50 | tin | Sn | 118.710 g·mol−1 | 118.710±0.007 | 118.710±0.007 | ||
51 | antimony | Sb | 121.760 g·mol−1 | 121.760±0.001 | 121.760±0.001 | ||
52 | tellurium | Te | 127.60 g·mol−1 | 127.60±0.03 | 127.60±0.03 | (Does not follow atomic number) | |
53 | iodine | I | 126.90447 g·mol−1 | 126.90447±0.00003 | 126.90447±0.00003 | (Does not follow atomic number) | |
54 | xenon | Xe | 131.293 g·mol−1 | 131.293±0.006 | 131.293±0.006 | ||
55 | caesium | Cs | 132.90545196 g·mol−1 | 132.90545196±0.00000006 | 132.90545196±0.00000006 | ||
56 | barium | Ba | 137.327 g·mol−1 | 137.327±0.007 | 137.327±0.007 | ||
57 | lanthanum | La | 138.90547 g·mol−1 | 138.90547±0.00007 | 138.90547±0.00007 | ||
58 | cerium | Ce | 140.116 g·mol−1 | 140.116±0.001 | 140.116±0.001 | ||
59 | praseodymium | Pr | 140.90766 g·mol−1 | 140.90766±0.00001 | 140.90766±0.00001 | ||
60 | neodymium | Nd | 144.242 g·mol−1 | 144.242±0.003 | 144.242±0.003 | ||
61 | promethium | Pm | 145 g·mol−1 | ||||
62 | samarium | Sm | 150.36 g·mol−1 | 150.36±0.02 | 150.36±0.02 | ||
63 | europium | Eu | 151.964 g·mol−1 | 151.964±0.001 | 151.964±0.001 | ||
64 | gadolinium | Gd | 157.25 g·mol−1 | 157.25±0.03 | 157.25±0.03 | ||
65 | terbium | Tb | 158.925354 g·mol−1 | 158.925354±0.000007 | 158.925354±0.000007 | ||
66 | dysprosium | Dy | 162.500 g·mol−1 | 162.500±0.001 | 162.500±0.001 | ||
67 | holmium | Ho | 164.930328 g·mol−1 | 164.930329±0.000005 | 164.930329±0.000005 | ||
68 | erbium | Er | 167.259 g·mol−1 | 167.259±0.003 | 167.259±0.003 | ||
69 | thulium | Tm | 168.934218 g·mol−1 | 168.934219±0.000005 | 168.934219±0.000005 | ||
70 | ytterbium | Yb | 173.045 g·mol−1 | 173.045±0.010 | 173.045±0.010 | ||
71 | lutetium | Lu | 174.9668 g·mol−1 | 174.9668±0.0001 | 174.9668±0.0001 | ||
72 | hafnium | Hf | 178.49 g·mol−1 | 178.486±0.006 | 178.486±0.006 | ||
73 | tantalum | Ta | 180.94788 g·mol−1 | 180.94788±0.00002 | 180.94788±0.00002 | ||
74 | tungsten | W | 183.84 g·mol−1 | 183.84±0.01 | 183.84±0.01 | ||
75 | rhenium | Re | 186.207 g·mol−1 | 186.207±0.001 | 186.207±0.001 | ||
76 | osmium | Os | 190.23 g·mol−1 | 190.23±0.03 | 190.23±0.03 | ||
77 | iridium | Ir | 192.217 g·mol−1 | 192.217±0.002 | 192.217±0.002 | ||
78 | platinum | Pt | 195.084 g·mol−1 | 195.084±0.009 | 195.084±0.009 | ||
79 | gold | Au | 196.966570 g·mol−1 | 196.966570±0.000004 | 196.966570±0.000004 | ||
80 | mercury | Hg | 200.592 g·mol−1 | 200.592±0.003 | 200.592±0.003 | ||
81 | thallium | Tl | 204.38 g·mol−1 | [204.382, 204.385] | [204.382, 204.385] | ||
82 | lead | Pb | 207.2 g·mol−1 | [206.14, 207.94] | [206.14, 207.94] | ||
83 | bismuth | Bi | 208.98040 g·mol−1 | 208.98040±0.00001 | 208.98040±0.00001 | ||
84 | polonium | Po | 209 g·mol−1 | ||||
85 | astatine | At | 210 g·mol−1 | ||||
86 | radon | Rn | 222 g·mol−1 | ||||
87 | francium | Fr | 223 g·mol−1 | ||||
88 | radium | Ra | 226 g·mol−1 | ||||
89 | actinium | Ac | 227 g·mol−1 | ||||
90 | thorium | Th | 232.0377 g·mol−1 | 232.0377±0.0004 | 232.0377±0.0004 | ||
91 | protactinium | Pa | 231.03588 g·mol−1 | 231.03588±0.00001 | 231.03588±0.00001 | ||
92 | uranium | U | 238.02891 g·mol−1 | 238.02891±0.00003 | 238.02891±0.00003 | ||
93 | neptunium | Np | 237 g·mol−1 | ||||
94 | plutonium | Pu | 244 g·mol−1 | ||||
95 | americium | Am | 243 g·mol−1 | ||||
96 | curium | Cm | 247 g·mol−1 | ||||
97 | berkelium | Bk | 247 g·mol−1 | ||||
98 | californium | Cf | 251 g·mol−1 | ||||
99 | einsteinium | Es | 252 g·mol−1 | ||||
100 | fermium | Fm | 257 g·mol−1 | ||||
101 | mendelevium | Md | 258 g·mol−1 | ||||
102 | nobelium | No | 259 g·mol−1 | ||||
103 | lawrencium | Lr | 266 g·mol−1 | ||||
104 | rutherfordium | Rf | 267 g·mol−1 | ||||
105 | dubnium | Db | 268 g·mol−1 | ||||
106 | seaborgium | Sg | 269 g·mol−1 | ||||
107 | bohrium | Bh | 270 g·mol−1 | ||||
108 | hassium | Hs | 270 g·mol−1 | ||||
109 | meitnerium | Mt | 278 g·mol−1 | ||||
110 | darmstadtium | Ds | 281 g·mol−1 | ||||
111 | roentgenium | Rg | 282 g·mol−1 | ||||
112 | copernicium | Cn | 285 g·mol−1 | ||||
113 | nihonium | Nh | 286 g·mol−1 | ||||
114 | flerovium | Fl | 289 g·mol−1 | ||||
115 | moscovium | Mc | 290 g·mol−1 | ||||
116 | livermorium | Lv | 293 g·mol−1 | ||||
117 | tennessine | Ts | 294 g·mol−1 | ||||
118 | oganesson | Og | 294 g·mol−1 |
- ^ Some source
- ^ a b Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305.
- ^ NIST [1]
Data sources (CIAAW)
Primarily, the atomic weights used here are defined by CIAAW [2]:
- "Standard Atomic Weights". Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights (CIAAW). 2015. Retrieved 2015-09-20. (68 elements)
- CIAAW also published additional lists in spreadsheet format (2013). It has additional conventional values for trade usage, and some background information on the numbers and calculations. (12 elements: B, Br, C, Cl, H, Li, Mg, N, O, S, Si, Tl).
- Coplen, T.B.; et al. (2013). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (xls)". CIAAW. Retrieved 2015-05-26.
- Some unstable elements can naturally occur, and so are listed (4 elements: Bi, Th, Pa, U)
- Additional values are those of the most stable isotopes, as given in List of chemical elements (34 elements). This source is not supported by the CIAAW publications.
See also: "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. February 2016. pp. 265–291. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305. eISSN 1365-3075. ISSN 0033-4545. Retrieved 2016-12-29.
- Possolo, Antonio; van der Veen, Adriaan M. H.; Meija, Juris; Hibbert, D. Brynn (2018-01-04). "Interpreting and propagating the uncertainty of the standard atomic weights (IUPAC Technical Report)". doi:10.1515/pac-2016-0402. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
Embedding in a template
The template is designed to be embedded in a template like {{Drugbox}}. The molecular formula can be entered like ...|H=2|O=1
, and these values then are passed through to this subtemplate, together with the other parameters like |round=
- 1. When some
is used, it is added as is, always ("by the editor"). - 2. When
is used, no unit is added to this (could be in it already). - 3. When
is used, no unit is added by the template (expected: put in top of table column). - 4. When value is calculated, unit g/mol is added by template.
- 5. There is automatic no conversion from g to kg.
Uncertainty handling
- Uncertainty is ignored.
- Calcium: Ar(Ca) being 40.078(4) is read and calculated as 40.078(0)
- Elements having interval notation are calculated by their conventional value.
- Hydrogen: [1.00784, 1.00811] is calculated using conventional: 1.008(0)
Calculate cumulative uncertainties
- Possolo, Antonio; van der Veen, Adriaan M.H.; Meija, Juris; Brynn Hibbert, D. (2018-01-04). "Interpreting and propagating the uncertainty of the standard atomic weights (IUPAC Technical Report)". Retrieved 2019-02-08.
- [3], [4]
Tracking categories
- Category:Articles with erroneous molar mass calculations (0)
- Category:Pages using Chem molar mass with unsupported parameters (0)
This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.
Chem molar mass
Parameter list (all element symbols, and template options)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No description.
See also
- {{Chem molar mass/format}} -- subtemplate
- {{Chem molar mass/calc charge}} -- subtemplate
- {{Chem}} (formula)
- {{Atomic mass}}
- {{Molar mass}}
- {{Chem molar mass/sandbox}} -- tests sandbox template too (compare values).