Safer Nicotine Wiki:General disclaimer

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This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Terms here must be accepted before you can edit pages, and are very simple:

You are responsible for the content you upload here, and any text you write.

Submitting your work signifies you agree to the licence displayed on every page.

Please do not add content that you do not have the right to upload here. You are responsible for checking the licence and selecting the correct licence for each upload.

Advertising is not allowed, but promoting advocacy is.

A company may have a page on the site with a logo and link to preferably the advocacy section of their website, or the home page. A brief description of the company is acceptable. Further companies that supply nicotine by mail order may be added to the [nicotine suppliers] category. Prices or products for sale may not be mentioned on the 'safer nicotine wiki', and any blatant advertising/spam will be deleted. If in any doubt, it will be better to ask first, than have content deleted, we will try to be reasonable.

We can be contacted at if you need to get in touch. If in doubt please ask first.