Current Impactful Studies

Revision as of 15:59, 2 December 2020 by Alan Beard (talk | contribs)

These studies will have been recently published in the last few months, and rightly or wrongly receiving media attention. Negative media attention is by its very nature, vastly more common, as 'bad news travels or sells'. Some may be described as junk studies, but we must demonstrate why that is the the case in a Scientific logical manner,not just simply dismiss.

[Effects of E-Cigarette Use on Cigarette Smoking among U.S youth, 2014-18] via Creamer,Dutra,Sharapova,Gentzke,Delucchi,Smith,Glantz

New Lancet Study: vaping is rare among individuals who have never smoked conventional cigarettes. see reaction and interpretation of this study via a UK Regional Public Health Director

Effects of tobacco cigarettes,e-cigarettes...on endothelial function reaction from Science Media Centre

E-Cig Experimentation data analysis from France