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=12th April 2024=
=== NO VAPE TAX Campaign Launch! ===
[[File:NO VAPE TAX Logo.jpg|thumb|No Vape Tax website campaign logo]]
The No Vape Tax campaign has been launched today! You can visit it here
It is a joint collaboration between the [ NNA (New Nicotine Alliance)] and [].
The No Vape Tax website tells you various ways you can get your voice heard.
The site guides you through how to respond to the public consultation, or you can send your story to be displayed on the homepage.
Plus it suggests emailing your own MP with a link to help you find out who to write to.
Please get involved as this will be a disaster for vapers and those using vaping to stop smoking. Higher nicotine e-liquids will be taxed the heaviest and these are what most people will need to help quit smoking. Also it is another blow to those suffering with the cost of living.
=20th March 2024=
=== UK Tobacco & Vapes Bill 2024 ===
Today the UK Government published their Tobacco & Vapes bill 2024 and it is not great news for vapers.
[[Ecigclick]] have covered the contents and impacts for vapers here:
You can read the bill in full here:
Also there is a summary with regard to vaping here:
Responses have so far come in from...
* The [[World vapers alliance|WVA]] here:
* IBVTA here:
* [[Clive Bates]] here:
=10th March 2024=
=== UK Vaping Products Duty Public Consultation Launched ===
The UK government are to introduce a vape tax – otherwise known as the “Vaping Products Duty“ in 2026. More here on [[Ecigclick]] :[[File:Nicotine-tax-examples3.jpg|thumb|alt=Image showing e-liquid prices with new tax applied|Vape Tax Examples]]
A public consultation has been launched which will gather views on the tax proposals and their structure.
I '''urge''' all UK vapers and those in the vape industry – especially retailers – to take part and help amend this extortionate policy to something more suitable.
As a principle the addition of tax is understandable. But I think the level of taxation is far too heavy and – to put it mildly – it is greedy.
For instance in the image you can see examples of how a 10ml bottle of 20mg nicotine strength e-liquid which currently retails for £3.99 will increase to £6.99 once the tax is applied. Also a 100ml bottle of nicotine free (shortfill) e-liquid which is currently £9.99 will increase to double the price at £19.99 with the new tax (£1 per 10ml). It is shocking.
==== How To Take Part ====
You can view the summary document here, it covers the background of the proposals and lists the questions which will be included in the consultation.
When responding ask yourself these questions…
* Will this put you off vaping and make you return to smoking?
* Will you buy e-liquids from the Black Market (i.e. no tax applied?)
* If you need high nicotine strengths will you have to cut down to a lower strength thus risking your attempt to stay away from tobacco?
* If you are considering switching from tobacco to vaping – is this increase in price less of an incentive to switch?
* Do you agree with the tax? If so would a more reasonable rate (i.e. £1 per bottle regardless of strength or volume) be acceptable?
* Will this system stop underage vapers?
* Will this be damaging to your business (retailers)?
* How much will it cost you to implement the new tax (retailers), i.e. altering displays, repricing stock, amending POS systems?
To send your response download the response form in Word format here
Then email the completed form to [] with “Vaping Products Duty consultation response” as the subject.
If you want to comment further or discuss topics in more depth, written submissions are also accepted.
Make sure to respond by the 29th May 2024.
=6th March 2024=
=== UK Vaping Products Levy (vape tax) announced ===
[[File:Nic-tax.jpg|alt=Proposed nicotine tax on e-liquid rates|thumb|Proposed nicotine tax on e-liquid rates|left|325x325px]]
Unfortunately today in his Spring Budget announcement, the Chancellor has stated that vaping products will be subject to tax.
This will apply to e-liquids and the rate will depend on the nicotine strength.
We have covered this, with an explanation of how and when this tax will take place, plus various reactions from the vaping industry and advocates.
We will try to keep this up to date as new reactions are published.
=5th March 2024=
=== UK Proposing A Vape Tax? ===
Is there a new "Vape Tax" on the horizon for the UK? We await the Spring Budget announcement due Wednesday 6th March 2024.
In the meantime here is what we know so far, including responses from [[UKVIA]], [[NNA]], [[World vapers alliance|WVA]] & [[WeVape]] :
=29th January 2024=
=== UK Government bans disposable vapes ===
The UK Government today announces a ban on disposable vapes, restrictions on packaging & flavours, further enforcement action and a generational ban on buying tobacco. All covered here in [[Ecigclick]]:
You can read the full UK Government press release here
So far the [[UKVIA]] ( ) and [[World vapers alliance|WVA]] ( ) have published their responses.
Here is the response from the [[NNA]] (New Nicotine Alliance)
The government has also published the consultation outcome

=10th November 2023=
=10th November 2023=