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===2021: [ Say This Instead: “Blacklist,” “Blackball,” “Blackmail,” “Black market,” etc.]===
===2021: [ Say This Instead: “Blacklist,” “Blackball,” “Blackmail,” “Black market,” etc.]===
*"In a continuation of the “Say This Instead” series, let’s look at the pervasive symbolism of “white” as positive and “black” as negative in the English language. Words like “blackmail” (related to extortion), “blackball” (rejection), “blacklist” (banishment), and “black market” (illicitness) are so woven into the fabric of our language that we often don’t reflect on their racist overtones. The meaning of these phrases is always something undesirable. It perpetuates a systemic stigma caused by using the same terms that describe the color of our skin as a delineation between good and bad.  Based on our use of these words, “black” is bad and “white” is good."
*"In a continuation of the “Say This Instead” series, let’s look at the pervasive symbolism of “white” as positive and “black” as negative in the English language. Words like “blackmail” (related to extortion), “blackball” (rejection), “blacklist” (banishment), and “black market” (illicitness) are so woven into the fabric of our language that we often don’t reflect on their racist overtones. The meaning of these phrases is always something undesirable. It perpetuates a systemic stigma caused by using the same terms that describe the color of our skin as a delineation between good and bad.  Based on our use of these words, “black” is bad and “white” is good."
===2020: [ Racist Language and Origins I Didn’t Always Know]===
*The symbolism of white as positive and black as negative is pervasive in our culture. ...color is related to extortion (blackmail), disrepute (black mark), rejection (blackball), banishment (blacklist), and illicitness (black market).
*"To be an antiracist means taking action to change inherit bias, implicit bias, systemic racism, covert bias, and micro-aggressions. While we may say things without malice or racist intent, we can do better by learning how to recognize and stop using language with racist origins, meanings, or connotations."
='''"ANTZ, Karen, Shill, etc."'''=
='''"ANTZ, Karen, Shill, etc."'''=
*Comment from Skip, the creator of this wiki page:
*Comment from Skip, the creator of this wiki page: