Allen Carr 'Easyway' enjoys many devoted supporters as a method to Quit Smoking unaided, Quitting 'Cold -Turkey' is the gold standard for some hard-liners in Tobacco Control, thus Easyway would satisfy that faction.

The claim is that 'Easyway has helped 50 million Smokers Worldwide cease Smoking

'Easyway' has just announced a partnership with WHO:- Allen Carr's Easyway Partners With the World Health Organisation for a Global Year-long Campaign to Support More Than 100 Million People as They 'Commit to Quit' Smoking

It should be noted that an RCT exists, [[, Controlled Trial Using Best-Selling Smoking-Cessation Book]] that did not find that 'Easyway' was particularly, if at all effective

A RCT exists that is altogether more positive

Another very recent 2020 entry Comparison of Allen Carr's Easyway programme with a specialist behavioural and pharmacological smoking cessation support service: a randomized controlled trial is neutral in its conclusions 'There was no clear evidence of a difference in the efficacies of the Allen Carr's Easyway (ACE) and specialist smoking cessation support involving behavioural support and pharmacotherapy'.

A much older appraisal of 'Easyway' exists, produced by Dr Jonathan Foulds is shown

In general, we would summarise that Allen Carr Easyway is another quitting method that enjoys a good measure of popularity, however, where it fits in this perceptive summary from Dr Foulds Generally speaking, a 1-year quit rate above 10% is not bad, 20% is very good, and 25% is awesome is unclear and debatable, unsubstantiated data from Carr's clinics claim 90% success rate in aiding smokers to stop for three months.

Costs of Stop Smoking Seminars are of the order £299, the small book ~£15, Free Advice