SNP recommendation guidelines: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
m (NZ summary (also limited counter indicators))
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|E-cigarettes combined with behavioural are a suitable cessation aid.
Complete switch should be advised.
* E-cigarettes combined with behavioural are a suitable cessation aid.
* Complete switch should be advised.
No specific device type recommended.
* No specific device type recommended.
* Advise that there's no long-term risk quantification yet.
Advise that there's no long-term risk quantification yet.
* Continued use reduces relapse risk.
Continued use reduces relapse risk.

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|E-cigarettes are applicable for nicotine substitution.
Devices regulated according to EU TDP, notified to MHRA, covered under GPSR.
* E-cigarettes are applicable for nicotine substitution.
* Devices regulated according to EU TDP, notified to MHRA, covered under GPSR.
Not currently licensed as medicines.
* Not currently licensed as medicines.
* People who smoke but can't/won't quit. can reduce harm by smoking less or substituting temporarily. Harm reduction benefits are uncertain, but may inspire full quitting.
People who smoke but can't/won't quit. can reduce harm by smoking less or substituting temporarily. Harm reduction benefits are uncertain, but may inspire full quitting.

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|Growing evidence e-cigarettes can be effective.
Using it as much as you need to and with the right strength of nicotine in your e-liquid.
* Growing evidence e-cigarettes can be effective.
* Using it as much as you need to and with the right strength of nicotine in your e-liquid.
Full benefit from vaping requires to stop smoking cigarettes completely.
* Full benefit from vaping requires to stop smoking cigarettes completely.
* Expert help from local stop smoking service advised.
Expert help from local stop smoking service advised.
* While nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes, it's relatively harmless.
* For pregnancy, licensed NRT is advised, e-cigs only as fallback option.
While nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes, it's relatively harmless.
For pregnancy, licensed NRT is advised, e-cigs only as fallback option.

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* Ministry of Health encourages smokers who want to use vaping products to quit smoking to seek the support of local stop smoking services.
* Vaping products are a less harmful way of delivering nicotine than conventional tobacco cigarettes.
* Expert opinion is that vaping products are much less harmful than smoking tobacco but not completely harmless.
* Toxicants have been found in vapor, but in general, at levels much lower than found in cigarette smoke or at levels that are unlikely to cause harm.
* When used as intended, vaping products pose no risk of nicotine poisoning to users. Short-term risks appear to no different than NRT, long-term quantification still unknown.
* Combining vaping with behavioural support is likely to have comparable success rate to stop-smoking medication.
* Stop smoking services should be ‘vaping friendly’, provide accurate information about benefits and risks, and advice about obtaining a suitable vaping product.
* Anyone who is switching from smoking to vaping should stop smoking tobacco as soon as possible.
* There is no international evidence that vaping products are undermining the long-term decline in cigarette smoking among adults and youth, and may in fact be contributing to it.

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|No device approved as an official stop-smoking medicine.
* No device approved as an official stop-smoking medicine.
Has helped many people quit smoking.
* Has helped many people quit smoking.
* Addresses the sensory, behavioural and social aspects.
Addresses the sensory, behavioural and social aspects.
* NRT and medical options still exist.
* Vaping is almost twice as effective as NRTs.
NRT and medical options still exist.
* Goal: reducing the strength of your nicotine.
Vaping is almost twice as effective as NRTs.
Goal: reducing the strength of your nicotine.