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===2023: [ Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among adults in Great Britain]===
*Four in ten smokers incorrectly believe vaping is as or more harmful than smoking up from a third last year and one in five in 2019.
*A third of smokers understand that vaping is less harmful than smoking, but fewer than one in ten that they are a lot less harmful
*Ex-smokers who vape (2.9 million) have the most accurate perceptions of harm, with 75% correctly identifying that vaping is less harmful than smoking.
*From 2016 to 2019 the proportion of adults who inaccurately believed that vaping is as, or more harmful than smoking hovered around one in four, with between 43% and 50% believing it was less harmful. (Figure 8) However, in 2020 the proportion believing it was more or equally harmful rose significantly to 37% with the proportion believing it to be less harmful falling to 39%.
*The likely driver for this change in public perception was significant media coverage of injuries to health in the US from products banned in the UK. This years significant drop in public understanding that vaping is less harmful than smoking could be linked to widespread media coverage of youth vaping which has not always clearly distinguished the differences between the harms from smoking and vaping. 
*In 2023 a third (34%) of smokers said that they did not know how harmful NRT is compared to smoking, 11% thought it was more than or equally as harmful as smoking, and only 29% correctly identified NRT as being a lot less harmful than smoking.

===2023: [ Individual and conjoint factors associated with beliefs about the harmfulness of nicotine replacement therapies relative to combustible cigarettes among people who smoke: Findings from the 2020 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey]===
===2023: [ Individual and conjoint factors associated with beliefs about the harmfulness of nicotine replacement therapies relative to combustible cigarettes among people who smoke: Findings from the 2020 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey]===