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*Massachusetts and Minnesota, whose Democratic voters will go to the polls on Super Tuesday, are among at least 10 states where activist attorneys are working for the state AGs offices but are paid through the Impact Center. Their mission is to promote state legal action to advance Bloomberg’s political views, such as lawsuits against energy companies.
*Massachusetts and Minnesota, whose Democratic voters will go to the polls on Super Tuesday, are among at least 10 states where activist attorneys are working for the state AGs offices but are paid through the Impact Center. Their mission is to promote state legal action to advance Bloomberg’s political views, such as lawsuits against energy companies.
===2020 Dec 16 - [https://climatelitigationwatch.org/new-records-suit-re-climate-litigation-industry-oregon-ag-sued-for-improperly-hiding-calendar-entries-for-bloomberg-provided-special-assistant-attorney-general/ New Records Suit re Climate Litigation Industry: Oregon AG Sued for Improperly Hiding Calendar Entries for Bloomberg-provided “Special Assistant Attorney General”]===
*The public interest law firm Government Accountability & Oversight, P.C. (GAO) has filed suit under Oregon’s Public Records Law against Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and the State Department of Justice (DoJ), on behalf of the nonprofit transparency group Energy Policy Advocates, seeking to compel release of scores of hidden calendar entries of “Special Assistant Attorney General” (or SAAG) Steve Novick.
*Mr. Novick was hired and provided to DoJ as a “SAAG” by a group created by billionaire, major Democratic party donor and climate activist Michael Bloomberg to support AGs to pursue a political agenda — “advancing progressive clean energy, climate change, and environmental legal positions”.
*These heavily redacted records are records of a precise class that the Department of Justice has previously released with few redactions. Indeed, cross-referencing the Department of Justice’s release of, e.g., Mr. Novick’s colleague Paul Garrahan’s calendar plainly documents the improper withholding and secrecy with which the Department of Justice treats this privately hired attorney’s calendar, both generally and regarding specific withholdings

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*Long dragged-out case, filed in 2018, takes major step toward educating further on Bloomberg “SAAGs” scheme, and aborted (by phone) Virginia AG participation
*Long dragged-out case, filed in 2018, takes major step toward educating further on Bloomberg “SAAGs” scheme, and aborted (by phone) Virginia AG participation
*Virginia citizen Christopher Horner and the free-market public policy group Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) prevailed yet again yesterday in their lawsuit against Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares under Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act.  
*Virginia citizen Christopher Horner and the free-market public policy group Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) prevailed yet again yesterday in their lawsuit against Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares under Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act.  
===2021 Jan 21 - [https://climatelitigationwatch.org/court-again-orders-virginia-ag-to-answer-foia-suit-seeking-bloomberg-related-records/ Court (Again) Orders Virginia AG to Answer FOIA Suit Seeking Bloomberg-related Records]===
*At a hearing in Richmond, Virginia on Tuesday — the third hearing in a (so far) two-and-a-quarter year saga to obtain records that previously did not exist but now magically do — the Office of the Virginia Attorney General was ordered to file an answer in a November 2018 VFOIA lawsuit by Government Accountability & Oversight board member Chris Horner and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
*That suit requested records related to AG Mark Herring’s rather fevered, successful — and then suddenly dropped — pursuit of Michael Bloomberg-funded “Special Assistant Attorneys General” “to advance the agenda represented by” Bloomberg’s climate group.