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*This study describes the advice that former-smokers who used e-cigarettes to quit smoking would offer to smokers who are considering using an e-cigarette to support an attempt to quit smoking. Vapers advised smokers to find the right combination of device, flavors and nicotine strength, continue to smoke and vape for a while if they wished, not be deterred by past failed attempts to quit smoking, and expect health to improve after they have switched to vaping. Encouraging smokers to interact with vaping peers in vape shops and in online vaping-dedicated discussion forums may help significantly more smokers switch to vaping.
*This study describes the advice that former-smokers who used e-cigarettes to quit smoking would offer to smokers who are considering using an e-cigarette to support an attempt to quit smoking. Vapers advised smokers to find the right combination of device, flavors and nicotine strength, continue to smoke and vape for a while if they wished, not be deterred by past failed attempts to quit smoking, and expect health to improve after they have switched to vaping. Encouraging smokers to interact with vaping peers in vape shops and in online vaping-dedicated discussion forums may help significantly more smokers switch to vaping.
*[ PDF Version]
*[ PDF Version]
===2019: [ A Comparison of E-Cigarette Use Patterns and Smoking Cessation Behavior among Vapers by Primary Place of Purchase]===
*Among those smoking 12 months prior to the survey, smoking cessation rates were higher for vape shop and internet customers than for retail customers, even though retail customers were more likely to use FDA-approved smoking cessation aids.
===2018: [ A Qualitative Exploration of the Role of Vape Shop Environments in Supporting Smoking Abstinence]===
*At an individual level, shops can provide a supportive environment. Shops also provided ongoing support to reduce risk of smoking lapse.
*At an interpersonal level, shops can offer friendly personable service. For some vapers, shops also provided an opportunity for social interaction, acting as a community group.
*At a structural level, shops provide a competitive environment, responding to legislative changes.
*Furthermore, vape shops provide opportunity to those who do not wish to stop smoking to try vaping and perhaps eventually stop smoking.
*Vape shops can provide effective behavioural support to quitters to maintain smoking abstinence. Health professionals could capitalise on this through partnership working with shops, to ensure best outcomes for clients wanting to use e-cigarettes to quit smoking.
===2018: [ A qualitative assessment of business perspectives and tactics of tobacco and vape shop retailers in three communities in Orange County, CA, 2015–2016]===
*Tobacco shops’ reasons for carrying e-cigarettes were business oriented... In comparison, vape shops opened because of the owner’s positive experiences with e-cigarettes and belief in the potential of e-cigarettes to help people quit or reduce smoking.
===2016: [ A Qualitative Study of Vape Shop Operators' Perceptions of Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarette Use and Attitude Toward Their Potential Regulation by the US Food and Drug Administration, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina, 2015]===
*Most owners were former smokers and used ENDS to quit. Vape shop owners are in a unique position to serve as frontline consumer educators.
*Vape shop owners perceived ENDS to be less harmful and more economical than conventional cigarettes and indicated that most of their customers used ENDS as a smoking cessation tool
===2016: [ A Pilot Study of Retail ‘Vape Shops’ in the San Francisco Bay Area]===
*The intensive engagement with customers over time provides social support for quitting and practical advice, both of which are elements of recommended smoking cessation counseling.
===2016: [,67435,0,2.html A Dollars and “Sense” Exploration of Vape Shop Spending and E-cigarette Use]===
*Across the US, vape shops have emerged to provide e-cigarette users access to products not usually available at gas stations or retail stores.
*Mod use and intention to use e-cigs as a cessation device were significantly associated with vape shop spending.
*Customers who spent more than $50/month used lower levels of nicotine (mg/ml) (p=0.003) but a greater quantity of e-liquid (ml/month).

===2015: [ Quit and Smoking Reduction Rates in Vape Shop Consumers: A Prospective 12-Month Survey]===
===2015: [ Quit and Smoking Reduction Rates in Vape Shop Consumers: A Prospective 12-Month Survey]===