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===2015: The Impact of Flavor Descriptors on Nonsmoking Teens’ and Adult Smokers’ Interest in Electronic Cigarettes===  
===2015: [https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article-abstract/17/10/1255/1028251?redirectedFrom=fulltext The Impact of Flavor Descriptors on Nonsmoking Teens’ and Adult Smokers’ Interest in Electronic Cigarettes]===  
Nonsmoking teens’ interest in e-cigarettes was very low. Adult smokers’ interest was significantly higher overall and for each flavor.  
*Nonsmoking teens’ interest in e-cigarettes was very low.  
Teen interest did not vary by flavor, but adult interest did.
*Adult smokers’ interest was significantly higher overall and for each flavor.  
Past-30-day adult e-cigarette users had the greatest interest in e-cigarettes, and their interest was most affected by flavor.  
*Teen interest did not vary by flavor, but adult interest did.
Nonsmoking teens who had never tried e-cigarettes had the lowest interest, followed by adults who had never tried e-cigarettes
*Past-30-day adult e-cigarette users had the greatest interest in e-cigarettes, and their interest was most affected by flavor.  
*'''Nonsmoking teens who had never tried e-cigarettes had the lowest interest in flavors''', followed by adults who had never tried e-cigarettes
*[https://www.casaa.org/wp-content/uploads/Shiffman-on-flavors-1255-62.pdf PDF Version]
*Citation: Saul Shiffman, PhD, Mark A Sembower, MS, Janine L Pillitteri, PhD, Karen K Gerlach, PhD, MPH, Joseph G Gitchell, BA, The Impact of Flavor Descriptors on Nonsmoking Teens’ and Adult Smokers’ Interest in Electronic Cigarettes, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Volume 17, Issue 10, October 2015, Pages 1255–1262, doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntu333
*Acknowledgement: This work was supported by NJOY, a company that markets electronic cigarettes, but does not make or sell any combustible tobacco products. All authors work for Pinney Associates and provide consulting services to GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare on their stop-smoking medications and to NJOY, Inc. on electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). SS and JGG also own an interest in a novel nicotine medication in development. The study sponsor was involved in discussion of the study design, but had no role in study execution, data collection, data analysis, or writing of the manuscript, nor did the sponsor review the manuscript prior to submission.

===2015: Preferred Flavors and Reasons for E-cigarette Use and Discontinued Use Among Never, Current, and Former Smokers===
===2015: Preferred Flavors and Reasons for E-cigarette Use and Discontinued Use Among Never, Current, and Former Smokers===