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*[https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/major-funding-announcement-puts-bath-tcrg-at-centre-of-new-20-million-global-industry-watchdog/ Major funding announcement puts Bath TCRG at centre of new $20 million global industry watchdog]
*[https://www.bath.ac.uk/announcements/major-funding-announcement-puts-bath-tcrg-at-centre-of-new-20-million-global-industry-watchdog/ Major funding announcement puts Bath TCRG at centre of new $20 million global industry watchdog]
**With significant funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, our Tobacco Control Research Group will spearhead a brand new global tobacco industry watchdog.
**With significant funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, our Tobacco Control Research Group will spearhead a brand new global tobacco industry watchdog.
===2019 Dec 17: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hEmrH6kiszY0WOhvN73Q-xoD1Vb6Y0Vd/view Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Contract]===
*In order to ensure the University of Bath can comply with its obligations in the end contract with the  Foundation, the Contractor confirms it will comply with the following project-specific terms and  conditions
*Foundation means Bloomberg, who is providing the funding to the University for the project that will  fund this Contract
*#2- The Contractor shall not make any statement or otherwise imply to donors, investors, media  or the general public that the Foundation directly funds its activities

==[https://tobacconomics.org/ University of Illinois at Chicago]==
==[https://tobacconomics.org/ University of Illinois at Chicago]==