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*There was no evidence of potential for exposures of e-cigarette users to contaminants that are associated with risk to health at a level that would warrant attention if it were an involuntary workplace exposures.
*There was no evidence of potential for exposures of e-cigarette users to contaminants that are associated with risk to health at a level that would warrant attention if it were an involuntary workplace exposures.
*Exposures of bystanders are likely to be orders of magnitude less, and thus pose no apparent concern.
*Exposures of bystanders are likely to be orders of magnitude less, and thus pose no apparent concern.
=Misinformation About Nicotine and Lung Health=
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/China-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: China results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**92% - Nicotine causes COPD
**91% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Germany-Final-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors' Survey: Germany results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**78% - Nicotine causes COPD
**77% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Greece-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: Greece results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**65% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**64% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/India-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: India results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**88% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**86% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Indonesia-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: Indonesia results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**97% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**92% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Israel-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: Israel results ]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**69% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**66% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Italy-Final-Sermo-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: Italy results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**69% - Nicotine causes COPD
**67% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Japan-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors’ Survey: Japan results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**88% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**88% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/South-Africa-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors' Survey: South Africa results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**82% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**81% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/UK-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-Final-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors' Survey: UK results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**60% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**59% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.smokefreeworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/USA-Final-SERMO-Doctors-Survey-7-19-2023.pdf Doctors' Survey: USA results]===
*Physicians Have Misperceptions About Nicotine
*Participants were asked: “To what extent do you agree that nicotine by itself directly causes each of the smoking-related conditions below. The results include responses from “moderately agree” to “completely agree.”
**67% - Nicotine causes lung cancer
**66% - Nicotine causes COPD
===2023: [https://www.e-cancer.fr/Comprendre-prevenir-depister/Reduire-les-risques-de-cancer/Barometre-cancer/Cigarette-electronique Electronic cigarette: what perceptions in France?]===
*Article: [https://fr.vapingpost.com/80-des-francais-pensent-que-la-vape-donne-le-cancer/ 80% of French people believe that vaping causes cancer]
===2022: [https://consumerchoicecenter.org/tobacco-harm-reduction-and-nicotine-perceptions/ TOBACCO HARM REDUCTION AND NICOTINE PERCEPTIONS]===
*People consume nicotine, but they die from smoking. Many consumers and doctors mistakenly believe that nicotine causes various illnesses, while it is proven that the many other toxins in smoking are the reason for them.
*69% of smokers in France and 74% of smokers in Germany believe nicotine causes cancer.
*[https://consumerchoicecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Tobacco_HarmReduction_Nicotine_Perceptions_policy_paper_2022.pdf PDF of Report]
===2020: [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11606-020-06172-8 Nicotine Risk Misperception Among US Physicians]===
*Overall, the majority of physicians “strongly agreed” that nicotine directly contributes to the development of..., COPD (80.9%), and cancer (80.5%). ... and 30.2% did not answer this question—a potential indicator of “do not know.”
*While it is possible that some physicians may have misunderstood the question (e.g., considered harm caused by tobacco, rather than nicotine), results are consistent with other studies finding notable nicotine misperceptions.
*[https://www.newswise.com/pdf_docs/159957895319124_Steinberg2020_Article_NicotineRiskMisperceptionAmong%20(1).pdf PDF Version]
*Rutgers Article: [https://www.rutgers.edu/news/rutgers-led-national-survey-uncovers-doctors-misconceptions-about-nicotine-risks Rutgers-Led National Survey Uncovers Doctors' Misconceptions About Nicotine Risks]
*Rutgers Article: [https://www.rutgers.edu/news/rutgers-led-national-survey-uncovers-doctors-misconceptions-about-nicotine-risks Researchers say physicians need to understand accurate nicotine risks better to assist patients addicted to the most harmful tobacco products]
*Filter Article: [https://filtermag.org/doctors-nicotine-tobacco/ Majority of Surveyed Doctors Misattribute Tobacco Harms to Nicotine]
===2020: [https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DAT-04-2020-0022/full/html Perceptions of nicotine in current and former users of tobacco and tobacco harm reduction products from seven countries]===
*PDF of [https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DAT-04-2020-0022/full/pdf full report]
*...Current consumers who agreed with the statement that nicotine is the primary cause of tobacco-related cancer ranged from 43.7% (men, UK) to 78.0% (men, SA).
*In six countries nicotine was rated nearly as harmful as cigarettes and alcohol...
*A reason why users of tobacco and THR products around the world find it hard to distinguish between the health risks of smoking and nicotine use may be due to conflicting messages from the media that deviate from the most recent scientific evidence base, overemphasize certain opinions or omit findings that do not align with their readers’ beliefs.
*We observed that the majority of current and previous product users estimated the harmfulness of nicotine and cigarettes alike. This has led to the misled conclusion that nicotine is responsible for the detrimental effects related to combustible tobacco consumption, even though science has found only very limited and often inconclusive evidence to date that nicotine is any more harmful than other legally consumed stimulants.
*Contradictory statements by leading researchers supported by renowned funding agencies and misreporting by the media may further public confusion as people have stated they use the media as a source of health information.
===2013: [https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DAT-02-2013-0010/full/html Survey of GPs' understanding of tobacco and nicotine products]===
*However, when asked to rank components of cigarettes based on their health risks, GPs ranked nicotine as the third riskiest (74 percent England, 87 percent Sweden), after tar and carbon monoxide, but before smoke or tobacco.
*Article: [https://www.nursinginpractice.com/latest-news/gps-falsley-believe-nicotine-most-harmful-cigarette-ingredient/ ‘GPs falsley believe nicotine most harmful cigarette ingredient’]
**...less than half believe that long-term nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is preferable to smoking (31% UK, 48% Sweden).
**Many (44% UK, 56% Sweden) also wrongly believe that nicotine in tobacco products is associated with cancer, while 15% in the UK and 22% in Sweden believe the same for pharmaceutical nicotine.

=Suggested studies to add to this page=
=Suggested studies to add to this page=