Old farts vaping

Revision as of 10:09, 27 May 2023 by Richardpruen (talk | contribs) (Test for fully self-hosted video)

Old Farts Vaping is an advocacy idea to show that most current vapers are not young people. The bulk of users are in fact adults, youth make up less than 1 in 10 regular vapers.

Old farts vaping collection
Old farts vaping collection

Youth Vaping is discussed in detail on these pages: Youth Epidemic and ENDS Youth & Young Adults. See those for more information. TL/DR: 90% of the attention goes to youth, who make up less than 10% of the users of the product; that is crazy!

The idea was from Charles Gardner originally, but has turned into a group effort, using the hashtag #OldFartsVaping on twitter. Image submissions are welcome, and encouraged please see details at the bottom of the page on how to do that..

The images bellow may be used freely for advocacy posts or any other medium. The hashtag #OldFartsVaping or a link to this page are sufficient attribution under Creative Commons attribution 4.0, please refer to the individual files for any other information.

Please forward your image submissions to @Southernvaper1 on Twitter, Thanks!

Images may also be sent by email to info@safernicotine.wiki, please make it clear they are for this page, thanks!