Nicotine / THR - Statements from Experts

Scientists, Professors, Medical Professionals, Tobacco Control and Public Health Leaders, along with Lawmakers and Investigative Journalists are speaking out in support of adult use of Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) products to help people quit smoking and to prevent relapse.

A picture of scientific notes, chemical formula with the words "THR Statements from Experts. Statements: Medical Professionals, Scientists, Tobacco Control etc"
Statements From Experts


Attaullah Ahmadi

  • notes from an email
  • Attaullah Ahmadi is a Medical Doctor from Afghanistan. He is currently pursuing his MPH with a focus on Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP) in France Attaullah Ahmadi is the senior advisor to Global Health Focus (GHF), a network of academics and researchers who seek to achieve health for all. He is also a member at Youth Editorial Board of Public Health Challenges (a Wiley journal). He has served as the GHF Director of Research for Asia and also as a Research Associate at the Medical Research Center of Kateb University. Attaullah Ahmadi seeks to address health inequities and has published many scientific papers on various health topics in developing countries including Afghanistan, analyzing their health systems and highlighting the challenges they face.


Dra. Marta Angueira, Cardiologist

  • Source
  • "Cigarettes have the serious problem that in addition to nicotine, the smoke contains a lot of carcinogens, it contains carbon monoxide, ammonia, this means that what is really very harmful is precisely the smoke. The idea is that these people who are in these conditions, propose that they start using a substitute for cigarettes with the condition that it does less damage, for that there are the chewing gums that have been used for a long time, the patches, there are nasal sprays that contain only nicotine. Electronic cigarettes are another alternative since it is 95% less harmful than the combustion cigarette".

Dr. Guillermo Eduardo Harvey

Oncological Surgeon. Professor of the first chair of Surgery UNNE. Member of the Argentine Academy of Medicine.

Silvia Inchaurraga. PHD.

psychologist. Director of the Center for Advanced Studies on drug addiction and AIDS at the National University of Rosario.

Milton Klun

Pharmacist, Universidad Nacional del Sur.

Dr. Diego Verrastro

Argentina Dr. Diego Verrastro


Professor Amanda Baker

Quote Source / Photo and Bio


Professor Billie Bonevski

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Associate Professor Yvonne Bonomo

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Ron Borland PhD

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Ron Borland PhD

Stephen Bright, PhD

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Associate Professor Matthew Browne

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Dr Andrew Byrne

Photo and Bio / Source: Letter Signatory


Professor David Castle

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Professor Kate Conigrave

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Dr Jon Cook

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Dr Karen Counter

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Professor Nick Crofts AM

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Professor Richard (Ric) Day AM

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Professor Paul Dietze

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Professor Kate Dolan

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Professor Adrian Dunlop

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Conjoint Associate Professor Nadine Ezard

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Coral Gartner, PhD

Coral Gartner, PhD

Professor Charles Gilks

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Rohan Glasgow

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Dr Robert Graham

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Dr Ashleigh Guillaumier

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Wayne Hall, PHD

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Wayne Hall PhD

Dr David Helliwell

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Senator Hollie Hughes

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Dr William Huang

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Dr David Jacka

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Adjunct Associate Professor Michael Keane

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Dr Joe Kosterich

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Rebecca Lang

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Nicole Lee, PhD

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Nicole Lee, PhD Adjunct Professor, National Drug Research Institute Director, 360Edge

Professor Nicholas Lintzeris

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Dr Michael Lowy

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Dr Brad Mackay

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Dr Annie Madden AO

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Professor Lisa Maher AM

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Associate Professor Victoria Manning

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Dr Kristen McCarter

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Associate Professor Mike McDonough

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Colin Mendelsohn, MB BS

Source: Bio, Photo, and Quote / Follow on Twitter

Dr Colin Mendelsohn

Dr David Outridge

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Dr Peter Parry

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Fiona Patten MP

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Mr Garth Popple

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Evert Rauwendaal

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Professor Robyn Richmond

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Professor Alison Ritter AO FASSA

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Dr Fares Samara

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Professor Julian Savulescu

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Dr Catherine Silsbury

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Kathryn Steadman, PhD

Photo and Bio / Quote Source

Kathryn Steadman, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, The University of Queensland

Dr Penelope Truman

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Dr Ingrid van Beek AM

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Dr Thomas Vandeleur

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Gino Vumbaca OAM

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Dr Brian Walker MLC

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Dr Brian Walker

Judith Watt

Former Executive Director, NCD Alliance - Former Director, Quit Victoria, Source of name, need to find their own quote

Professor Ian Webster AO

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Ian Webster AO

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Dr Megan Weir

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Associate Professor Martin Weltman

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Associate Professor Scott Wilson

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Dr. Alex Wodak AM

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Dr Alex Wodak AM


Ernest Groman, MD

Ernest Groman MD

Professor Michael Kunze, MD

Professor Michael Kunze, MD, Medical University Vienna, Center for Public Health

Bernhard-Michael Mayer, PhD

Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Austria


Karolien Adriaens, PhD

Karolien Adriaens

Frank Baeyens, PhD

Frank Baeyens


Silvia Cazenave. PHD.

PHD in Toxicology and Master in Toxicological Analysis.

Monica Gorgulho

Clinical psychology. Masters in Social Psychology. University of São Paulo, Brazil. Harm Reduction Specialist.


Michael Chaiton

Patrick Fafard, PhD

Full Professor Centre for Health Law, Policy, and Ethics Graduate School of Public and International Affairs University of Ottawa

Kellie Ann Forbes BScN

Kellie Ann Forbes, BScN, Founding member of VAEP

Amelia Howard, Sociologist


Ian Irvine, PhD

Ian Irvine PhD

Martin Juneau MPs, MD, FRCP(C)

Martin Juneau MPs, MD, FRCP(C)

Chris Lalonde, PhD

Chris Lalonde PhD

Clifford Garfield Mahood, O.C.

Founding Executive Director (1976-2012) Non-Smokers’ Rights Association Toronto Canada

Dr John Oyston


James (Jim) Rankin

Source of name

David Sweanor, JD

Quote Source / Bio and Photo

David Sweanor JD

Neda Debassige Toeg, BSP, RPh

Neda Debassige Toeg BSP RPh, President Aboriginal Pharmacists Association of Canada

Mark Tyndall MD ScD FRCPC

Mark Tyndall, Founder of My Safe Society


Hernán Prat Martorell, MD, PhD

Professor at the University of Chile. Former Director of the Cardiovascular Department of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile. Former president of the Chilean Society of Hypertension.

Alejandro Erices Ocampo. PHD

Biochemist – Doctor of Science – Post-doctorate in Neurosciences.

Daniel Kleiman Priewer. MD.

Specialist in Traumatology - Orthopedics. Sports injuries. Joint Preservation and Osteoarthritis.


Dr. Ramon Calderon

Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Mexico - Doctor in medicine. Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ana Maria Diaz

PhD in Bioethics.

Hugo Caballero Durán, MD

Former president of the Colombian Society of Pneumology. Former Clinical Scientific Director of Marly Clinic. Director of the Pneumology and Respiratory Therapy Service, Marly Clinic Bogotá, Colombia

Costa Rica

Dr. Randall Rodríguez Obando.

Doctor in medicine. Specialist in Harm Reduction in patients with HIV.

Czech Republic

Pavel Bém MD

Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy Head of the Clinical Department, Adictology Clinic, Charles University Former Mayor of Prague Member of The National Drug Commission Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

Eva Králíková, MD

Professor Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology Centre for Tobacco-Dependence First Faculty of Medicine and General Hospital Charles University Prague Czech Republic

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Samuel Mukandi, BA

Samuel Mukandi, BA, Managing Director, Tradelines Group. Chairman Of The Board, Tobacco Harm Reduction DRC


Dr. Pablo Gallo

Ecuador and Spain - Doctor of Medicine and vascular surgeon specialized in the study and treatment of both arterial pathology and venous pathology and, above all, pelvic venous pathology

César Paz y Miño, MD, PhD

Director, Centro de Investigacion Genética y Genómica and Specialist in Genetics and Human Molecular Biology Universidad UTE Quito, Ecuador

Tanya Soria. MD.

Clinical Oncologist.

Enrique Teran, MD, PhD

Professor College of Health Sciences - Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Ecuadorian Academy of Medicine Academy of Science of Ecuador Ecuador

Francisco E. Urrestra. MD.

Medical Director Hospital Clinica Metropolitana. Ibarra.

El Salvador

Dr. Edward Wollants

Internist and nutritionist.


Adam Afriyie, BSc

Adam Afriyie, BSc, Chair of Parliamentary Office Science and Technology

Sanjay Agrawal, MD, MBChB

Sanjay Agrawal MD, Professor of Respiratory medicine University Leicester, Chair of Royal Collage Physicians Tobacco Advisory Group

Deborah Arnott

Deborah Arnott, MBA, CEO ASH-UK

Prof Paul Aveyard

Paul Aveyard, PhD FRCP FRCGP FFPH PROFESSOR OF BEHAVIOURAL MEDICINE Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences

Clive Bates

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Emma V Beard

John Britton, MD

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John Britton, MD, Director UK Center For Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, Professor of Epidemiology University Nottingham

Leonie Brose, PhD


George Butterworth, BSc

George Butterworth, BSc Policy Manager Cancer Research UK 2014-2022

Carolina Garcia Canton

  • Disclosure: BAT

Hazel Cheeseman, MSc

Hazel Cheeseman, MSc. Deputy Chief Executive, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH UK).

Sharon Cox, PhD


David Crane PhD

David Crane PhD

Lynne Dawkins, PhD

  • Quote Source / Bio and Photo / Follow on Twitter
  • Disclosures: I have provided consultancy for the pharmaceutical industry relating to the development of smoking cessation products. I have no conflicts with respect to the tobacco or e-cigarette industry.


Martin Dockrell


Katherine "Katie" East, PhD

Quote and Graphic / Follow on Twitter / Bio


Dr Matthew Evison


Jonathan Fell


Floe Foxon, BSc


Suzi Gage

Stuart Griffiths, PhD

Stuart Griffiths, PhD, Director of Research, Services, and Policy, Yorkshire Cancer Research

Peter Hajek, PhD


David Halpern, PhD

David Halpern, PhD, CEO - Behavioural Insights Team

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce

Dr Richard Holliday

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Benjamin Human

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Sarah Jackson, PhD, MSc


Martin Jarvis ODE, PhD

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Mark Jenkinson MP

Patricia Kovacevic, JD


Sir Norman Lamb

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Rosemary Leonard, MBE, MA, MB, BChir, MRCGP, DRCOG

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Nicola Lindson

Martin Machray

Professor Stefan Marciniak

"Current evidence supports vaping as a safer option than smoking, so a switch is better than not switching."

Olivia M Maynard, PhD

Senior Lecturer, School of Psychological Science Bristol Population Health Science Institute MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit Bristol, United Kingdom

Professor Elaine McColl

Dr Andy McEwen

  • National Centre of Smoking Cessation and Training, Dorchester, UK

Jim McManus, OCDS, FFPH

Jim McManus, OCDS, FFPH President, The Association of Directors of Public Health (UK)

Ann McNeill, PhD


Dr Peter Miller

  • Chief Executive of Leicestershire Partnership Trust
  • Quote Source
  • “We understand that stopping smoking can cause discomfort, and have put in place a number of initiatives to support people to not smoke while on our premises, or ideally give up for good. This includes the provision of nicotine replacement therapy and, if required, products for vaping. Whilst we are not there yet, we are committed to continuing on this journey to be smokefree

Marcus Munafò, PhD

Professor of Biological Psychology and MRC Investigator MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit School of Psychological Science University of Bristol United Kingdom

Dr Kevin Murphy


Quote Source / Bio


Caitlin Notley, PhD


David Nutt DM, FRCP, FRCPsych, FSB, FMedSci

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Dr Kirstie Soar

  • Centre of Addictive Behaviours Research, London South Bank University, UK

Dr. Sudhanshu Patwardhan

Snus Forum Interview

Debbie Robson, PhD


Louise Ross


Dr Kathryn Scott

  • Quote Source
  • chief executive at Yorkshire Cancer Research
  • "Easy and reliable access to vaping products will give more people in Yorkshire the best chance of quitting for good.”

Lion Shahab, PhD CPsychol AFBPsS

  • Quote Source / Bio / Photo / Follow on Twitter
  • Disclosures: LS has received a research grant, honoraria for talks, consultancy and travel expenses to attend meetings and workshops from pharmaceutical companies that make smoking cessation products (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson). He has never received any funding or other monetary benefits from the tobacco or e-cigarette industry.


Erikas Simonavičius, PhD


Professor Gerry Stimson

  • Follow on Twitter / Quote Source
  • In almost all areas of public health, affected communities are now seen as a vital part of the policymaking process and the same recognition is long overdue in this field. Policymakers need to hear the experiences of people who have switched away from smoking, and take note of how their decisions are likely to impact people’s lives.

Harry Tattan-Birch, MSc


Eve Taylor

Quote Source

Frances Thirlway, PhD, MSc


Dr Russell Thorpe

Quote source

Robert West, PhD

Professor Emeritus in Health Psychology, University College London


Marion Adler, PhD

Smoking Cessation Specialist Hôpital Antoine Béclère Clamart France

Philippe Arvers, MD, PhD

Tobaccologist ans addictologist Université Grenoble Alpes France

Élisabeth Borne, Prime Minister

Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg


Julien Didry

Jacques Le Houezec, PhD


Olivier Véran


Peter Liese MEP

Tweet about Peter

Alexander K. Nussbaum, PhD

Dr Ingo Schröder

Dr. F. Artur Schroers


Frank Sitta

tweet about Frank



Prof. Dirk Ziebolz


Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH

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Dr Erick Estrada

Family doctor and surgeon. Focused on preventive medicine


G. Karl Snæbjörnsson, MD



Dr Nimesh Desai


Aparajeet Kar, MD

Consultant Pulmonology and Critical Care Sir H.N Reliance Foundation Hospital Mumbai India

Dr Kiran Melkote, MBBS, MS


Rohan Sequeira, MD, PhD

Rohan Sequeira, MD, PhD


Dr Garrett McGovern



Pietro Fiocchi

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Riccardo Polosa


Umberto Tirelli MD

Professor Director, Cancer Center Clinica Mede Sacile


Naohito Yamaguchi, MD

Chief of Research Division, Saiseikai Research Institute of Health Care and Welfare Former Professor of Public Health, School of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University


Joseph Magero, BBA



Morgana Danielė

video on twitter


Dr Steven Chow

Quote Source / Bio and Photo


Dr Arifin Fii

Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, PhD

Professor of Occupational Safety and Health/Ergonomics Department of Environmental and Occupational Health University Putra Malaysia Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, PhD


Ldo. Edgar Caballero

Behavioral psychologist

Dr. Jessica Esquivel Chahin

Doctor at the Institute of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery at Hospital Ángeles Lomas. Expert in diagnosis and management of covid-19 patients. Health sciences teacher.

Dr. Jose Alejandro Chavez

Clinical Cardiologist. Member of the Medical Society of the General Hospital of Mexico. Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. USA. Member of the Mexican Society of Cardiology.

Christian Heinrich Henonin MD

MIPH International Public Health. Medical professor, researcher and health consultant Mexico

Dr. José Manuel Mier

Luz Odette Villegas Pichardo. MD

Internal Medicine. South Medical Hospital. Metropolitan Angeles Hospital.

Roberto A Sussman, PhD



Imane Kendili MD


Netherlands (Holland)

New Zealand

PM Jacinda Ardern

Robert Beaglehole, MD, DSc

Robert: Bio and Photo / Follow Robert on Twitter

  • See Ruth Bonita

Ruth Bonita, MPH, PhD, MD (hon)


Julian Buchanan, CPA, DSW, MA, PhD


Chris Bullen, PhD

Marewa Glover, PhD


Deborah Hart LLB


Yolande Jeffares

George Laking, MD, PhD

Chair, End Smoking New Zealand

  • “Smokefree tobacco and nicotine products can displace smoking. Smoking combustible tobacco has the greatest of health burdens, so the point here is to reduce this, regardless of whether a product contains or doesn’t contain tobacco."

Dr Murray Laugesen

  • Follow on Twitter
  • “…inhaling mist from the e-cigarette is rated several orders of magnitude (100 to 1000 times) less dangerous than smoking tobacco cigarettes.”
  • Quote Source

Eliana Golberstein Rubashkyn, BSc Pharm, B. Chem


Dr Penelope Truman

Source of name

Natalie Walker, PhD

Associate Professor of Population Health and Director of the Centre for Addiction Research, National Institute for Health Innovation, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland

Ben Youdan

Source of name


ADEBISI Yusuff Adebayo

"Nicotine is not the primary cause of smoking-related diseases, including cancer."

Aishat Alaran

  • Follow on Twitter #WomenInTHR

MPhil Candidate at University of Cambridge. Commonwealth Shared Cambridge Trust Scholar. Public Health Researcher


Karl E Lund, PhD



Dr Ashar Ahmed

Source for name and quote


Dr Omar Ghiglione

Venezuela, Peru Peripheral Vascular Surgeon.


Dr. Rafael R. Castillo


Dr. Fernando Fernandez

Quote Source / Bio / Photo


Arleen R. Reyes, DMD, ICD, ICCDE

Past President, Philippine Dental Association Chairman, Commission on Dental Education Asia -Pacific Dental Federation Philippines

Ron Christian G. Sison, MLS(ASCPi), MPH

Assistant Professor Lead Convenor Harm Reduction Alliance of the Philippines Manila Philippines


Andrzej Sobczak, PhD

Professor Head of Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec Medical University of Silesia Katowice Poland


Mihaela Răescu Phd



Prof Linda Bauld, OBE


Dr. Ehsan Latif

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Christopher Russell, PhD


South Africa

Dr Kgosi Letlape


Solomon Rataemane


South Korea

Young-bum Park, PhD

Professor Department of Economics Hansung University South Korea


Manuel Linares Abad, PhD

José Mª García Basterrechea, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine University of Murcia Former head, Addiction and Dual Pathology Unit Reina Sofía Hospital. Spain.

Fernando Fernández Bueno, MD

Oncological surgeon at the Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla Professor at the University of Alcalá de Henares Madrid Spain

Carmen Escrig, PhD


Miguel de la Guardia PhD

Professor of Analytical Cemistry University of Valencia Spain

Maria del Mar Sangüesa Jareño, MD

Intensive Care Specialist University Hospital of Ceuta, Spain

José David García Muñiz, MD, PhD

Clinical Pharmacology and Internal Medicine Clinical Trials Coordinator, Principal Investigator University Hospital of Ceuta Spain

Jose Miguel Rodriguez (Gonzalez-Moro)


Antonio Sierra, MD, PhD

Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of La Laguna. Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of La Laguna Former General Director of Public Health of the Government of the Canary Islands

Francisco Garcia Sierra, MD.

Head of the Nephrology Service University Hospital of Ceuta Spain

Josep María Ramón Torrell, MD, PhD.

Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health University of Barcelona Head of Clinical Prevention Research Group Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institut Head of Tobacco Prevention Service Bellvitge Hospital Barcelona, Spain

Angel González Ureña, PhD

Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry. Complutense University of Madrid


Tan Kok Kuan, MD

Medical Director Dr Tan Medical Center Novena Medical Center Singapore

Andrew John da Roza

Psychotherapist - Addictions Promises Health Care Pte. Ltd. Singapore


Professor Tony Axéll

  • find quote

Curt Enzell



Anders Milton MD, PhD

Quote Source / Bio and Photo


Lars Ramström PhD

Quote Source / Bio and Photo



Gizelle Baker

Jean-François Etter, PhD

Professor of public health Institute of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine University of Geneva

Moira Gilchrist PhD


Tikki Elka Pang, PhD

Former Director, Research Policy & Cooperation, WHO, Geneva Switzerland

Marina Suvakov

  • PMI



Quote Source: / Bio and Photo


United Arab Emirates


Gopal Bhatnagar, MD, Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Heart and Vascular Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi. Former Chief of Staff, Trillium Health Centre, Ontario, Canada. Vape Shop Owner.

Cother Hajat, MBBS PhD FFPH FRCP

United States

David Abrams PhD

David Abrams, PhD, Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University School of Global Public Health

Jerome Adams, MD, MPH


Jonathan H. Adler, JD

Jonathan H. Adler, JD Director, Coleman P. Burke Center for Environmental Law at Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Jasjit S Ahluwalia, MD, MPH, MS


Bart Andrews, PhD

Bio and Photo / Quote Source / Follow on Twitter

Bart Andrews, PhD, Vice President, Telehealth and Home and Community Services, BHR

Tamar Antin, DrPH, MAA

Tamar Antin, DrPH, MAA, Director, Center for Critical Public Health

Alex Azar, JD


David J. K. Balfour, DSc

Scott Ballin, JD

Scott D. Ballin, JD, Health Policy Consultant. Former VP and Legislative Counsel, American Heart Association. Former Chairman of the Coalition on Smoking OR Health (precursor to CTFK).

Ronald Bayer, PhD

Ronald Bayer, PhD. Amy Fairchild, PhD, MPH.

Neal Benowitz

Aaron Biebert, BS

Aaron Biebert, BS, Award-winning documentary filmmaker. Former President, Clear Medical Solutions.

Chelsea Boyd

Professor Neil Boyd

Neil Boyd, Professor, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University

Jeffrey Brandes


Thomas Brandon, PhD

Thomas Brandon, PhD Director, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tobacco Research and Intervention Program

Susan Cameron, MBA


Richard H Carmona MD, MPH, FACS


Representative Julie A. Casimiro


Azim Chowdhury, JD

Gal Cohen, PhD

Gal Cohen, PhD Head of Scientific Affairs, Rose Research Center Former Principal Scientist, JUUL Labs

Ari Cohn, JD

Ari Cohn, JD

Suzanne M. Colby, PhD

James Colgrove, PhD, MPH

James Colgrove, PhD, MPH, Professor, Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Kenneth Michael Cummings PhD, MPH


Brittani Cushman (TPB) spelling?

  • (Disclosure)

Cristine Delnevo, PhD, MPH, FAAHB


David Dobbins, JD, MPH


Clifford E. Douglas, J.D


David L. Eaton PhD

David L. Eaton, PhD, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Washington

Allan Erickson


Michael Eriksen, ScD


Amy Fairchild, PhD, MPH

Ronald Bayer, PhD. Amy Fairchild, PhD, MPH.

David S. Fink, PhD, MPH

David S. Fink, PhD, MPH New York State Psychiatric Institute

Michael Fiore, MD, MPH, MBA

Michael Fiore, MD, MPH, MBA Founder & Director University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention

Steve Forbes (Malcolm Stevenson Forbes Jr.)

Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-In-Chief, Forbes Media

Jonathan Foulds PhD


Tom Frieden, MD, MPH

  • Bio #1 / Photo and Bio #2 / Follow on Twitter / Quote source
  • Disclosure: Dr. Tom Frieden is President and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives (an initiative housed at Vital Strategies), launched in 2017 with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (Bloomberg Philanthropies is a funder of Vital Strategies.)

Tom Frieden, MD, MPH Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2009 - 2017 Director, Global Health - Bloomberg Philanthropies 2006 - 2009

Abigail S. Friedman PhD


Stephen F. Gambescia, PhD


Charles A. Gardner, PhD

Rob Gebelhoff, BA

Rob Gebelhoff Assistant Editor, The Washington Post

Karen K Gerlach, PhD, MPH


Joe Gitchell


Thomas J. Glynn, PhD

Adjunct Lecturer Prevention Research Center School of Medicine, Stanford University Formerly, Associate Director, Cancer Control Science Program, U.S. National Cancer Institute, and Director, Cancer Science and Trends, American Cancer Society

Will Godfrey

  • Founder Filter

Bill Godshall

Quote Source / Photo Source


Dr. Scott Gottlieb


Sharon H. Green, PhD, MPH

Sharon H. Green, PhD, MPH Postdoctoral Scholar University of California, Berkeley

Marc Gunther

Jené Gutierrez, MA

Jené Gutierrez, MA, Journalist

Scott Hadland, MD, MPH, MS, BS


Dorothy K. Hatsukami, PhD


Nan Hayworth, MD


Dr. Cheryl Healton

Founding President and CEO of American Legacy Foundation (created from MSA Funds, now known as the Truth Initiative); Dean of School of Global Public Health and Professor of Public Health Policy and Management, NYU School of Global Public Health; Founding chair of the Public Health Practice Council of the Association of Schools of Public Health; Serves on the National Board of Public Health Examiners, the Betty Ford Institute, Lung Cancer Alliance, Board of Directors at the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, and the Board of Directors at HealthRight International. Tobacco Harm Reduction Quote: E-cigarette Summit 2021 We treat addiction to combustible tobacco differently than addiction to other products with respect to harm reduction approaches. We are spending way too much time on infighting and too little time on finding common ground to massively reduce combustible tobacco use and ending the false equivalency between products. Smoking remains a worldwide tragedy causing a billion lives at stake in this century alone. Lower risk products exist to help those unable or unwilling to quit. We have abandoned our harm reduction approach in public health when it comes to saving smokers. Retirement from American Legacy (now Truth)

Amy Faith Ho, MD

Amy Faith Ho, MD

Matthew Holman, PhD


Chris Howard, JD

Angela Janis, MD, DFAPA


Matthew Wayne Johnson, Ph.D.


Senator Ron Johnson

  • Wisconsin

Peter Killeen PhD


Brian King

Jaron Hoani King

Bethea A Kleykamp, MA, PhD

  • Quote Source / Bio and Photo / Follow on Twitter
  • COI: I currently have no conflicts of interest with respect to tobacco, vaping or pharmaceutical industries. From May 2014 to September 2018, I provided harm reduction consulting services to an e-cigarette company (NJOY) and a tobacco company (RJ Reynolds) through my work at Pinney Associates.


Robin Koval


Lynn Kozlowski

Pritika Kumar R-Street

  • find quote

Ted Kyle, RPh, MBA


Jody Lanard MD


Harry A. Lando, PhD

Scott Leischow, PhD

Caryn Lerman, PhD

Alex Liber

Stefani Lord

Michael Madden, MD

Michael Madden, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer, Gateway Health

Robin Mermelstein, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, Liberal Arts and Sciences Psychology Department Director, Institute for Health Research and Policy Co-Director, Center for Clinical and Translational Science University of Illinois at Chicago

Tom Miller JD


Ethan A Nadelmann

Ethan Nadelmann Founder, Drug Policy Alliance

Cam Nereim, MD, FAAP


Paul Newhouse

Quote source "It [nicotine] seems very safe even in nonsmokers. In our studies we find it actually reduces blood pressure chronically. And there were no addiction or withdrawal problems, and nobody started smoking cigarettes. The risk of addiction to nicotine alone is virtually nil."

Raymond S. Niaura, PhD

Raymond S. Niaura, PhD Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences New York University School of Global Public Health Former Director, Science and Training, Schroeder Institute for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at the Truth Initiative Former President of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco

Joel Nitzkin, MD


Joe Nocera


Amy Nyman, MA


Michael Ogden, Phd


Cheryl K. Olson, Sc.D.


Jason Osborne


Laura Leigh Oyler


Amanda Palmer, PhD


Tommy J Payne, JD

Kenneth A. Perkins, PhD

Michael F. Pesko, PhD


Carl V. Phillips, MPP, PhD


Ovide Pomerleau, PHD

Helen Redmond, LCSW


Vaughan Rees, PhD


Nancy A. Rigotti, MD

Dr. Brad Rodu

Jed Rose (Title?)

Veronique de Rugy, PhD


Sally Satel

Sally Satel, MD

Steven A Schroeder, MD


John Seffrin, MD, PhD

John Seffrin, MD, PhD

Arielle Selya, PhD

Arielle Selya, PhD Scientist, Pinney Associates, Inc.

Michael Siegel

Visiting Professor, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine Boston

Robert Sklaroff

Gary E. Swan, PhD

Maia Szalavitz

Maia Szalavitz, Award-winning neuroscience journalist

Benjamin Toll, PhD

Sheila Vakharia, PhD MSW


Harlan Vincent (NM)

  • find quote

Nora D Volkow, MD

Nora D Volkow, MD Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health

Carrie Wade, PhD

Sarah Elizabeth Wakeman, MD

Sarah Elizabeth Wakeman, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School

Thomas J. Walters, MD

Thomas J. Walters, MD

Kenneth Warner, PhD


Craig Weiss, JD

Craig Weiss, JD, Former CEO NJOY

Daniel Wikler, Ph.D.

  • need to find quote

Derek Yach, MBChB, MPH, DSc


Claire Zagorski, MSc, LP


Mitch Zeller, JD

Bio / Photo Source / Quote Source



Dr Ali M Ayubi MD, MS, PhD.

Head of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Addictions and Professor of Pharmacology, Behavioral Sciences and Addictions Medical University of the Caribbean Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology and Addiction Diseases of the University of Zulia.

Natasha A. de Herrera, PhD

Clinical Psychology, Centro Medico Docente la Trinidad, Psychiatric Unit, Smoking Cessation Clinic, Caracas

Statements by Multiple Parties

2021: One hundred specialists call for WHO to change its hostile stance on tobacco harm reduction - new letter to FCTC delegates published

2021: Reappraising Choice in Addiction: Novel Conceptualizations and Treatments for Tobacco Use Disorder

2021: 75 Tobacco Control experts ask CDC to change the name of EVALI

2019: Testimony for New York Senate hearing on vaping safety - Clive Bates and David Sweanor

2018: Letter from seventy-two specialists in nicotine science, policy and practice

????: Statement by 28 Medical Professionals in Latin America

Suggestions to add to this page

John T. Maier, Ph.D., MSW


E-cigarettes found effective in smoking cessation. JEREMY FAUST, MD

Javier Nieto, nephrologist: "If smokers switch to smoke-free products they have less risk"

Simon Chapman

Dr. Vani Simmons

  • Source
  • “It does not mean that vaping is safe, but it does mean, in terms of the relative risks to combustible cigarettes, it is much safer and therefore represents a harm reduction product.”

What We Know (and Don’t) About Nicotine Pouches

World Vape Day: Expert urges global alignment on health policy for smokeless Nigeria

Op-ed: Former Alabama congressman says support less harmful smoking alternatives; save Black lives

Rep. Joshua Morris: Flavor ban wrong solution for tobacco cessation

Dr Kirstie Soar

2024: Employing tobacco harm reduction as a public health policy to drive down smoking rates in Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon

2024: To Save Veterans’ Lives, the VA Must Innovate on Smoking Cessation

2023: Scientific Evidence Should Suggest a Middle Way

2023: Is vaping harmful to oral health?

2023: Joseph Nemeth, DDS

2023: Fight against addictions: parliament (finally) opts for scientific pragmatism!

  • Signatories:

Dr William Lowenstein, Addictologist President SoS Addiction Dr Imane Kendili, Addictologist Psychiatrist President of African Global Health Dr Alain Tolédano, Oncologist, radiotherapist, President of the Rafael Levallois-Perret Institute Dr Jean-Michel Delile, President of the Addiction Federation Marie Josée Augé-Caumon, pharmacist - co-partner of the Health-Addictions group, CESE report on tobacco and alcohol risk reduction, part of CAARUD Dr Jerôme Palazzolo, Psychiatrist Addictologist Nice Dr Hany Neamatalla, Cardiologist Paris Pompidou, Senator in Egypt Professor Gabriel Malka , Head of the Health Center at Mohammed VI University - Morocco Professor Chetty Morgan, Chairman of IPA-Foundation - USA Dr Jean-Pierre Couteron, Addictologist Paris Jean-Francois Narbonne , Toxicologist - Founder of the Food Toxicology Laboratory - Bordeaux University Dr Bertrand Lebeau Leibovici, Addictologist Jennifer Oses, Ecotoxicologist Dr Michael Bohbot , General Practitioner Dr Vittorio Bacchetta, General practitioner Professor Redouane Rabii, National Order Certified Urologist · Professor at the University of Medicine of Casablanca Dr Renaud David , Psychiatrist Dr Nathaniel Scher, Radiotherapist Oncologist Dr Pierre Guedj , Cardiologist Michael Stora , Psychoanalyst Professor Stéphane Mouly, Internal medicine Dr Pierre Rouzaud, tobacco specialist, Toulouse Professor Idrissi Hamza, Resuscitator Anesthetist Dr Serigne-Magueye Gueye, Professor of Urology at University Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Senegal and Chair of Urology, Director general of Campus Franco-Sénégalais Dr Benjelloun Faycal, Opthamologist

2023: Scientific Evidence Should Suggest a Middle Way

2021: SOVAPE 100+ doctors

Op-Ed | Tobacco policy in New York should help those looking for an alternative


Minister Duclos and Minister Bennett released a joint statement to mark National Non-Smoking Week

MUSC researching effects of e-cigarettes on cigarette smokers

Dr. Jan Nolta

  • ...if people switch to e-cigs instead of smoking, that’s a far better choice.

Britain must stand up to the WHO on vaping to save millions of lives

  • As Vice Chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping in Westminster, we have both seen the benefits that vapes offer smokers, allowing them to move away from smoking-related diseases – and death - towards a less harmful alternative.
  • Tweet

E-cigarettes Volume 667: debated on Thursday 31 October 2019

India needs evidence-based harm reduction strategies: Dr. Peter Harper

MP Gareth Johnson

How bad is vaping and should it be banned?

Thai Committee on Public Health Suggests E-cigarette Regulation and to End Ban on Vaping

Swedish MEP Johan Nissinen: Sweden should do more for snus in the EU

Women power: researchers and experts who changed the THR field


It’s combustion in cigarettes that kills, not nicotine

See Letter: The benefits of vaping

CAPHRA Expert Advisory Group

Two from Canada

Delon Human

APTHRMedia – tobacco harm reduction archive


  • Signed by 170 experts

Doctors, scientists ask Marcos to sign vape bill

Maybe organization, too? SMOKING CESSATION: VAPE OR NOT VAPE?

2019 E-cigarettes need to be regulated, not banned: Dr Patrick Basham Read more at:

expert reaction to Department of Health press release ‘e-cigarettes could be prescribed on the NHS in world first’

E-cig Summit UK 2021 speakers

A New International Commission of Experts Finds the Global Fight Against Smoking Has Stalled



expert reaction to WHO report on nicotine and tobacco products

Ending Cigarette Use By Adults In A Generation Is Possible

Letter with names to research

More names to research for positive statements

Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders

More names on this doc

World No Tobacco Day: Here's why WHO’s approach to tobacco cessation needs an overhaul

The Truth Initiative, too, once embraced harm reduction. Its former board chairman, Tom Miller, Iowa’s long-serving attorney general, still argues that e-cigarettes are a “means to saving millions of lives.” Cheryl Healton, its former CEO, and David Abrams, formerly executive director of the Schroeder National Institute of Tobacco Research and Policy Studies, which is housed at the Truth Initiative, are harm-reduction advocates. So is Steven Schroeder, for whom the institute is named. Found here

72 Statements to WHO

