SemanticProperty:Preferred property label

Safer nicotine wiki Tobacco Harm Reduction
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Showing 20 pages using this property.
simulated population (en)  +
validated measure (en)  +
work absence register (en)  +
year of publication (en)  +
competing interest (en)  +
financial potential competing interest (en)  +
disclosure of potential competing interest (en)  +
personal stake (en)  +
tobacco industry funding (en)  +
absolute e-cigarette harmfulness to health (en)  +
absolute nicotine-related risk of harm (en)  +
absolute product harmfulness (en)  +
absolute product harmfulness to health (en)  +
absolute tobacco product harmfulness to health (en)  +
abuse potential of a substance (en)  +
adjustable power e-cigarette atomiser (en)  +
adverse event profile of a product (en)  +
alcohol-related harm (en)  +
anticonvulsant drug (en)  +
brand (en)  +