Michael Bloomberg

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Michael Bloomberg-Wikipedia
From humble beginning to billionaire, Michael Bloomberg's story finds a home on this wiki because of his epic battle to end the use of nicotine around the world. He joined the war on smoking years ago and has branched out to working to abolish most forms of consumer use of nicotine. Some think of him as a generous saint working to make the world a better place. Others have referred to him as creating a nanny state, controlling, and a philanthropic colonialist. He has donated billions of dollars to many causes. We'll explore some of those causes below. The exploration won't be limited to just nicotine, so we are able to get a more clear picture of the man behind the billions.

Nicotine Products



2020 Oct 15 - Bloomberg’s War Chest Probed

  • Association Vapers India (AVI) said: “These international NGOs directly fund government departments and state tobacco control programs, which shouldn't be allowed as receiving money directly from private entities creates massive conflict. “While India moves to tighten FCRA laws, these foreign NGOs and their local grantees have broken and continue to break laws - one of them, Burning Brain Society, is filing court cases with this money which violates FCRA norms. So entrenched is this cartel that when a government official questioned this foreign funding, he was promptly booted out and the bar on the errant NGO quickly lifted. Emboldened, these foreign NGOs are now proposing highly discriminatory policies like banning less harmful alternatives in developing nations but not in the West -- yes, in countries where harm prevention is vital as people have low access to healthcare.”

2007 - Burning Brain Society

Latin America (Mexico, Central America, South America, Caribbean)

2021 Mar 25 - Scandal in Mexico

  • In addition to the arbitrariness in the legislative process, it was discovered thanks to the document metadata that a prediction of the Mexican Parliament that proposes bans on vaping was written by an Argentine lawyer advising the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , an anti-vaping NGO financed by Michael Bloomberg. In the metadata of the official document, the Argentine lawyer Gianella Severini, appears as the author of the PDF, who is the legal advisor for Latin America of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) for the “Promotion of public health policies for the prevention of obesity and tobacco control.”
  • For many years, the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , a US transnational organization with strong operations in Latin America, has based its actions on a clear and manifest incitement for governments to establish public policies based on their spectrum of interests and within their ideological field.
  • “It is curious that in the metadata of said document, a person named Gianella Severini appears as its author, the legal advisor for Latin America for the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , which, together with The Union, both financed by Bloomberg Philanthropies, have its parameters of action influence the public policies of third world countries to seek laws that prohibit the use of said alternatives. These NGOs have also put money in Conadic, the INSP and different state health secretariats. It is worth mentioning that some time ago Undersecretary López Gatell has been linked to these positions and financing.

2021 Mar 16 - Interests behind Lopez-Gatell and Medel would attack e-cigarette

  • Carmen Medel, president of the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies wishes to impose a bill that seeks to ban e-cigarettes when the overwhelming majority of lawmakers who have put forward initiatives in this regard propose otherwise. Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, supports this prohibition bill. It is interesting that the opinion of law was drafted by Gianella Severini, Argentina, who works for the organization Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , anchored with money from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Foundation. This is not the first time Lopez-Gatell has been related to this organization even though he denies the bond.

2020 Dec 18 Censorship and exclusion: the real situation of vaping in Mexico

  • Congresswoman Medel never explained the reasons for this exclusion. However, SS officials have been known to consistently claim (privately and online) that those who oppose or disagree with their position on vaporizers are agents of the tobacco companies. With this argument they argue that article 5.3 of the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) prohibits any dialogue with them.
  • In the forum in question, Mr. Erick Antonio Ochoa, director of the Salud Justa civil association, linked to the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and the Bloomberg Foundation, emphasized this idea. He dedicated himself to slander Pro Vapeo México as the “front” of the tobacco industry, without providing any proof of his accusations. It is curious that Salud Justa accuses an association like Pro Vapeo México, which lacks a bank account, of having conflicts of interest, while Mr. Ochoa does not declare his sources of financing and the conflicts of interest of his own association.
  • There is no doubt that Dr. López-Gatell follows the agenda suggested by the document "When Banning Is Better" of *The Union Against Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (The Union). It instructs the governments of low- and middle-income countries (PIMBs) to ban rather than regulate "SEAN" (electronic nicotine delivery systems).

2020 Oct 1 - Roberto Sussman (GTNF) Global Tobacco Nicotine Forum

  • These are nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) sponsored by Bloomberg Philanthropies and associated charities like the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , acting in synergy with small but influential groups of health professionals clustered in the tobacco control sections of government public health institutions.
  • One of the most powerful officials in the government of Lopez Obrador is Dr. Hugo Lopez-Gatell. He’s an epidemiologist, and he has strong links with the Pan American Health Organization and with Bloomberg Philanthropies. He’s also the health minister. And at the same time, together with this appointment was a massive increase of lobbing activity by Bloomberg Philanthropies in the whole region,” says Sussman. “This [is] how Bloomberg works in our countries. First, they set up NGOs that they use as lobbying machines. This lobbying is done through the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Pan American Health Organization. Now, health ministries and government, they get grants from Bloomberg, but they will never say [that].”

2020 Jun 17 - Bloomberg’s War on Vaping Expands to Latin America and Beyond

  • Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is a well known public figure in the U.S. However, most Americans are unaware of the overwhelming influence of his philanthropy on public health policies (sugar, food and tobacco/nicotine) in Latin America and in LMICs elsewhere in the world. This influence is exerted through the political framework of the World Health Organization (WHO), either directly or indirectly via various Bloomberg-funded NGOs.
  • There are structural reasons for Bloomberg’s philanthropy to focus its efforts on LMICs: (1) these countries often welcome external private funds given the chronic lack of resources and personnel in their health ministries and public health institutions, and (2) most governments of LMICs are non-democratic regimes, with vertical, non-transparent public health bureaucracies always ready for wheeling and dealing. Thus, all it takes for a policy to be officially enacted is to lobby and convince the head of government, or a sufficiently influential group among high-ranking health officials.
  • Spanish version available here

2020 Feb 24 - Mexico Bans Import of All Vaping Products, Cites World Health Organization (WHO) Guidance

  • However, the primary reason cited for the ban is the ideology of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Bloomberg-funded tobacco control arm the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC).
  • The bottom line for Mexico is that World Health Organization (WHO)/FCTC recommends prohibition when possible, and the government thinks it’s possible. Countries that follow World Health Organization (WHO) dogma on e-cigarette policy are rewarded with huge grants for public health programs that employ many people. Much of the funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) tobacco control programs is provided by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.

2015 Nov - Tobacco control in Mexico

  • World Health Organization (WHO) Bloomberg Initiative work in Mexico - The MPOWER measures that Mexico is implementing at the highest level of achievement are: implementing health warnings to warn people about the dangers of tobacco use and offering help to quit tobacco use (cessation programmes).
  • In working with the Ministry of Health and other partners, the overall goal of the World Health Organization (WHO)-BI work in Mexico was to support the government to strengthen country’s capacity for tobacco control and run sustainable tobacco control programmes that have an immediate impact on Mexico’s tobacco epidemic.

2012 FIC Argentina

  • See photo of financial supporters in the photo section at the bottom of the section on Nicotine / Tobacco. Note Bloomberg under the graphic for Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK)

LMIC's / "Philanthropic Colonialism" (General / Multiple Countries)

2021 Mar - 10 reasons why blanket bans of e-cigarettes and HTPs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are not fit for purpose

  • In 2020, The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), a Bloomberg partner for ‘The Initiative to reduce tobacco use’, published its fourth position statement on e-cigarettes. In it, The Union called for a blanket ban on all electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and heated tobacco products (HTPs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
  • This document presents 10 reasons why The Union’s proposal to impose a multi-continental ban on e-cigarettes and HTPs has the potential to cause significantly more harm than good.
    • 1. Bans are an overly simplistic solution to a complex issue and will not work
    • 2. Prioritising the banning of reduced harm alternatives over cigarettes is illogical
    • 3. Reduction and substitution are valid goals for smokers in LMICs
    • 4. People who smoke have the right to choose to reduce their own risk of harm
    • 5. Reduced harm alternatives can significantly contribute to the aims of global tobacco control
    • 6. Lack of research in LMICs is not a valid reason to ban reduced harm alternatives
    • 7. The prohibitionist approach in LMICs is outdated, unrealistic and condescending
    • 8. Bans in LMICs will lead to illicit markets with increases in crime and no tax revenue
    • 9. Banning reduced harm alternatives leads people back to smoking and greater harm
    • 10. Blanket bans in LMICs are a form of ‘philanthropic colonialism’
  • Global organisations such as the WHO, Bloomberg Philanthropies and The Union wield great influence in LMICs through sponsorship of healthcare programs and public initiatives. This influence manifests itself through top-down policymaking approaches, telling LMICs what is best for them. To put it bluntly, policies such as these inherently view the inhabitants of LMICs as second-class citizens. These are policy decisions that do not consider individuals, their rights, and their battle to quit or reduce and the difficulties involved. It is wrong to deny more than a billion tobacco users, most of those in LMICs, a voice and a choice. Consumers have the right to be heard.

2021 Mar 22 - Ban on Safer Nicotine Products in LMICs to Inflame Smoking Epidemic--Asian Consumers

2021 Mar 16 - Vapers in LMICs Condemn Prohibitions Driven by Western Interests

2021 Mar 16 - INNCO Opposes Bloomberg's "Philanthropic Colonialism"

2021 Mar 16 - INNCO Eviscerates Bloomberg Ban Document

2021 Feb 2 - Bloomberg’s Philanthro-Colonialism: A Threat to Global Health and Science

  • For years, Bloomberg has dedicated considerable amounts to fund a web of financially-linked nonprofits, universities, and activists, coordinating their international effort to foment panic over vaping and coerce governments into adopting rules that get as close to prohibition as possible.
  • In accordance with Bloomberg’s agenda, these groups have directed a significant amount of their energy on low- and middle-income countries. Using their money, clout, and connections, they impose their views and will on these nations, without the input of local populations and with little or no regard for their specific circumstances, needs, and values. In the midst of a wave of interest in “decolonializing” public health, this sort of patronizing interference, well-intentioned though it may be, deserves scrutiny.
  • In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, for which the international health community was woefully unprepared, it has become clearer than ever how important it is that health policies be based on evidence rather than politics. That an individual like Bloomberg can co-opt governments, health organizations, and institutions into supporting his agenda despite the evidence should alarm everyone, no matter where they live.
  • Spanish Translation
  • Bloomberg Initiative, *The Union, Bloomberg Foundation, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , World Health Organization (WHO)

2013 Jul 29 - Philanthropic Colonialism


2021, Mar 3 - Philippine government warned against NGOs banned by India

  • Consumer groups warned the Philippine government against non-government organizations (NGOs) such as those linked to Bloomberg Philanthropies that were banned by India for providing grants to lobby for local policies.
    • The Union, which has co-managed the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program, confirmed on its website that it has been working with the DOH since July, 2010

Vaccine Scandal - Unintended Consequences (Philippine)

  • A law from 2010 would have banned several large companies, including the tobacco industry, from procuring Covid-19 vaccinations. 1/2 of those were to be administered to employees and 1/2 to the public.
  • 2021 Mar 26 - Grubby Money Corrupts Vape Legislation
  • 2021 Mar 23 - Lawmakers ask gov’t to repeal ‘unlawful’ CSC circular against tobacco companies
    • Several lawmakers pushed for the immediate repeal of a controversial joint memorandum circular issued by then Civil Service Commission chair Francisco Duque in 2010 following the receipt of grant money from a US lobby group that is now being used as the basis to prohibit tobacco companies from purchasing vaccines for their employees and dependents.
    • JMC 2010-01, which prohibits government officials and employees from interacting with the tobacco industry, was issued in the same year the DOH and the CSC received massive grants from the anti-tobacco NGO Bloomberg Initiative. It was the basis of the DOH’s initial draft regulation barring tobacco companies from obtaining and donating COVID-19 vaccines.
    • Nograles, in a public hearing last week, revealed that JMC 2010-01 was issued by the CSC and the DOH in 2010, the same year the DOH received a huge financial grant from the anti-tobacco NGO Bloomberg Initiative. Secretary Francisco Duque III was the chairman of the CSC, after his tenure as DOH secretary, when the JMC was issued. “It has been revealed that foreign money has been influencing policy making in the DOH for quite some time. In fact, the Congressional hearing revealed at least $2 million in lobby money that has influenced policy coming from Bloomberg alone,” Nograles said. Nograles said the proposed restriction was obviously pushed on the basis of Duque’s deal with Bloomberg and it showed that DOH policies “have already been compromised by foreign money.”
    • “We should not be misdirected by these interest-groups that instead of helping our country in our time of need, work to set us against each other,” Barbers said.
  • 2021 Mar 22 - Lobby money linked to DOH order excluding tobacco firms from vaccination

FDA Scandal (Philippine)

2012 Mar 23 - Why Mike Bloomberg loves this Pinoy group

  • Health Justice (Philippines) gets a grant from Mike Bloomberg to implement its tobacco control plans
  • This same night that philanthropist and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced giving US$220M more for the global work on eliminating tobacco use --bringing his total commitment to $600 million -- he recognized HealthJustice Philippines for its contribution to the cause.
  • The Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use is the world's largest coordinated effort to reduce harm caused by tobacco globally. The MMDA smoking ban program is, in fact, a recipient of a P9.5-M grant from the Bloomberg Initiative.
  • Bloomberg, since he became mayor of New York in 2002, has implemented strict tobacco control laws. In 2007, he launched the Bloomberg Initiative, as part of the Bloomberg Philanthrophies, and has since supported tobacco control work in 38 countries.


Tobacco Harm Reduction (Multiple Countries - not LMIC specific)

2021 Mar 23 - Bloomberg’s Millions Funded an Effective Campaign Against Vaping. Could It Do More Harm Than Good?

  • Kenneth Warner, a University of Michigan scholar, says “Michael Bloomberg did some great things for public health, but he is way off base on this.”
  • The e-cigarette debate is about social justice as well as public health. Much of the outcry about vaping has come from well-educated, well-to-do, and well-connected parents who want to protect their kids. By contrast, the people that smoke, who might benefit from switching to e-cigarettes, tend to be poor and less educated; people of color, especially Native Americans; gay or lesbian; homeless or incarcerated; and those with mental-health or other substance-abuse issues. They lack political clout.
  • The challenge for foundations and nonprofits concerned about health is to act (or choose not to act) amidst contentious debate and scientific uncertainty. For now, virtually all of the philanthropic money driving the conversation — overwhelmingly from Bloomberg but also from the corporate foundation of the drugstore chain CVS -- has come down strongly against vaping.
  • Ethan Nadelman, founder of the Drug Policy Alliance, says: “There is essentially no philanthropic funding to support harm reduction.”
  • Anti-smoking charities that had cautiously recommended e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking for people who can’t quit reversed themselves. The lung and heart associations and the cancer society all get grants from Bloomberg Philanthropies, either directly or through Tobacco-Free Kids.
  • David Sweanor calls the anti-vaping nonprofits Big Tobacco’s Little Helpers.
  • Follow the money
    • $160 million, three-year anti vaping campaign (USA)
    • Bloomberg Philanthropies has committed nearly $1 billion to combating tobacco (nicotine) (Worldwide)
    • Bloomberg flexed his financial muscles: He contributed $9.4 million of his own money to the San Francisco anti-vaping campaigns in 2018 and 2019. The American Heart Association gave another $612,000
    • Tobacco-Free Kids gave about $300,000 to a Boston charity called Health Resources in Action
    • The Truth Initiative spends about $100 million a year on marketing, advocacy, and research.
  • Keywords: Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Truth Initiative, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Health Resources in Action, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, San Francisco Kids vs. Big Tobacco, Bloomberg Philanthropies,


United States


  • Michael Bloomberg has ponied up $667,000 for the campaign defending a ban on flavored tobacco products in California. Bloomberg’s money is going to The Committee to Protect California Kids, a coalition of groups including the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, PAVe (Parents Against Vaping e-Cigarettes) and the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) .

2019 Oct 3 - Conservative Groups Urge President Trump To Protect Vapers from Flavored Product Ban

  • Billionaires like former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg have long attempted to curtail individual rights and consumer freedom in the United States. He has already committed nearly $1 billion to anti-tobacco efforts globally, in seeking to influence organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and fund research that demonizes adult smokers and adult vapers. On September 10, he announced a $160 million push to ban flavored e-cigarettes in America. Given your administration’s historic accomplishments and deregulatory agenda, it would be a mistake to allow HHS and the FDA to take marching orders from activists like Mike Bloomberg.


2021 Jan 29 - Vietnam Urged to Set its Own THR Rules

  • The International Network of Nicotine Consumers Organizations (INNCO) is urging the Vietnamese government to exercise “true independence” in its regulation of tobacco harm reduction (THR) products, warning that failure to adopt evidence-based guidelines will lead to substandard products and economic development losses.
  • INNCO’s concerns stem from the possibility that regulations will be drafted by the Vietnam Tobacco Control Fund, a long-time grantee of The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (*The Union), a Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded organization that has repeatedly called for worldwide bans on all electronic nicotine delivery systems and other THR products in low- and middle-income countries.

Funding Anti-Nicotine NGO's, Organizations, Groups, Projects, Causes, etc.

Anti-Tobacco Trade Litigation Fund

Burning Brain Society

2021 Mar 25- The Battle Between Ecig Facts and Lies

  • Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products (STOP) is a Bloomberg funded organisation has published a document full of smears falsehoods.

2021 Mar 21 - Voices4Vape Webinar - The Attacks on Our Right to make Informed Choices

  • Panel Discussion starts at 14:02

2006 Nov 2 - Michael Bloomberg Announces Grantees of $125 Million Initiative to Promote Freedom from Smoking

  • The partners are the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the World Health Organization, and the World Lung Foundation. Bloomberg’s $125 million, two-year contribution is many times larger than any prior donation for global tobacco control and more than doubles the global total of private and public donor resources devoted to fighting tobacco use in developing countries, where more than two thirds of the world’s smokers live. All of the resources are dedicated outside the United States to specifically benefit low- and middle-income countries.
  • As part of this Initiative, a competitively awarded grant program for organizations in low- and middle-income countries will accelerate progress toward freedom from tobacco. Priority will be given to high-burden countries, particularly China, India, Indonesia, Russia, and Bangladesh, which together account for about half the world’s smokers. Grants are expected to be in the $50,000 – $500,000 range for up to 2 years. The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and the World Lung Foundation (working with International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (*The Union)) will work together to coordinate and administer the grant program.

Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK)

2019, Sep 10 - A New Effort to End an E-Cigarette 'Epidemic'

  • Bloomberg Philanthropies announced Tuesday it is joining forces with the nonprofit Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) on a $160 million initiative.

CDC Foundation


Framework Convention Tobacco Control (FCTC) (Framework Convention Alliance)

Global Centre for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC)

Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI)

  • The Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI), a program of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) , draws on lessons from tobacco control and its growing experience on other public health issues to support policy change campaigns around the globe to improve health. To date, that work includes food policy and cardiovascular health, road safety, drowning prevention, preventing epidemics, and vital statistics.
  • As part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Food Policy Program (FPP), GHAI supports civil society organizations to pass and implement key policies to develop healthier food environments, including: taxes on unhealthy food and beverage products; mandatory front-of-package nutrition warning labels; restrictions on marketing of unhealthy food products to children; and regulating the supply of unhealthy products in public sector environments, particularly schools. GHAI is also a partner on Resolve to Save Lives (RTSL), an initiative of Vital Strategies that seeks to prevent millions of deaths from cardiovascular disease through regulations to ban industrially produced trans-fatty acides (TFA), sodium reduction strategies, and other policies.

HealthJustice Phillipines



The Union (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease)

University of Bath

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Lung Foundation

  • Wikipedia
    • WLF is a partner in the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies. The goal of the Initiative is to reduce tobacco use in low- and middle-income countries, where 80% of the 6 million deaths resulting from tobacco use took place in 2011. WLF = funds and supports mass media ad campaigns on the harmful effects of smoking and other forms of tobacco use. WLF has supported 80 tobacco control mass media campaigns in 20 countries. WLF disbursed millions from Bloomberg Philanthropies to The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (*The Union), the World Health Organization, the Framework Convention Alliance, and the CDC Foundation to strengthen their tobacco control activities and to support its own mass media programs. Other partners in the Bloomberg Initiative are Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Nicotine Foes - Friends / Associates of Bloomberg

PAVe (Parents Against Vaping e-Cigarettes)

P.S. What about Hale and investors in the project?

2021 Feb 9 - ¿Qué se Esconde Tras la Vapeo-Fobia de Michael Bloomberg?

  • What's Hiding Behind Michael Bloomberg's Vaping-Phobia? (Used Google Translate to convert from Spanish to English)
  • The problem is that one of the investors in the company is none other than Michael Bloomberg himself . Through a venture capital consortium called Village Global, Bloomberg has provided seed capital to Hava, the creator of Hale.

Photos / Graphics - Nicotine

FIC Argentina Financial Supporters

Bloomberg / Person / Business / Foundation / Initiative / Philanthropies

1990 The Portable Bloomberg: The Wit & Wisdom of Michael Bloomberg (from 1990)

  • 2020 Article
  • This booklet was given to Mike Bloomberg on his 48th birthday in 1990. It was produced by Elisabeth DeMarse, Bloomberg L.P.’s former chief marketing officer. “Yes, these are all actual quotes,” DeMarse wrote in the introduction. “No, nothing has been embellished or exaggerated. And yes, some things were too outrageous to include.”

1999 Michael Bloomberg's Terminal Velocity

  • Article about his business endevours, his companies, and the people who work for him.

Cities / Roads

GRSP partners with Bloomberg Advocacy incubator

  • As a component within the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme, GRSP is partnering with the Bloomberg Advocacy Incubator to build the capacity of grantees of the Road Safety Grants Programme, as well as on-the-ground partner organizations such as Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, to effectively advocate for the passage and implementation of evidence-based road safety policies.
  • The Bloomberg Advocacy Incubator is a partnership between the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) and Consumers International, and will draw on its teams’ vast experience in providing training and support to civil society organizations, and in the development and management of institutional and individual capacity building initiatives with grassroots associations, NGOs, media organizations and government agencies.

Crime / Stop and Frisk

2020 Feb 11 - 'Throw Them Against The Wall And Frisk Them': Bloomberg's 2015 Race Talk Stirs Debate

  • A federal court in New York in 2013 found that stop and frisk systemically violated the civil rights of tens of thousands of mostly black and Hispanic men in New York. The judge called the practice "indirect racial profiling" of young men of color.
  • "I can't change history. History, today, I want you to know that I realize back then, I was wrong," Bloomberg said in November.




===2007 May 21 - Everytown for Gun Safety


2020 Feb 24 - Mike Bloomberg Has Been Accused of Having a ‘Woman Problem’—Here’s What That Means

  • Bloomberg LP and Mike Bloomberg himself have faced almost 40 employment lawsuits over sexual harassment, wage theft, and more.

2020 Feb 20 - “I’d like to do that piece of meat”: The sexism allegations against Bloomberg, explained

  • Nondisclosure agreements, lawsuits, and allegations of sexist comments could be big issues for his campaign.

2020 Feb 19 - The Worst Things Michael Bloomberg Has Said About Women

2020 Feb 15 - Mike Bloomberg for years has battled women’s allegations of profane, sexist comments

2019 Nov 14 - Michael Bloomberg's past comments about women and rape will likely haunt him on the 2020 campaign trail

Suggestions to add to this page

Bloomberg Initiative To Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program

  • Previously Funded Projects

2021: We're not impressed Mr. B

  • Collection on Facebook about M. Bloomberg. The majority of the posts have something to do with nicotine.

2019: Michael Bloombergs anti-vaping crusade is objectively pro tobacco

  • The billionaire busybody is pushing bans on flavored e-cigarettes that offer a harm-reducing alternative to smoking.

Highlight Guide

  • Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK)
  • CVS
  • PAVe (Parents Against Vaping e-Cigarettes)
  • STOP
  • The Union
  • World Health Organization (WHO)