Ann McNeill

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Professor of Tobacco Addiction and Vice Dean (Culture, Diversity & Inclusion) BSc, PGCE, PhD


Ann McNeill is Professor of Tobacco Addiction and Vice Dean (Culture, Diversity & Inclusion), Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London. The focus of Ann’s research is largely on reducing the population level impact of smoking through the application of tobacco control policies and interventions, including harm reduction strategies. Ann has a particular focus on reducing the health inequalities caused by smoking, including the higher levels of smoking in disadvantaged groups such as those with mental health problems.

Nationally, she is a Deputy Director of the UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS), a consortium of 13 universities funded by the UK Public Health Research Centre of Excellence, established in 2008, which aims to deliver an international research and policy development portfolio and build capacity in tobacco and alcohol research (until 2018). Internationally, she has been involved in the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC Project), from its inception, and leads the UK arm. She is also a Member of the Royal College of Physicians Tobacco Advisory Group (beginning with contributing to an RCP report in 1992). She is a Thomson Reuters highly cited scientist in the science and social science category and has an established international reputation in tobacco addiction, receiving a World Health Organisation World No Tobacco Day award for contributions to tobacco control in 1998. Ann is interested in any prospective PhD students with an interest in tobacco control research.

A key focus of Prof McNeill’s work is to increase the diversity of our workforce. Ann is Vice Dean (Culture, Diversity & Inclusion) at the IoPPN and she chairs the Diversity and Inclusion efforts at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. She fights for equal pay and recognition, and equitable and transparent processes to support researchers, particularly at the early career stage, with protected characteristics.

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Tel: 020 7848 0681