Brain harm

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Brain Harm?

Evidence that nicotine does not harm developing brains

This page contains extremely robust studies/papers using twins or other high quality evidence, see the see also: section below for other pages with similar information.

2024: Prenatal substance exposure and child health: Understanding the role of environmental factors, genetics, and brain development

  • "This research is among the first to systematically compare the developmental patterns of the health associations of prenatal exposures to four common substances in the context of both environmental and genetic risk-factor contexts. Notably, our findings revealed that associations of PSE-tobacco became statistically insignificant after considering environmental and genetic factors."

Twin studies refute nicotine causing any depression, anxiety, or IQ impairment (and longitudinal studies refute smoking causing ADHD).

2019: Drug and Alcohol Dependence Testing the reciprocal association between smoking and depressive symptoms from adolescence to adulthood: a longitudinal twin study.

  • “In [the 74 identical] twin pairs discordant for ever smoking, the lifetime prevalence for [major depression] was essentially the same in the never-smoking and the ever-smoking members”

2010 Social Science & Medicine IQ Associations between IQ and cigarette smoking among Swedish male twins.

2007 Twin Research and Human Genetics Common Genetic Risk of Major Depression and Nicotine Dependence: The Contribution of Antisocial Traits in a United States Veteran Male Twin Cohort

1993 Archives of General Psychiatry Smoking and major depression: a causal analysis.

  • “No associations were found in within-pair analyses”

1989 Social Science & Medicine "Twins, smoking and mortality: a 12-year prospective study of smoking-discordant twin pairs

  • Various psychological measures
  • "personality factors (including measures of extraversion, neuroticism and perceived stress of daily life), life-changes and Type A behavior, occupational class, marital status and educational level were equally distributed among smokers and nonsmokers."

1988 Addictive behaviors (Table 4) Psychological characteristics in twins discordant for smoking behavior: a matched-twin-pair analysis.  

  • no correlation between smoking & anxiety or depression

Suggested studies to add to this page

See also

Does nicotine damage the developing adolescent brain?

  • If you'd prefer someone else to add a study to a topic, there is a subject section called "Suggested studies to add to this page". You may put the link in that section for one of the regular page editors to address.

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