Two Regular Conferences take place throughout the Year that feature a mixture of Scientists,Medics, Regulators,Public Health Officials, Consumers
The inaugral E-Cigarette Summit took place in November 2013 and arguably was one of the most significant events in getting the UK government and many NGO to modify a previous hostile position with regards to e-cigs and an increasing receptive mindset towards safer nicotine products in general. The conference in 2020 had to become a virtual event due to Covid19. A great feature of these events is a video record of the various speakers. Other countries eg US have also commenced an Ecig Summit
202o event here
scroll through the resources section to view previous events
also youtube eg this is a record of the 2015 event
Vimeo recordings of previous years also here< 145 vids in total
The Second Major Annual event is the Global Forum on Nicotine held every year in Warsaw usually June, the first event held in 2014.
A very similar format to the Ecig Summit possibly with a greater number of International speakers and delegates, once again with a wide ranging spread of discussions and addresses
videos of the conferences here