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European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates promotes discussion and the exchange of information and potential actions to reduce exposure to tobacco-related harm. ETHRA complements existing organisations by offering European advocates a platform for exchanging information (particularly at European policy level) and for sharing experiences and local initiatives, in support of tobacco harm reduction.

We define “advocates” as any person or organisation that recognises the need to involve consumers in the processes that affect them. We define “tobacco harm reduction” as effective public health strategies which provide public access to accurate information about reduced-risk products; where pleasure for the end user is recognised as an essential element in the deployment of this strategy; and which support non-discriminatory adult access, including by cost, to products.

ETHRA core principles

We support tobacco harm reduction.

We know from personal experience and science that a variety of delivery methods and flavours enhances the ability of smokers to quit, and oppose any regulation that restricts this.

Regulation must always consider the minimal risks of harm reduced products versus the large risks of smoking and ensure that these are reflected.

We believe that the health and lives of adult smokers and ex smokers should always be taken into account when quantifying the risk to young people.

Reduced risk products need to be affordable and there is no case to apply tobacco excise duties to products that offer a much safer alternative to smoking.