Nicotine / THR - Guides for Healthcare and Social Services Professionals

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Reminder: Using NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) is a form of THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction).

Healthcare Professionals

Doctors, Nurses, Clinics, Hospitals

ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems), E-Cigarettes, Vapes

Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation: Cochrane Living Systematic Review

  • Click the link on the page for the latest "Briefing for healthcare professionals."

NCSCT Online Smoking Cessation Training Course (Free, must register)

  • The training programme is founded upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques and includes practical interventions that will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.
  • The four Very Brief Advice (VBA) training modules are essential training for anyone who comes in to contact with smokers in primary care (VBA+), pregnant women (VBA for pregnant women), parents and carers of children (VBA on Secondhand Smoke), and those working with people experiencing homelessness (VBA+ for Homelessness Services).
  • The training programme includes all of the information that you need to pass the online assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will become an NCSCT Certified Stop Smoking Practitioner.
  • Includes specialty modules on pregnancy, mental health, and supporting people experiencing unstable housing.


  • "There is guidance about working with children. Guidance for stop smoking services. Guidance for health and care professionals [includes sections on mental health and maternity] and for workplaces. The statement guides readers towards the evidence. It describes how to access training. It is referenced throughout and includes trusted sources for more information."

2024: AU: Guidance on the use of vapes for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence

  • This page contains practical guidance to assist medical and nurse practitioners with prescribing therapeutic vapes for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence.
  • "For persons who have unsuccessfully tried to stop smoking with approved pharmacotherapies, but continue to be motivated to stop smoking, therapeutic vapes may be a reasonable intervention."


  • "There is interest among health care practitioners and Health Canada regarding the scientific evidence on the harms and benefits of using e-cigarette products at the individual and population level. The recommendations developed through this project examine existing evidence on the health impacts of e-cigarette use to conduct a nuanced harm-benefit analysis. The recommendations are intended as a decision-making and guidance resource for both healthcare practitioners and for people who either use, or are thinking of using e-cigarettes."
  • Health Effects of E-Cigarette Use: Summary of Recommendations

2023: NCSCT (UK): Vaping: a guide for health and social care professionals

  • This briefing is specifically written to summarise information and address issues relevant to health and social care professionals and to stop smoking practitioners in particular.

2023: Video by Dr. Oyston: A Physicians Guide to Safer Nicotine Products for People Who Smoke

  • Covers smoking, stigma, facts about nicotine, and how to help people who smoke.

2023: Hey Doc: Do You Really Want to Stop Your Patients From Smoking?

  • Explains the various types of reduced-risk nicotine products and how they might help some people stop smoking.

2017: E-cigarettes and non-combustible inhaled tobacco products

  • "This updated guidance seeks to give clinicians the current understanding about where ECs may help with smoking cessation and the current understanding in regards to their safety."

2016: Electronic cigarettes A guide for discussions with patients

  • "Electronic cigarettes (ECs) may be an option for smokers who want to quit but who have failed using first-line therapies. GPs can have a role in providing patients with reliable information about ECs, supporting them in a quit attempt and prescribing nicotine solution."

Nicotine or Traditional NRT

2023: Inclusive Language for Medical & Health Education: An Evolving Guide

  • Covers how to talk with or about patients

2020: Nicotine Risk Misperception Among US Physicians

2007: Advice on using over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy-patch, gum, or lozenge-to quit smoking

  • Explains how to use, clears up misperceptions, discusses safety

Supporting People Before, During, and After Pregnancy

ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems), E-Cigarettes, Vapes

Using e-cigarettes before, during and after pregnancy

  • Provides links to guides and infographics for maternity and healthcare professionals. Also, it provides information for pregnant people and their families.

NCSCT Online Smoking Cessation Training Course (Free, must register)

  • The training programme is founded upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques and includes practical interventions that will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.
  • The four Very Brief Advice (VBA) training modules are essential training for anyone who comes in to contact with smokers in primary care (VBA+), pregnant women (VBA for pregnant women), parents and carers of children (VBA on Secondhand Smoke), and those working with people experiencing homelessness (VBA+ for Homelessness Services).
  • The training programme includes all of the information that you need to pass the online assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will become an NCSCT Certified Stop Smoking Practitioner.
  • Includes specialty modules on pregnancy, mental health, and supporting people experiencing unstable housing


  • "There is guidance about working with children. Guidance for stop smoking services. Guidance for health and care professionals [includes sections on mental health and maternity] and for workplaces. The statement guides readers towards the evidence. It describes how to access training. It is referenced throughout and includes trusted sources for more information."

2023: NCSCT (UK): Vaping: a guide for health and social care professionals

  • This briefing is specifically written to summarise information and address issues relevant to health and social care professionals and to stop smoking practitioners in particular. Includes a section on pregnancy.

Supporting People Living With Mental Health Conditions

2024: The Learning About Healthy Living: Tobacco and You (LAHL)

  • “The aim of this treatment manual is to provide a format to address tobacco for those with mental health conditions, defined as those with a mental health or substance use disorder.” “This 2024 Version of LAHL includes many updates including two new sessions on topics of harm reduction, e-cigarettes and vaping.”

NCSCT Online Smoking Cessation Training Course (Free, must register)

  • The training programme is founded upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques and includes practical interventions that will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.
  • The four Very Brief Advice (VBA) training modules are essential training for anyone who comes in to contact with smokers in primary care (VBA+), pregnant women (VBA for pregnant women), parents and carers of children (VBA on Secondhand Smoke), and those working with people experiencing homelessness (VBA+ for Homelessness Services).
  • The training programme includes all of the information that you need to pass the online assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will become an NCSCT Certified Stop Smoking Practitioner.
  • Includes specialty modules on pregnancy, mental health, and supporting people experiencing unstable housing


  • "There is guidance about working with children. Guidance for stop smoking services. Guidance for health and care professionals [includes sections on mental health and maternity] and for workplaces. The statement guides readers towards the evidence. It describes how to access training. It is referenced throughout and includes trusted sources for more information."

Supporting People Living With Substance or Alcohol Use Disorders


2024: The Learning About Healthy Living: Tobacco and You (LAHL)

  • “The aim of this treatment manual is to provide a format to address tobacco for those with mental health conditions, defined as those with a mental health or substance use disorder.” “This 2024 Version of LAHL includes many updates including two new sessions on topics of harm reduction, e-cigarettes and vaping.”

Tobacco Harm Reduction

2024: Webinar from the Safer From Harm Coalition: New Approaches to Tobacco Smoking Cessation Among People Who Use Drugs

  • "Some clinicians and practitioners who work with people who use drugs are integrating patient-centered tobacco harm reduction into their approaches. This panel will showcase two such people, who will discuss the current evidence about reduced-risk nicotine products, how they decide whether or when to explore tobacco harm reduction with patients and clients, and how people who use drugs respond to these concepts."

2022: Integrating Tobacco Use Disorder Interventions in Addiction Treatment

  • “If smokers want to try ENDS, they should be encouraged to switch completely as the dual use of ENDS and combustible cigarettes may undermine efforts at cessation. For patients that exclusively use ENDS, motivational interviewing should still be used to promote cessation and to prevent the patient from relapsing to combustible cigarettes.”

Supporting Veterans

2022: Tobacco Use Disorder A Provider's Guide to Counseling and Medication Treatment to Help Veterans with Tobacco Cessation

  • The section on ENDS (vaping) is not very good. It makes them sound more harmful than vaping is known to be, and it doesn't provide any comparison to smoking tobacco. Due to a lack of finding veteran-specific guides, this one is included. Providers are encouraged to look at some of the other resources available on this page.

Cessation Services - Public Health

Training Programs

NCSCT Online Smoking Cessation Training Course (Free, must register)

  • The training programme is founded upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques and includes practical interventions that will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.
  • The four Very Brief Advice (VBA) training modules are essential training for anyone who comes in to contact with smokers in primary care (VBA+), pregnant women (VBA for pregnant women), parents and carers of children (VBA on Secondhand Smoke), and those working with people experiencing homelessness (VBA+ for Homelessness Services).
  • The training programme includes all of the information that you need to pass the online assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will become an NCSCT Certified Stop Smoking Practitioner.
  • Includes specialty modules on pregnancy, mental health, and supporting people experiencing unstable housing


  • "There is guidance about working with children. Guidance for stop smoking services. Guidance for health and care professionals [includes sections on mental health and maternity] and for workplaces. The statement guides readers towards the evidence. It describes how to access training. It is referenced throughout and includes trusted sources for more information."

2019: NCSCT (UK) STANDARD TREATMENT PROGRAMME A guide to providing behavioural support for smoking cessation

Information Guides

2023: NCSCT (UK): Vaping: a guide for health and social care professionals

  • This briefing is specifically written to summarise information and address issues relevant to health and social care professionals and to stop smoking practitioners in particular.

Year?: Information for specialist stop-smoking services that are considering providing e-cigarette starter packs: recommendations from the Trial of Ecigarettes (TEC)

  • “As e-cigarette starter packs are an effective and cost effective treatment, SSS should include them among their treatment options.”

Cessation Services - Nontraditional such as Vape Shops

Exploring the Possibility

2024: Developing a vape shop-based smoking cessation intervention: a Delphi study

  • "There was consensus that the service should comprise both product (98%) and behavioural support (97%)...Delivering vape-shop based smoking cessation interventions could help to maximise the effectiveness of e-cigarettes for quitting smoking."

2023: How should a vape shop-based smoking cessation intervention be delivered? A qualitative study

  • The results suggest that the intervention should be delivered by vape shop workers with mandatory training with the support of stop smoking service providers...The intervention should comprise both technical guidance on using a vape and behavioural support to prevent a return to smoking.

Stop Smoking Service and Vape Shops - A Team Effort

Year?: Working with vape shops: A guide for commissioners and stop smoking services

  • Most staff in these shops are vapers, having stopped smoking themselves, and they are generally keen to help others become ex-smokers.
  • Alternative link

Social Services and Social Care


2024: Smoking and vulnerable populations: supporting smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction in social work

  • "Like doctors, community nurses, midwives, psychologists, and psychotherapists, social workers can have a significant influence, both over people’s decisions and their overall wellbeing. Serving as the initial – and in some cases only – point of contact with marginalised communities, social workers could therefore play an important role in reducing the prevalence of smoking."


  • "There is guidance about working with children. Guidance for stop smoking services. Guidance for health and care professionals [includes sections on mental health and maternity] and for workplaces. The statement guides readers towards the evidence. It describes how to access training. It is referenced throughout and includes trusted sources for more information."

2023: NCSCT (UK): Vaping: a guide for health and social care professionals

  • This briefing is specifically written to summarise information and address issues relevant to health and social care professionals and to stop smoking practitioners in particular.

Supporting People Experiencing Unstable Housing

NCSCT Online Smoking Cessation Training Course (Free, must register)

  • The training programme is founded upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques and includes practical interventions that will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.
  • The four Very Brief Advice (VBA) training modules are essential training for anyone who comes in to contact with smokers in primary care (VBA+), pregnant women (VBA for pregnant women), parents and carers of children (VBA on Secondhand Smoke), and those working with people experiencing homelessness (VBA+ for Homelessness Services).
  • The training programme includes all of the information that you need to pass the online assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will become an NCSCT Certified Stop Smoking Practitioner.
  • Includes specialty modules on pregnancy, mental health, and supporting people experiencing unstable housing.

Adoption and Foster Care - “Substitute Carers”

NCSCT Online Smoking Cessation Training Course (Free, must register)

  • The training programme is founded upon evidence-based behaviour change techniques and includes practical interventions that will make a significant difference to the chances of your clients becoming permanent ex-smokers.
  • The four Very Brief Advice (VBA) training modules are essential training for anyone who comes in to contact with smokers in primary care (VBA+), pregnant women (VBA for pregnant women), parents and carers of children (VBA on Secondhand Smoke), and those working with people experiencing homelessness (VBA+ for Homelessness Services).
  • The training programme includes all of the information that you need to pass the online assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, you will become an NCSCT Certified Stop Smoking Practitioner.
  • Includes specialty modules on pregnancy, mental health, and supporting people experiencing unstable housing.

2020: Together4Children: Smoking (including use of e-cigarettes) (Fostering, Adoption Special Guardians) Policy and Procedure

  • “Due to the recognised differences on health impacts, Together4Children treat tobacco smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes differently as reflected in the following policy…Together4Children recognises the low risk to children and does not view the use of ecigarettes as a reason to exclude prospective foster carers/adopters, purely on this basis. However, prospective carer/adopter’s use of e-cigarettes will be discussed at the initial visit, during the full assessment and monitored via the review process. “

2019: Worcestershire Children First Fostering (WCFF): Smoking and E-Cigarettes (Vaping) Policy for Staff and Foster Carers

  • “Social Workers should support foster carers to give up smoking by signposting them to organisations which can help them…E-cigarettes, also known as vaporisers, are not tobacco cigarettes. The use of them has become more wide spread in recent years and can provide a route for smokers to help them reduce or give up smoking.”

2018: CoramBAAF: PRACTICE NOTE 68 Reducing the risks of environmental tobacco smoke for looked after children and their carers

  • “We would strongly recommend that all substitute carers should be proactively encouraged to stop smoking…The issue is therefore not one of banning prospective adopters and new carers, but of engaging with them, providing information and advice, and facilitating access to smoking cessation programmes…"
    • Note: Covers us of vapor products

2014: BAAF: BAAF - British Association for Adoption and Fostering

  • “Agencies should therefore recognise the low risk to children and not see the use of e-cigarettes as a reason to preclude foster carers or adopters purely on this basis. Each circumstance should be risk assessed on an individual basis.”
    • Note: This non-profit closed in 2015 - A new charity called CoramBAAF took its place.


Michael F. Pesko

  • "(1/Thread): Hey health policy/econ professors, ever considered adding an #ecig section to your health course? Here is a slide deck for you: Feel free to use any part of this in your own courses to spread knowledge about this important/interesting topic. #econtwitter" (Note: This doc always links to a clickable link for an updated version)

Suggestions to add to this page

Maximising the impact of stop smoking services: latest evidence and best practice