Snus Forum

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About Snusforumet

The mission of the Snusforumet is to raise awareness and improve understanding about Swedish snus and nicotine pouches.

Snusforumet is an editorial platform covering Swedish snus as well as tobacco and public health policy. The site is published and maintained by the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers, an association of companies and organisations in Sweden that produce, market, and sell Swedish snus. Learn more about the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers on the organisation’s website.

Snusforumet aims to spread knowledge and facts about Swedish snus and what makes it unique. The site’s primary audience includes decision-makers, opinion leaders, and other stakeholders interested in issues related to snus and nicotine pouches.

Snusforumet aims to:

  • Create a hub for collecting facts and information about snus and snus products
  • Follow developments related to the EU Tobacco Products Directive and its implementation
  • Monitor the news and developments related to ​​smokeless tobacco and nicotine pouches
  • Gather and present information related to EU directives, national legislation, and other regulations that have an impact on these products
  • Gather and present public enquiries as well as research from academia and other bodies engaged in analysis, research, and investigations related to snus nicotine pouches

Snusforumet’s editorial staff welcomes contributions from experts, researchers, industry representatives, politicians, and other stakeholders. Snusforumet publishes analyses and articles that reflect different perspectives and view about snus. On the site you will also find information about news and current events. The opinions presented at Snusforumet in articles, commentary, or interviews are those of the author. Contributions may be edited for style and clarity but not in ways that impact the content.

Patrik Strömer

Publisher and Secretary General of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers

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