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==Regulators, Government Agencies, and Policy Makers==
==Regulators, Government Agencies, and Policy Makers==

===2019 and Beyond: The CDC and EVALI===
*Article: [ The CDC’s EVALI screwup]
**Making a mistake is one thing. Failing to correct it is worse.
**But there is no evidence–none at all— that anyone got sick with EVALI from using e-cigarettes.
*Twitter thread by [ Mike Pesko] about the [ letter to the CDC] requesting them to change the name of EVALI, and the CDC's [ refusal] to do so. This letter was signed by 75 international tobacco control / public health experts.
*Paper: [ Vitamin E Acetate is not Soluble in Nicotine E-liquids]
**Vitamin E acetate is not soluble in formulations of nicotine e-liquids and if mixed into a nicotine e-liquid will form a visibly distinct layer. Therefore, it is unlikely that nicotine-only e-cig users will be exposed to vitamin E acetate.
*Paper: [ The outbreak of lung injuries often known as "EVALI" was nothing to do with nicotine vaping]
**An examination of the evidence shows that EVALI cannot have been caused by nicotine vaping. The characteristics of the lung injury outbreak are consistent with localised supply chain contamination. The contaminant has been identified and is known to be Vitamin E Acetate.  This had been used as a thickener or cutting agent in illicit Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis vape pens. This agent cannot be mixed with nicotine vaping liquids and would serve no useful purpose if it could be.
*Article: [ E-Cigarettes Increasingly Blamed for Lung Illnesses, as Evidence Points Elsewhere]
**CDC identified THC vapes with vitamin E acetate as culprit, but 66% of adults blame e-cigarettes for vaping deaths
*Tweets by [ Scott Gottlieb, MD]
**An e-cigarette is an FDA regulated electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS). It delivers nicotine. What CDC seems to be trying to refer to here are illegal vapes or “dabs” that contain THC. We develop precise regulatory nomenclature for a reason. It helps differentiate products
**CDC should reconsider the name it ascribed to these illnesses (EVALI) now that it seems to be definitively linked to THC vapes and dabs. By not speaking with precision it could leave a false impression as to the clear causal relationship between the tragic illnesses and THC vapes
**The public health risk is that kids using these illegal and dangerous THC products may not know that the CDC warnings relate to the THC products they’re using; since the CDC is not using a precise nomenclature to more clearly describe the THC vapes and dabs
* Tweet by [ Scott Gottlieb MN]
**My point is simply if you know a THC product hurt someone, don’t call it an e-cigarette, call it a THC vape or THC vaping product. Nomenclature matters in helping consumers properly identify which products are causing which kinds of risks. That’s why we develop naming systems.

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