Translations:ENDS Toxicity / Carcinogenic/28/en

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  • While not harmless, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have demonstrated a much more favourable (favorable) toxicological profile than combustible cigarettes—the worldwide leading cause of preventable death. Average eCO levels (ppm) were significantly higher in smokers than in e-cigarette users. Compared with cigarettes, G2 and G3 e-cigarettes resulted in significantly lower levels of exposure to a potent lung carcinogen and cardiovascular toxicant.
  • PDF Version
  • Citation: Wagener TL, Floyd EL, Stepanov I, et alHave combustible cigarettes met their match? The nicotine delivery profiles and harmful constituent exposures of second-generation and third-generation electronic cigarette usersTobacco Control 2017;26:e23-e28.
  • Acknowledgements: Intramural funds to TLW were used to complete this study. Part of TLW’s, ELF’s, LMD’s, ELL’s, NM’s, APT’s, and LQ’s salary support is provided by the Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center, which is provided funding from the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust. The Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (U54 GM104938) provided phlebotomy support to this study.