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The Site admin

Richard Pruen

Electrical and electronic engineer

Favorite band: Rush

Why spend so much time on this? It’s a fact that nicotine harm reduction (vaping and Snus) saved my life, this is my way to pay that forward, and pass along information on safer nicotine.

Running a site from the ground up, has proved interesting and worthwhile. Some of the things I have learned about Linux, and configuration of software for servers is only stuff you learn by doing.

I suspect the site will stick around, at least as long as it is required to provide links and info.

I might well put more info of my vaping / thr story here soon, this is just a test edit.

More test edit, and added some features, like babel to indicate users languages.

Site admin at Safer nicotine wiki.

Richard Pruen


Ecig user since 2008, consumer advocate for vaping and THR #VapingSavedMyLife #VapingSavesLives

Twitter @pruenrichard

Below are letters and documents sent in advocacy efforts as a record and should anyone wish to use them for ideas. These are my efforts and do not necessarily reflect the views of the wiki or other users.

Comment on R-U FDA review
Comment on R-U FDA review
My response TGA request for comment
My response TGA request for comment
Hi Mark, I am a consumer advocate for vaping, and do not use disposables beyond experimenting to see what they are like. I am also an engineer. I have worked in the vaping industry previously testing against the standards for vaping products, and owned a now closed company BTC Battery Testing LTD (closed 2016). Currently I care for my mother who suffers vascular dementia, and as such volunteer my spare time to the cause of THR. The disposable vaping problem is not an easy one, because the product is in demand, a black market will form. A black market will be less regulated, even less concerned with the environment, and have no reuse or recycling plan, due to there being no incentives. Please see the situation in Australia if you have any doubts. I would suggest the following rule changes to start. All disposable devices should be rechargeable, and either contain enough liquid to last the lifetime of the atomiser (roughly 15-20ml), or be required to have a fill method (there are many ways to do this, including community 'hacks' that are available on the internet). If a refilling method was designed in, the extra cost is minimal to include a bung or device to allow re-fill). This would mean the atomiser is used for it's lifetime, and the battery recharged and used for much longer. Waste reduction by 1/10 (assuming 2ml  devices now, 10 such would be replaced by a single 20ml device)  My preferred solution is rechargeable and large capacity, for the following reasons. Large size, it becomes difficult to conceal a device with 20ml capacity, this will help reduce stealth use. As the lifetime is greater, plus content, the initial outlay will be higher putting the devices out of the purchacing power of youth, and doing so without adding to the cost per puff for the legitimate smoker wanting safer options. Smaller re-fillable and rechargeable devices have many of the same advantages, but remain easy to hide, and lower price. That might be problematic. This would depend on the lifting of the 2ml tank size, for a sealed for life device requiring tools to open, the 2 ml tank provides no protection to anyone. Even for refillable devices, in reality it increases fiddle and numbers of re-fills, and provides little protection (if any). Indeed it may be that the most dangerous time for ecigs is during filling, where child proof caps are removed etc, it might be argued that larger tanks would reduce risky refilling operations and be safer. At least a quick 'thought experiment' says that is quite possible and warrants further investigation. I have further suggestions, and would be happy to help if you would like, this is simply a start. I would imagine manufacturers will be reluctant to see rules that force them to be responsible about waste, disposables are highly profitable and allow walking away from disposal and environmental costs. This should be addressed however. As a consumer my thoughts are 'oh dear how very sad' but I am sure they will still manage to find a way to make a profit. Thanks for your time  
Email to APPG Vaping 28th Feb 2023
I heard your comment regarding the targeting of youth by possibly 'big tobacco', the vaping industry or some perceived, yet non-existent morph of the two. The same points are being made in the US, you are being fed a line Sir! I am a vaping consumer myself, well aware as an early adopter of vaping (2008), more than 15 years ago, that youth are not targeted. I have seen the industry develop flavours for adults to use, it gives the edge to make a complete switch, dissociating from the taste of tobacco. It is unfortunate that there is no flavour puberty, humans' basic taste preference is developed early, so targeting adults only is sadly not possible. Please see the graph linked here, showing the insanity of youth targeting, it just doesn't make any sense. (this uses US data, the UK numbers are lower). I suggest you run things by someone who understands vaping and harm reduction before making a comment, to save embarrassment
Letter to PM re: Youth vaping
Subject: Smoking Harm Reduction: support safer alternatives – save lives Dear Lord Markham, I am sure you are aware that vaping has been a great success in reducing smoking, the NHS finding that with support 2/3 smokers successfully stop smoking with e-cigs. This is vastly more effective than NRT products that at best where 6% successful. Sweden has had longer with Snus as a harm reduction product, thus are looking at becoming effectively smoke free (< 5% smokers) this year or next. I see worrying signs in the media, and with the WHO both seem to be extremely hostile to vaping, when in fact it is doing immense good, not to mention saving the NHS vast sums (smoking is the leading cause of cancer) in preventing cancer and smoking related disease. A cancer prevented will require no detection, diagnosis or treatment; a triple saving in cost to the NHS and public. I would like to make my view known and hope you would support it, that the UK must hold it’s nerve, it must stay true to the scientific evidence from the Royal Collage Physicians, NHS Smokefree, Cochrane etc as detailed in the reports commissioned by PHE/OHID. We must also be aware of the situation in Australia where effective prohibition (the recommendation of the WHO) has been tried, and as predicted by myself and many others, seems to have resulted in an illicit market, with worse figures for youth uptake of smoking. Youth smoking in the UK, NZ and USA where vaping is available have all fallen (in the USA youth vaping became popular as a result youth smoking became all but non existent (<1% regular smokers). While youth vaping is not desirable, it remains more desirable than youth smoking, an important point to remember. Vaping is unlikely to result in deaths, open system vaping provides and off ramp in lowering nicotine and stopping (not so for smoking). If youth take up smoking and continue, then it is known at least half will die early because of it. This is also complicated by the fact that nicotine provides therapeutic benefits, thus I would like you to see this single link it contains a lot of information, but it is important I feel to consider the benefits of safer sources of nicotine, without the harms of smoking. The following is my personal story, I do not insist you read it beyond knowing vaping saved my life. I am primarily a user of Electronic Cigarettes, and of Snus, as well as tobacco free nicotine pouches. I am also a consumer advocate for Tobacco Harm Reduction products (hereafter referred to as THR) for the simple reason that I firmly believe these products saved my life, and have a desire to pass that opportunity on to other smokers, many of whom will not be aware. I started vaping in 2008, primarily to vape where I could not smoke, I had no intention of giving up smoking, I had already tried every available method, some several times to no effect, and had given up any hope of stopping. However by early 2009 I discovered by happy accident, that I had not bought any tobacco for several weeks (at least 4) and thus had gained some funds budgeted for, but not spent. Unlike most folks who give up smoking I have no firm quit date, and don’t recall any difficulty in slowly switching from a vastly harmful product to a vastly safer one. The exact opposite of previous quit attempts. I learned on internet forums that this is not uncommon with vaping, but never happens to my knowledge with NRT. As part of my advocacy work I run the site the intention to provide a repository of information on THR and links to science, resources for advocates, policy makers, doctors and indeed anyone interested in reducing the harm caused by smoking. I am not paid in any way for my advocacy, and in fact pay for the bandwidth and time required to maintain the site. Much of the content is provided by volunteers around the world. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information, including the vast database of knowledge contained in the wiki site, or any assistance using the site. Sincerely Richard Pruen
Lord Markham letter
Submitted to Proposal to clarify how nicotine levels for vaping products are expressed in the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Regulations 2021 Submitted on 2023-06-14 23:07:05 Your details 1 What is your name? Name: Richard Pruen 2 What is your email address? Email: 3 Are you submitting on behalf of an organisation? Yes If so, what is your organisation?: Safer Nicotine wiki 4 What ethnicity/ethnicities do you identify with? Other European, Not applicable (eg, I'm submitting of behalf of an organisation or group) 5 What Iwi do you affiliate to? What Iwi do you affiliate to?: 6 I am, or I represent, the following category or categories (select all that apply) Other (please specify) Other: Citizen science project (wikipedia clone on tobacco harm reduction) Proposal questions 7 Do you agree with our proposal to set the maximum allowable nicotine concentration at 28.5mg/mL for reusable vaping products that contain nicotine salts? No 8 Please explain your reasoning. If No, please explain.: Based on the available science, the limit should be set at a level that provides protection from poisoning, while allowing sufficient for a heavy smoker to DIY mix liquid that will satisfy their needs. Having reviewed the recent science, it is only nicotine concentrations at or above 100mg/ml that have resulted in very few fatal poisonings with orally ingested nicotine. Concentrations below 80mg/ml have as far as can be found, never resulted in death or serious harm. Therefore a limit of 75mg/ml would provide protection from poisoning while being high enough to allow DIY mixing of liquid to suit a low-power pod vaping device, which would satisfy even a heavy smoker. This provides maximum safety in that 75mg/ml will cause the body to vomit before damaging amounts of nicotine can be ingested. Even suicide attempts by simply drinking the liquid would fail. Yet allows even heavy smokers to obtain sufficient nicotine, and thus switch more easily to a vastly safer product. 9 Is there anything else you would like to tell us at this time? Is there anything else you would like to tell us at this time?: Issues have been found with the UK limit of 20mg/ml, heavy smokers find switching difficult, this requires the use of a nicotine patch and vaping, which significantly increases friction to switching, this costs the lives of smokers who would otherwise stop smoking. The UK 20mg limit was based on poor science (an estimated LD50 based on one scientist's self-administration of nicotine IV) and the assumption that all the ingested nicotine would be instantly absorbed. Looking at real data and better LD50 data gives a better understanding. Declarations and privacy 10 Publishing submissions You may publish this submission 11 Do you have commercial interests? I do not have any commercial interests in smoked tobacco or other regulated products (vaping products, other notifiable products) 12 Commercially sensitive information This submission does not contain commercially sensitive information 13 Protection from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry Please provide details of any tobacco company links or vested interests below.: No links to any industry, government, or commercial interest of any kind, and no funding from any tobacco or vaping industry nor taxes or fees collected from tobacco or other companies. All funding is from the individual volunteers who contribute to the project.
My response NZ request for comment.pdf
Subject: Health Select Committee meeting on Vaping Dear Steve Barclay, I am a consumer advocate, with no ties to industry at present (for full details see the APPG letter linked below). I note that industry was present at this meeting but no one representing consumers of the product, why was this? As the people most likely to be impacted, why are we not included? I have further comments below and a suggestion to include at least one consumer org. Vaping is less dependence forming than smoking, science says so. See:,_Abuse)_vs_Harm_/_Harm_Reduction_-_Ecigs_and_Nicotine Youth brain harms are reversible and only found in rats. Human youth smokers never experienced such harms. A huge number of people smoked in the 60s-80s, many from a young age the population is huge, any effect would have been seen (yes, people have looked, negative research is rarely published, but nothing was found). I can however provide evidence in the form of quotes from experts in tobacco and nicotine, please feel free to request such information. No UK legal vape delivers more nicotine than a cigarette, some of the illegal disposables do and are attractive to hardened smokers. Legal vapes should be allowed to use more than 20 mg/ml, see also my letter to APPG Vaping on the 28th Feb this year . The US Juul product (containing 58 mg salt nicotine) produces blood plasma concentrations lower than a cigarette, but closer to the same level (This is why it worked so well in adults who smoke). Estimating that all nicotine is absorbed by the vaper by the amount exhaled is flawed, nicotine is destroyed by heating and oxidation while in the device and vapour. Cigarettes are delivering 1-2 mg per cigarette, but start out with 250 mg per pack of 20 (delivering only 20-40 mg to the user). Far better to stick with measured blood plasma levels in comparison to cigarettes, since this data is available. e.g. I Agree with points on advertising to children, industry should not target the product at them, but targeting their smoking parents is absolutely going to save lives. Children must be told the truth, the product is not for them, but might mean they do not lose their parents to cancer. We know with absolute certainty that vaping is safer than smoking, there is no doubt; the only doubt is the magnitude of the difference (the lowest estimate 60% the highest 99.5%, current science says 95%+ and is climbing each year, as well as gaining certainty). Was it necessary to brow-beat the industry representatives? They where asked if they targeted children, and responded that they did not, with good reasons for the answer, including that the owner of one business wanted to help existing smokers, as vaping helped him, not gain youth customers. I have not seen legitimate businesses from the UK targeting underage users, that has been rouge overseas traders, and some Chinese companies. Those selling genuinely child appealing products or advertising to youth on social media, where any influence can be had, since they are not UK based, then yes, they should be stopped as far as possible. Taxation is not going to help, illicit markets will avoid the tax and make the environmental situation worse, as well a safety. The illicit market exploded in Australia with 90% of the 1.1 million vapers buying from the illicit market. Flavours targeted at adults, including their memories of sweets available when they where young. Human flavour preference is done by age 2 approximately, targeting flavours at youth is not actually reasonable, humans like nice flavours. Please see: The illicit market vapes are not regulated and may contain contaminants, this is not a surprise, and would suggest that regulation that works to reduce the illicit trade (not increase it) would be beneficial. The loophole that allows giving vapes to kids (not selling them) is not used, no reputable company does this, or would do so. It is actually a complete non issue, since no one does it. I have never heard of this, and I asked and no one else has either. Please can you forward to me the data that shows this is happening, and where? As advocates we would like to know of problems, and if possible help, thanks for your assistance. Popcorn lung is not caused by vaping see: including the risk of inhaling flavours. No regulated UK product contains the chemical, it is banned. Another reason not to expand the black market, unregulated products would not be tested for banned flavours. That this was brought up, and seriously considered shows that the ministers failed to research the subject. You should include a purely user organisation such as the UK Charity NNA (New Nicotine Alliance) , they have no industry affiliation and work for the users of the product. You might also consider INNCO (International Network Nicotine Consumer Organizations) As a user of these products; I would request MPs be better informed, before considering legislation that could impact my health, thank you! If you want to price youngsters out of the market without detriment to adult smokers see the letter to APPG vaping mentioned above. It contains some ideas that would reduce waste 10 fold, and increase the initial outlay without increasing cost per puff, a win for the environment and adult smokers with less spending power. Yours sincerely, Richard Pruen Cc: APPG-Vaping P.S. I await your reply with the requested information, including reasoning for not including representatives of consumers in the enquiry. I would also like to know if the MPs where briefed on vaping or the vaping industry, if so by whom?
Letter Steve Barclay 6th JUL
Response ID ANON-EJTE-W3QH-B Submitted to Proposed reforms to the regulation of vapes Submitted on 2023-09-08 21:15:44 Survey contents Privacy and your personal information I consent to the TGA collecting the information requested in this survey about me, including any sensitive information, for the purposes indicated above. Agree: Yes Acknowledgement I agree. Yes.: Yes Introduction 1 What is your name? Name: Richard Pruen 2 What is your email address? Email: 3 What is your organisation name? Organisation name or N/A: n/a 4 Please choose a stakeholder group that best describes you or your organisation. Others* *If other, please specify:: Consumer 5 Which best describes your response? I am responding as an individual. 6 Are you an authorised prescriber? No (please go to next page Conflicts of interest (actual or perceived) 1 Have you or your organisation ever received services, assistance or support (whether monetary or non-monetary in nature) from the tobacco industry and/or e-cigarette industry? If this scenario applies to you or your organisation, please provide relevant details in the textbox. Yes If you have selected yes, please provide details here. Otherwise, please state 'Not Applicable':: I owned a company testing electronic cigarettes for compliance with UK and other standards, as well as carried out investigations of failures including battery failure. I also worked on R&D and provided consulting services on for example battery protection circuits, chargers etc. Payment was from user fees for testing, government agencies (trading standards), trade associations, and sometimes individuals or companies carrying out due diligence testing or failure mode analysis. Ended 2016 since then I have been a consumer only and have not received any funding from any company (of any sort), government agency, or researchinstitution. 2 Have you or your organisation ever provided services, assistance or support (whether monetary or non-monetary in nature) to the tobacco industry and/or the e-cigarette industry? If this scenario applies to you or your organisation, please provide further information in the textbox. Yes If you have selected 'yes', please provide details here. Otherwise, please state 'Not Applicable': I assisted in writing standards for UK vaping products (PAS 54115 A guide for the importation and sale of electronic cigarettes and directly related products, with product safety testing methods) and proposed an IEEE standard project number P2800. Several sampling machines were supplied to others testing electronic cigarettes, and other custom test equipment, the supplied equipment presumably used to carry out tests on electronic cigarettes as designed. As academic and test houses purchased this equipment it is assumed this was paid for by test fees, or grants to carry out tests on electronic cigarettes, again possibly linked to taxes etc from tobacco and or electronic cigarette sales. The same funding source as government agencies, politicians and others working in the field. Again since 2016 I have been a consumer only. Proposal 1 -Restrictions on importation, manufacture and supply of all vapes . 1 Do you support the proposed approach to ban disposable single use vapes absolutely and all other vapes, except those for legitimate therapeutic use in compliance with the TG Act? No 2 How would you anticipate industry and consumers to respond to a ban on the importation, manufacture and supply of non-therapeutic vapes? * Please provide answer here. : Demand will remain, along with the risk of vaping being seen as cool because it is something disallowed. The tightening of rules is unlikely to be enforceable, so illicit supply will continue to be the primary supply to the population. The population know vaping is safer than smoking, thus it will be very difficult to curb demand. Prohibiting drugs such as cocaine and cannabis fails, vaping prohibition will almost certainly follow the same pattern. 3 Do you support removal of the personal importation scheme exception for vapes? If not, what would be the impact on you? No (* if not, what would be the impact on you?) * What would be the impact on you?: Vaping products that are acceptable and usable are likely to only be available via illicit sales, and criminal gangs. Particularly as research shows flavours to be vital for the prevention of release to smoking. These products will not be tested or regulated in any way, importing allows users who have a prescription to import what they need to stay smoke-free, thus not relapse to smoking and potentially death. Importantly importing from somewhere with a regulated legal market, they can be sure of the quality and contents of the products they buy. The one-size-fits-all approved vapes that consumers will find at pharmacy outlets is unlikely to be effective since most of the features that make an effective substitute for cigarettes will be regulated out. 4 Do you agree with the proposal to retain a traveller’s exemption, including the proposed limits? Yes 5 Do you support the proposed approach to prohibiting the advertisement of all vapes (subject to limited exceptions)? No 6 [If applicable] Suppliers, what part of supply chain do you occupy? Not applicable * Other -specify your role in supply chain.: Consumer 6 (a) What proportion of your sales volumes is attributable to vape sales [i.e. quantity of vapes sold]? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: N/A6 (b) What proportion of your sales revenue is attributable to vape sales [i.e. revenue earned from sales]? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: N/A 6 (c) What impact would the proposed measures have on your sales volumes? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: not a vendor, none 6 (d) What impact would the proposed measures have on your sales revenues? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: none not a vendor 6 (e) What proportion of your vapes sales is attributable to disposable single use vapes versus refillable products? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: not a vendor 6 (f) How would restricting the importation, manufacture and supply of disposable single use, and non-therapeutic, vapes in Australia impact you? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: not a vendor N/A 6 (g) How much stock do you have in Australia currently and how long would it take to sell that stock? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: not a vendor N/A 6 (h) What would be the cost to you if you were required to dispose or otherwise move on existing stock? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: N/A Proposal 2 -Changes to market accessibility requirements, including better regulation of device components. 7 Do you support the approach to require a pre-market notification of compliance with TGO 110? No 8 [If applicable] For suppliers of therapeutic vapes, what impact would the proposed notification system have on your supply model and what transition period would you require to comply with the new notification requirement? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: not a vendor 9 Do you support the proposed access to vapes under the SAS C notification system? No 9 (a) What impact would this pathway have on facilitating patient access to therapeutic vapes? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: Vaping works in the rest of the world as a product substitute, providing a safer alternative to a deadly (cigarettes) product. In the UK and NZ smoking decline has accelerated significantly past that in Australia, due to the adoption of consumer vaping, slightly less so in the US where the regulator is not so certain. The prescription model in Australia has failed, smoking has not continued to decline and may have increased possibly. Vaping is also higher in Australian youth than UK and NZ, the current policy has backfired and should be reversed. It is absolutely obvious at this point that unless you have unlimited resources for enforcement, the current policy is not workable, and never will be. The time has come to use what has worked elsewhere and start again.10 [If applicable] For prescribers, would the proposed new pathway likely change your approach to prescribing therapeutic vapes? How? Not a prescriber of vapes * How new pathway will change your approach to prescribing ttherapeutic vapes?: 11 [If applicable] For prescribers, which access pathway (SAS B, SAS C, or AP) would you envisage using to prescribe therapeutic vapes? Why? Not a prescriber of vapes Please tell us why: 12 [If applicable] For prescribers, would integration of SAS or AP applications or notifications into existing clinical software systems ease the administrative burden and/or encourage you to use the new pathway? Not a prescriber of vapes 13 Do you agree with the proposal to regulate both e-liquid and device components of unapproved vapes under the same part of the TG Act for simplicity? No 14 Will these changes have direct or indirect impact on you? Please provide details. Yes (please provide details below) Please provide details here:: As a consumer I want safer options to be available to me and to every person who smokes tobacco or would smoke tobacco for lack of a viable alternative. Sadly some kids will do adult things even if you try to stop them (for example drinking alcohol, unsafe sex, taking drugs, smoking) while they should not be encouraged to vape, it still offers a harm reduction if it diverts them from smoking, like it or not, this is true because safer is safer. 15 Do you require time to adjust to these requirements? If yes, how long? Yes 15 (a) How long do you require to adjust to these requirements? More than 12 months Proposal 3 - Improving quality standard for unapproved (unregistered) vapes) 16 Are the definitions of nicotine and mint flavours appropriate? If not, please provide reasons. No (* please provide reason below) * Please provide reason here.: Nicotine itself does not have a flavour, the flavour should be correctly referred to as "artificial tobacco flavour" There is no evidence that human flavour preference varies by age and none particularly that it changes at 18. It is therefore impossible to target age groups with specific flavours, thus limiting flavours on this basis has no merit whatsoever. 17 Do you agree with the proposed upper limit on the concentration of menthol in vapes? If not, please provide reasons. No (* please provide reason below) * Please provide reason here: It is trivial to add menthol to vapes, this simply encourages users to add more if they prefer, opening a can of worms and the potential for contamination or incompatible ingredients. This seem unwise for very little if any benefit. 18 [If applicable] Importers, manufacturers and suppliers, would the restrictions on flavour proposed above impact you? Not applicable 19 Do you agree with the proposal to require pharmaceutical-like packaging and presentation for vapes, e.g., vapes manufactured in black, white or grey coloured materials, predominantly white background on packaging, clear warning statements and other restrictions on labels in addition to other selective TGO 91 requirements for vapes? No (* please provide reason below)20 [If applicable] What impact will the labelling and packaging changes have on you? * Please provide detail here.: It will probably backfire, making legal products undesirable is likely to increase the number of people using illicit products, particularly if access remains easy, without enforcement that is most likely to be the case. 20 (a) How long would you need to transition your product to comply with the proposed requirements? More than 12 months 21 Do you agree with our approach to allow only permitted ingredients in vapes, instead of trying to prohibit individual chemical entities from use in e-liquids? No 22 [If applicable] Importers, manufacturers and suppliers, will your therapeutic vapes need any re-formulation or other changes to comply with the permitted ingredients and ingredient quality requirements? Not applicable 22 (a) If product re-formulation is required, how long will you need to make these changes? More than 12 months 22 (b) If product re-formulation is required, what financial or business impacts would be associated with them? Provide detail here or put 'Not Applicable': Not a vendor 23 Do you support applying the same regulatory controls to zero-nicotine therapeutic vapes, as for NVPs? No 24 What is the overall business cost on you to comply with a strengthened TGO 110? Please provide details here: (or mark Not applicable).: not a vendor 25 Do you agree with the proposed requirements under TGO 110 that will apply to unapproved device components of vapes? No 26 [If applicable] Suppliers, do you intend to register any vaping device on the register as an approved medical device? No (if no, why not?) If no, why not?: not a vendor 27 [If applicable] Importers, manufacturers and suppliers, are you familiar with relevant US FDA, or MHRA guidance and/or EU standards covering vaping devices? Not applicable 27 (a) Do your vapes currently comply with relevant US FDA, or MHRA guidance and/or EU standards covering vaping devices? Not applicable 27 (b) If not, what requirements do you meet? What requirements you currently comply with?: not a vendor 27 (c) How long would it take to achieve compliance with relevant standards? More than 12 months28 [If applicable] Importers, manufacturers and suppliers, are your vapes manufactured at facilities that hold relevant international standards for Quality Management Systems, such as ISO9001 or ISO 13485? Not applicable Proposal 4 - Strengthening domestic compliance and enforcement mechanisms 29 Do you have any other comments in relation to this proposal? Yes (* provide your comments below) Comments: I reiterate that Australian policy has failed, and further moves in the same direction are likely to fail. Other countries have shown much more desirable results, the best results on smoking have been where vaping has been accepted as a consumer alternative to smoking, but the prescription model, unfortunately, has proven unworkable. Realistically you should review the past responses to enquiries, select a number of people who have successfully predicted the results of current regulations, and ask them for solutions. At least they have a track record, and proven knowledge of the real world and likely outcomes. Supplementary questions 30 [If applicable] Suppliers, please confirm if you intend to continue to supply therapeutic vapes under the proposed reforms described? Not applicable * Product range : Not a vendor, but as a consumer, I can see vendors dropping out. This will benefit the criminals and gangs who supply illicit markets, more trade for them. 30 (a) How long would it take to meet the new requirements? More than 12 months 31 [If applicable] Suppliers, please confirm if you intend to register your therapeutic vapes in the next 2 years? Not applicable What guidance and/or clarity of supporting data requirements do you need from TGA: not a vendor Publication of submissions To proceed, please select from the options below how you would like the TGA to deal with your submissions: I agree to the TGA publishing my response in full. I request the TGA to consider redacting sensitive commercial information from my response before publication: No Please specify sensitive commercial inforation you want redatced :
TGA consult 8-sept-2023 my response
Sent to The Prime Ministers office FAO The Prime Minister No10 downing street (via official contact form) 14:30 on 16th Sept 2023 Subject: The continuing debate around banning disposable vaping and flavoured vaping. This is continuing from my note of the 25th May 2023, I hear worrying noises around an outright ban on disposable vapes. As a consumer myself, who would surely be dead now without vaping, 15 years more smoking (I started 2008) would have seen me off, but not a user of disposables. Please however consider the following. First; evidence from Australia where vaping is prescription only and prescriptions are hard to obtain (a de-facto ban), shows that illicit markets step in to fill demand, and have done so with the cheapest and least safe disposable devices. It is entirely probable bans here would result in more disposable vapes than less. Second; There are disposable vapes designed for high security locations, such as prisons and mental health units, particularly secure ones. Please do not inadvertently ban a much safer than smoking option in such places, some of these people are suffering enough, and require our assistance. Third; Prohibition is not effective, please see the situation in Australia again, the failed implementation of alcohol prohibition, and more than 6 decades of drug war. Not one of these things has reduced the supply of the substances trying to be controlled, and there is no reason to assume it will be effective for disposable or flavoured vaping. Fourth; There are measures, some that I suggested to APPG Vaping on 28th Feb this year, the link is Should you wish to read it. These measures would significantly reduce the environmental impact (by a factor of 10), and place the legal devices better able to compete with illicit imports (these generally have more puffs than the UK rules currently allow), has the effect of increasing the initial cost of the device but not the cost per puff. By such changes to legal devices three main goals can be achieved 1) Compete out the illicit and illegal products that are not safety tested and approved. 2) Reduce the environmental cost, and quantity of vapes in need of recycling. 3) Reduce the affordability of such devices to young people particularly children. Legal devices could then be mandated to contain information on refillable devices that are just as easy to use, cheaper and more environmentally responsible. Measures to drive consumers to more environmentally sound products should absolutely be considered, such as paying more initially and receiving a repayment on return for recycling. This should be done with care for unintended consequences. I have kept this short as you are busy, but if there is any further information you would like please feel free to contact me by email Thank you for your time.
Letter to pm 16 sept 2023
Vaping is a direct substitute for smoking that is able to compete with cigarettes on the open market, it is unbeatable on cost compared to subsidised NRT, and far more effective, the UK NHS find 2/3 (66%) effective with support. With regulated vaping in UK youth: 0.5% use > once weekly and are never smokers (see ASHuk graph attached). Driving the product to illicit markets and criminal gangs seems to have resulted in greater access for Australian youth. While vaping is not entirely risk-free, it is known now that it poses a fraction of the risk of smoking (please see the attached risk map). Waiting for a perfect solution that may never be found is counterproductive, the reduction in risk is known to be large that much is proven (the unknown part is, is it 90% reduction in risk or 99%, to be sure will take time) While youth should not vape or smoke, some will end up doing both. If there is no safer alternative available they will all be smoking. It is also worth remembering dependence on nicotine while not desirable can be reversed, death is final, and it is smoking that kills. Like it or not vaping has a built-in off-ramp. Use an open-system vape, and use the liquid you need to prevent cravings. Then slowly reduce the nicotine strength at your own pace. On reaching zero nicotine, stop. This is also ample evidence it was developed by smokers, to help stop smoking, and then to stop vaping if that is desired. Would a tobacco company ensure a way out was built in? The population has resoundingly refused the prescription model, any of the many reasons pointed out repeatedly or all of them are to blame. They deserve a fair regulated market they can trust, if you cannot provide a better solution than criminal gangs, then that is a failure on your part.
NSW Vaping submission 30 september 2023
Subject: ‘Ton of bricks’ regulation of vaping and flavours Dear Steve Barclay, I am a consumer advocate, with no ties to industry at present (for full details see my previous letter). I await your reply to my last letter on 6th July, with the requested information, including reasoning for not including representatives of consumers in the enquiry. I would also like to know if the MPs where briefed on vaping or the vaping industry, if so by whom? The point itself is brief, two short paragraphs. After your comments on regulations, I would like to draw your attention to the following peer reviewed paper this strongly suggests that young people are being diverted from smoking, vaping is at least 95% safer than them smoking, thus while not ideal vaping reduces harm. Dependence to nicotine is also not ideal, but only 0.5% youth regularly use vapes who did not first smoke. Meanwhile you risk stopping millions of adult smokers switching to vapes by eliminating flavours, these are an important thing for adults. Please read this from Clive Bates (ex ASH Director) You should of course ban candyfloss and sweet flavoured alcohol, as such flavours are aimed only at children? One last point Vaping is already illegal for children, if the existing rules cannot be enforced, then further legislation will presumably not be enforced either, how would that help? Yours sincerely, Richard Pruen
Letter Steve Barclay 19th oct
Subject: COP 10 WHO FCTC Dear Rosanna O’Connor, I am a consumer advocate for vaping, and do not use disposables beyond experimenting to see what they are like. I am also an engineer. I have worked in the vaping industry previously testing compliance with the standards for vaping products, and owned a now closed company BTC Battery Testing LTD (closed 2016). Currently I care for my mother who suffers vascular dementia, and as such volunteer my spare time to the cause of Tobacco Harm Reduction. I believe that consumers should be present at the COP 10 meeting, it is consumers who have the most to gain from stopping the use of combustible tobacco, and the lived experience of trying to do so. Many millions have found a way to eliminate almost all the risk via THR products. The phrase ‘Nothing about us without us’ springs to mind. Why then are the public and press excluded. I would like to see the proceedings live streamed, so those effected can see what is being done. In no way could this effect the discussions, thus is reasonable transparency. I would like an answer regarding the possibility, please. Many countries already found harm reduction useful, critical even. Be that low risk Snus (Sweden has the lowest cancer rate in Europe, and will be smoking free this year (>5%)). Vaping that the UK NHS finds almost 66% effective with support, as stated on their website. New Zealand has seen similar results, especially in native populations, reducing disparities. Japan has seen huge drops in cigarette sales due to reduced harm heated tobacco products. Please see the letter from the Lancet from Robert Beaglehole and Ruth Bonita. They were both senior officials at WHO and are now at the University of Auckland. Robert was formerly Director of the Department of Chronic Disease and Health Promotion at WHO. Ruth was formerly the Director of Surveillance in the Noncommunicable Disease Cluster at WHO. I wish to add my support for their recommendations, the article is attached (also link here please make sure these points are discussed at the COP 10 meeting. Yours sincerely, Richard Pruen P.S Please ensure the representatives listed on the next page can discuss before the metting and forward more widely if you agree with the sentiment. Katherine Sands Tobacco Control Team Leader Department for Health and Social Care Martin Dockrell Tobacco Control Programme Lead Department for Health and Social Care Alison Walker Senior Tobacco Control Policy Lead Department of Health and Social Care Esther Lawrence Deputy Head of Global Health UK Mission to the UN, Geneva Please find attached a letter from [THELANCET-D-24-00371] S0140-6736(24)00140-5
Letter to cop 10 representatives
Subject: The ban on disposable cigarettes Dear Prime Minister, I am a consumer advocate for vaping (15 years and vaper for 16), and do not use disposables beyond experimenting to see what they are like. I am also an engineer. I have worked in the vaping industry previously testing against the standards for vaping products, and owned a now closed company BTC Battery Testing LTD (closed 2016). Currently I care for my mother who suffers vascular dementia, and as such volunteer my spare time to the cause of THR. Regarding the subject. Might I remind you that Australia has already taken this path, over 50 fire bombings, at least 3 gang style murders, and a rampant illegal trade has resulted. I am aware you have children, and they are potentially at the age to start experimenting with adult products. The prohibitionist faction may have played on this, and convinced you that a ban is enforceable, sadly if Australia cannot do it, the proximity of Europe means less chance here. This is simply being realistic. The best, perhaps only, way to control the illicit trade to to make sure there is a legal trade that makes it less profitable,the US abandoned alcohol prohibition in favour of this. Please however remain focused on preventing harm, having the only source of disposable vapes (sorry to say this but it is true) that your children could possibly buy, being from a ‘dealer’ who might supply other illicit substances, that is not safer! At least if they are from a shop selling tested, safe devices, then that is a huge reduction in harm already, avoiding interaction with drug dealers. I would prefer the shop followed the law, but as we know not everyone will. Your children might also sample smoking, especially if they sensibly avoid illicit substance dealers, this too is not exactly a win, smoking being deadly and carcinogenic. You are not the only one being pressured, please see the tweet linked here: “Disappointing that @HealthCoA lump ASH in with tobacco industry in an OIA request rather than ask us. Is a smear campaign coming our way? On the record ASH has no $$ or COI with tobacco, vape, alcohol, gambling, pharmaceutical, retail, food, or billionaire philanthropist” <a letter from the NZ government is attached to the tweet> I apologise for the somewhat robust and direct letter, but I feel you are about to make a huge mistake. I would regret it on behalf of current cigarette smokers, some of whom will die, and those who return to smoking because they use a banned product, some of those too will die. Meanwhile it will not help your children, or anyone else's to drive all sales to illicit/criminal markets. Please see the attached graph, so far regular use is not high and may be displacing cigarettes, sensible regulations to keep it that way, those would be welcome. A few truths to bear in mind: Infrequent trial use isn’t the best indicator of dependence, vaping doesn’t kill children nor is it likely ever to do so, smoking cigarettes does kill adults, reasonable regulation results in overall lowest harm. I would like to hear your thoughts, I will be happy to provide evidence to support what I have said, if required for any point please let me know. Thank you for your time, and please do not take this lightly! Yours sincerely, Richard Pruen
Letter PM 16th Feb 2024-draft
Dear Rt. Hon. Bob Blackman, I am contacting you as you are the contact for APPG Smoking and Health. There have been worrying sudden changes in government policy, primarily related to vaping and talk of taxes and bans on a vastly safer product, vaping, that has been successfully displacing smoking. Please see my previous letter to APPG vaping on why the disposable ban is likely to backfire; simply put, it will hand the entire market to illicit sales (these are already a problem, with oversized and higher-than-legal nicotine content). Illegal sales will likely increase sales to youth since they are already ignoring the law, and the situation in Australia with more than 50 fire bombings and three murders so far in the 'Nicotine turf wars' might be repeated here. As per my letter above, the best way to deal with illegal disposables is to have the legal market out-compete them; at least shops and retailers have fixed premises, and trading standards can take action if they don't follow the law. It is much harder to police some bloke at the pub or other informal sales. You also lose out on VAT charged on legal sales. Whatever you think about vaping, it saved my life; I started 16 years ago, very early when it was a new thing, and since then, there has been a vast amount of science (some good, some sadly terrible). Last week, 51 peer-reviewed papers and over 8,000 total papers were published. By now, vaping/nicotine is likely the most studied consumer drug ever. I had an MRI 15 years vaping (stopping smoking) of my head and upper torso. The doctors were able to confirm all the smoking damage had healed, and on explicitly asking if they could see any sign I vape, they could not (despite having found previously healed fractured ribs). Such experiences are not uncommon. A list of links to approximately 100,000 people reporting in their own words how vaping helped them. Tobacco control has a problem; please do not let that upset the government's plans to help people stop smoking with the best available harm-reduced product to date. The NHS finds it 2/3 (66%) effective, far better than NRT at around 15% with the same support (easily found on their vaping to stop smoking web page). Please ensure that the UK policy isn't derailed by click bait media, or the following: Extract from Clive Bates (former director ASH) essay:Tobacco Control's Nervous Breakdown Fourth, the existential threat to the tobacco control complex. The public discussion of the emerging landscape of low-risk consumer products seldom focuses on the interest group that is most vulnerable to disruption: the mainstream of tobacco control. It is a complex of interests comprising nonprofit activists, academics, medical and health societies, major institutions (such as the World Health Organization or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration), philanthropists and research-funding bodies. The problem for the mainstream of tobacco control is that without serious harm, the whole movement loses its purpose and its reason to exist. When it comes to low-risk alternatives to smoking, this complex is profoundly confronted by the threat of having nothing to control, no case for intervention and no reason to be. It is a powerful incumbent interest group challenged by new technology, new suppliers and new consumer confidence. As a result, the mainstream of this interest group has rejected tobacco harm reduction as a strategy for addressing its own notional goals of reducing death and disease from tobacco use. Instead, it has mounted a rear-guard defense based on a range of strategies, including the following: Falsely implying that noncombustible products are no less risky than cigarettes, that data is too uncertain or short-term, or asserting that reduced risk is no more than a marketing claim of tobacco companies. Asserting that harm reduction is merely a commercial strategy of tobacco companies. The aim here is to attach the reputational baggage of “Big Tobacco” to these new developments. Yet, many independent experts support tobacco harm reduction, and it is good if tobacco companies adopt a business model aligned with reducing health impacts. Excluding or stigmatizing contrarian opinions and creating sealed bubbles open to groupthink. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control has taken this to new extremes. Shifting emphasis to problematize nicotine rather than the “tar” of cigarette smoke that is the cause of nearly all tobacco-related disease. We are hearing more about “addiction” and less about cancer. Yet, a dependence only meets the definition of addiction if there is serious net harm to the user. A relentless focus on the supposed interests of children without recognizing that would-be smokers among adolescents also benefit from low-risk products and that the demand for nicotine has persisted across generations for hundreds of years. Young people have an interest in the health of the significant adults in their lives as carers, breadwinners and role models. Pressing for prohibitions or equivalent regulation to cigarettes, often with manipulation of language to imply equivalent risk, for example, by stating that heated-tobacco products produce “smoke” or that all tobacco products should be treated the same even though they have very different risks. A blunt refusal to face trade-offs (for example, between the interests of youth and adults) or unintended consequences (for example, increases in smoking) arising from favored policy positions. I have watched on in horror as the leadership in tobacco control, albeit with many honorable exceptions, has dogmatically denied and suppressed the opportunity to radically reshape the recreational nicotine market to cause vastly reduced harm and avoid hundreds of millions of premature deaths. It looks like a nervous breakdown is developing in tobacco control in response to profound disruptive innovation. I doubt they will survive it. See also my Letter PM 16th Feb 2024 particularly the graph that shows frequent youth use is not increasing, trials and infrequent use have, for perspective however, vaping has been far less popular and less harmful than youth drinking. Please do what you can to ensure legislation is well thought out, measured and does not result in people being forced back to deadly smoking. Thank you for your time and urgent attention!
Email APPG Smoking and health-4 March 2024
Subject: Youth vaping Please see the above graph, so far regular use (greater than once a week) is not high and may be displacing cigarettes, cigarettes are the worlds most deadly consumer product. Infrequent and trial use (once in 30 days, or ever use) while undesirable does not lead to dependence, only those in the graph above can possibly be ‘hooked’, but not all will be. I do not think young people should be encouraged to vape, but I would like to know your answer to one question, please. If a young person is determined to use nicotine, would you advise them to smoke cigarettes instead of safer alternatives, and a what age should harm reduction products like vaping be made available. I look forward to receiving your answer. Please feel free to ask others what they think should be done. Personally I feel the situation in Sweden is close to the best balance, accepting some use of low risk Snus, in order to reduce the uptake of deadly smoking. This will take effect far faster than the generational tobacco ban, Sweden will be a non smoking nation this year, although nicotine use remains, they have the lowest cancer rate in Europe. The UK can easily and quickly achieve the same with vaping. I note also Sweden reduced the tax on Snus to accelerate uptake. Yours sincerely, Richard Pruen
Letter sec state health and social care 14 March 2024
Subject: Tobacco and vapes bill Dear Victoria Atkins, I am contacting you as a vaping consumer, and advocate for saving lives, vaping saved my life (happy to share medical records to prove that) and I aim to pass that on to as many as possible, I am not paid in any way by anyone to do so. I was disturbed to hear some of the testimony given in parliament, much of the information was incorrect, or deliberately misleading. This is not good enough when debating a serious matter of health, accurate and science backed information is critical to saving lives. I would like an answer to the following question: What was the reason to justify excluding stakeholders, the users of vaping products, other safer tobacco products, and even people who smoke? User funded charities such as New Nicotine Alliance, who take no money from the tobacco or vaping industry should have been consulted. Users themselves or NNA would have been able to counter some of the poor information given and also to provide a view from those directly affected by the legislation being discussed. Much of the information could have been corrected, quickly and easily. The main issues with the unopposed debate (no stakeholder representative, or consideration given to stakeholders, it seems); the conflation of illegal/criminal imports of untested and illegal drug products, and legal UK nicotine vaping; the lack of separation between the independent vaping industry and tobacco multinationals (they are not the same thing); the potential to harm the UK government stop to swap scheme (saving lives of people who smoke now, not a future population, years from now)… I could go on, but others like UK Vaping Industry Association have pointed out the issues, no need for a repeat. My most important question; What is being done to ensure that stakeholders are heard, and the users of these products are not swept aside? Particularly what is being done to ensure false/misleading statements are not made to parliament by the experts, or that at least someone is included on behalf of users to set the record straight? I look forward to your responses. Yours sincerely, Richard Pruen
Letter sec state health and social care 11 May 2024
draft letter to new PM for 8th JUL
Draft letter Wes Sweeting
Sirs, Please find my reply inline in answer to your comments below. It is rather long, but a great deal of misinformation needs correcting. On Fri, 2024-09-06 at 10:51 +0000, Department of Health and Social Care wrote: Our ref: DE-1524319 Dear Mr Pruen, Thank you for your correspondence of 5 August about vaping. I have been asked to reply. I appreciate your concerns. The Government recognises the role that vapes can play as a smoking quit aid and it is not its intention to restrict the accessibility of vapes to adults in the upcoming Bill. Any measures brought forward through the upcoming Bill will be designed to curb youth vaping whilst having a minimal impact on adult vapers. The number of children vaping has tripled in the last three years, with one in five having used a vape in 2023, and the Government’s aim is to stop future generations from becoming hooked on nicotine.  Regarding the number vaping, very small number tripled is a very small number, for comparison please see the following graph (30 day use for various places) this includes a lot of experimental use that does not lead to dependence, and is sadly a part of growing up, adolescents try adult things (including alcohol at higher rates than vaping, causing deaths). Vaping won't cause any deaths at least, unlike cigarettes (few but fires do happen). As can be seen the rates of infrequent use are the lowest in the UK, and highest in Australia (excluding the blip in the USA). I do not believe this is a coincidence, it reflects the regulation and illegal sales, the UK and Australia being at opposite extremes. Here in the UK vaping is regulated and most sales are legal, from shops that have every reason to restrict sales to adolescents. In Australia the product is illegal without prescription, and 92% of the supply is via illegal sales, leading to firebombings and gang warfare. Illegal sales have every incentive to break the law, and sell to anyone with the cash. Illegal products are entirely unregulated. We need to remain in control of sales, since it is working, the UK has the lowest use among adolescents. Changes risk sending more sales to the illegal market, and reducing control over sales. This will have the opposite effect to the one you intend and result in more sales being illegal and thus more sales to underage. More enforcement of the existing rules, and work to reduce illegal sales would be welcome, and I suggest more useful than further restrictions in remaining in control. Absolutely do not follow Australia, that method/type of control is proven a failure. In the data above from ASH, we can see that 0.8% young people are vaping regularly having not also been a smoker, vaping is vastly safer than smoking, diverting them from cigarettes is a highly positive outcome. Given the data, and we must rely on data and facts here, all but 0.8% are diverted from cigarettes, and that means virtually no smoking naive youth are going on to regularly vape. This quite near to the ideal situation, changes in legislation that might make this worse (by increasing illegal sales) should be avoided. If it is working, don't fix it? While it is certainly true that adults prefer fruit and sweet flavours, many flavours on the market are overly appealing to children.Evidence shows that children are attracted to the fruit and sweet flavours of vapes, both in their taste and smell, as well as how they are described. Many flavours have attractive wording and names that entice children to try vaping, such as ‘gummy bear’ and ‘rainbow burst’. Nonsense, gummy bears are a sweet from my childhood, they may exist still, but I would buy that, I contest that is targeted at memories of adults. You might have more information on this, you should speak to the actual consumers of the product before jumping to easy sounding conclusions. New Nicotine Alliance are a charity funded exclusively by consumers and represent them, they would be a great point of contact. A consumer only org eliminates possible issues with manufacturer or even tobacco company influence. The Government is aware that vape flavours are an important consideration for adult smokers when seeking to quit smoking and it will carefully consider any restrictions to avoid unintended consequences. The primary purpose of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill is to reduce smoking rates by bringing forward a generational ban on the sale of tobacco, making it an offence for anyone to sell tobacco products to anyone born on or after 1 January 2009. This policy is not being implemented for vapes because the health advice is clear that vaping is less harmful than smoking; however, vaping is not risk-free and nor is the consumption of nicotine. The tobacco part of the bill is irrelevant according to this, and economists everywhere, cigarettes are going away. By the time the generational ban has any effect, there will have been no uptake of smoking for some years, and thankfully that will result in faster reductions in death and disease. The Generational ban is too slow, no effect for more than 20 years, but thankfully, THR (tobacco harm reduction) will have more effect and way faster, it has already begun as above. Nicotinecauses addiction rapidly and can increase the risk of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorder and more rapid development of some cancers. Giving up nicotine is very difficult, and withdrawal symptoms can include cravings, irritability, anxiety, trouble concentrating, headaches and other mental symptoms. Evidence also suggests that the brain in adolescence is more sensitive to the effects of nicotine, so there could be additional risks for young people. That is why it is vital that vapes are only used as a smoking cessation tool. Vapes are an effective quit tool for smokers, particularly when combined with behavioural support. Therefore, it is important that vapes remain accessible to adult smokers. The Government remains fully committed to the Swap to Stop scheme, which involves swapping cigarettes for vapes.  This part is shocking, and awful both at the same time. The misinformation presented to government is terrible. There is no good evidence that nicotine outside smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, in fact long term studies in Sweden show nicotine from Snus is not associated with increase in cardiovascular risk, nor with any sort of cancer. Since Snus has been popular for a long time the evidence is based on studies of the actual population, much more reliable than e.g. extrapolation from cell or animal studies. Would you provide the source of this disinformation (Cardiovascular desease, gastrointestinal desease, cancer risk), and who presented it, please? This is important, the government needs true and up to date information, and sources of poor/disinformation need to be tackled. Further there is good evidence that nicotine can treat some gastrointestinal problems, please may I have the source for your claim it is a cause. I present some peer reviewed papers below, none are industry funded. I can present more if you would like? "Despite different mechanisms of action, both ENDS and CCs attenuated on-going colon inflammation, enhanced healing and ameliorated recovery of injured intestines of DSS-treated mice and UC patients." Citation: Kastratovic N, Markovic V, Arsenijevic A, Volarevic A, Zdravkovic N, Zdravkovic M, Brankovic M, Gmizic T, Harrell CR, Jakovljevic V, Djonov V, Volarevic V. The effects of combustible cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems on immune cell-driven inflammation and mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis. Nicotine Tob Res. 2024 Aug 5:ntae193. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntae193. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39101540. Analysis of several studies - some animal. In general, nicotine is beneficial in ulcerative colitis; in particular, nicotine transdermal patches or nicotine enemas have shown significantly improved histological and global clinical scores of colitis, inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines in macrophages, and induced protective autophagy to maintain intestinal barrier integrity. Citation: Zhang W, Lin H, Zou M, Yuan Q, Huang Z, Pan X and Zhang W (2022) Nicotine in Inflammatory Diseases: Anti-Inflammatory and Pro-Inflammatory Effects. Front. Immunol. 13:826889. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.826889 Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 81903319), Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province of China (grant number 2021A1515011220), Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Province of China (grant number 20211008), Special Fund for Young Core Scientists of Agriculture Science (grant number R2019YJ-QG001), Special Fund for Scientific Innovation Strategy—Construction of High-Level Academy of Agriculture Science (grant number R2018YJ-YB3002), Top Young Talents of Guangdong Hundreds of Millions of Projects of China (grant number 87316004), the foundation of director of Crops Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (grant number 202205) and Outstanding Young Scholar of Double Hundred Talents of Jinan University of China. Smoking has a detrimental effect in Crohn's disease (CD), but this may be due to factors in smoking other than nicotine. Given that transdermal nicotine benefits ulcerative colitis (UC), and there is a considerable overlap in the treatment of UC and CD, the possible beneficial effect of nicotine has been examined in patients with Crohn's colitis. In this relatively small study of patients with active Crohn's colitis, 6 mg nicotine enemas appeared to be of clinical benefit in most patients. They were well tolerated and safe. PDF Version Citation: J. R. Ingram, J. Rhodes, B. K. Evans, and G. A. O. Thomas, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Gastroenterology Research and Practice, Volume 2008, Article ID 237185, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/237185 Acknowledgements: J. R. Ingram was supported by the Gastrointestinal Foundation Trust. SLA Pharma gave financial support to the project. The authors are indebted to Dr. J. T. Green (of Cardiff and Vale Hospitals Trust) who referred patients, and to Professor G. T. Williams (GTW) who performed all histological assessments. Regarding nicotine addiction, the DSM requires significant harm as well as the difficulty in stopping use, the safer forms of nicotine do not pose sufficient risk/harm by that definition. Tobacco when smoked certainly does pose sufficient risk, thus addiction is justified. Loss of autonomy is not sufficient harm, though it does require consideration, if it where caffine in coffee would be addictive, not the more reasonable dependency forming. For the dependency of nicotine, your information appears out of date, I will deffer to Karl Fagerstrom, world leading expert and inventor of the most used dependency test for nicotine. Karl Fagerstrom
reply from DHSC and reply sent
Dear Wes Streeting, Given the abundance of poor information circulating in Parliament, I thought I should provide an easy to understand example of what a 95% reduction is risk product can do to cancer rates. Unlike the modelling and assumptions that appear to prop up the tobacco and vapes bill, I will provide real population data from Sweden (they started using a harm reduction strategy with snus years ago, enough that real world data is available). You can verify these graphs by visiting The use of nicotine in Sweden is roughly the EU average at 22%, but much of that is a product that is similar in risk to vaping, snus is also 95% or better less risky than cigarettes. Sweden in allowing some uptake by young people has seen the reductions above, snus has substituted for a much more harmful product and overall risk has fallen dramatically as seen above. The 'not without risk' aspect of nicotine and vaping is massively overplayed, it is certainly less risky than alcohol. As you can see above so far the UK has avoided the surge in adolescent vaping seen elsewhere, there has been a rise, but according to the latest ASH data 0.8% of frequent (> once per week) users are tobacco naive, so most of the increase is diversion from smoking (a good thing since if you never inhale tobacco smoke, it cannot harm you). This begs the question; if it seems to be working, why fix it? Further restrictions will drive the product to illegal sales, and like has been seen in Australia, that results in more sales to youth, and less access for adults, exactly the opposite of the desired outcome. We already have an illegal market in oversized/over strength products roughly 30% of the market, changes will cause it to step up and supply more if it becomes profitable. Big hint here that the proposed 'sin tax' on nicotine is guaranteed to increase illegal sales. Is the tax take in the short term favourable, with the increase in illegal sales it will prompt, compared to maximising the savings to the NHS? I would strongly suggest not! Extending the swap to stop scheme, particularly to target older cigarette users will have a huge effect on the NHS, reductions like those in the Sweden graph above, would save more than 500 million a year (up to 1 billion, if we can match Sweden in 50% reduction in lung cancer).,mouth%20cancer%20and%20heart%20disease. The reduction would help cut waiting lists by 2029 as you have promised, especially if targeting the older at risk population with swap to stop. The tobacco part of the tobacco and vapes bill, that won't have had any effect by that point, and it is likely by the time it does the cigarette market will have collapsed/changed beyond recognition. I am not sure about it collapsing, but it is becoming obvious that big changes are afoot, and it will not be good for Big Tobacco of old. I would like to ask you to be cautious of changing regulations that we already have, and that appear to be working. Also to ensure that any further measures are well though out. The tobacco generational ban, I don't think will do any vast harm at least, it might have been a really good idea if implemented 20 years ago. I would also draw your attention to this regarding misinformation I have to wonder if misinformation on vaping is from tobacco companies, since as above vaping is doing a number on them? It seems this misinformation is stated without evidence usually or highly speculative evidence (rodent studies that are unsupported by the real world data). However I am happy to provide evidence for what I have said, and welcome any questions you may have, please feel free to ask. Thank you for your time. -- Richard Pruen <>
Email FAO- Wes Streeting, Potential risk reductions
APPG for Responsible Vaping Inquiry on Vaping – Autumn 2024 CALL FOR EVIDENCE Those wishing to submit evidence to the inquiry should use this form. Submissions should be sent by email to by 31 October 2024. Responses to individual questions should be kept to 500 words. Supporting information and evidence will also be accepted (see section 6). The APPG for Responsible Vaping is committed to transparency. The names of those organisations providing evidence, together with their submission, will be acknowledged in the final report and made available on the APPG for Responsible Vaping website. Personal information will not be released. All information gathered will be treated in accordance with the APPG’s GDPR policies. The APPG for Responsible Vaping has no links, connections or other engagement with the tobacco industry. If any tobacco company provides a submission to the APPG inquiry, as per guidance on requirements of article 5.3 of the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), it will not be considered. About your organisation Q. Please provide your name and the name of the organisation that you are representing including contact details. Please indicate if you are responding in a personal capacity. I am representing myself as a consumer Q. Please outline your organisation’s field of interest/area of expertise in vaping including the relevant sector you represent e.g. public health, retail, manufacturer, regulator etc. I am a consumer of vaping products, I wish to present a consumer view Key Lines of Inquiry 1. The health impact of vaping including current application and usage 1a. Please provide comment and evidence to show the health impact of vaping including how, when and by whom such products are used, and their effectiveness or otherwise. Vaping provides a vastly safer alternative to combustible tobacco, both for current cigarette users, and for anyone who would start using riskier forms of tobacco. 1b. How should the government and others in public health treat vaping as part of the Smoke Free 2030 strategy and other health interventions? Vaping has a vastly lower and different risk profile to tobacco, the rules for tobacco are suitable for tobacco only (due to the extreme harm, and long lead time to that harm). Vaping must be treated separately and law must reflect the fact that it is at least twenty times safer than cigarettes. The risk is actually substantially lower, given use over 15 years has shown little problem. Vaping is capable of displacing cigarettes from the market, this has already begun.1c. And what are the barriers to this happening at present and in the future? focus on the generational ban as the go to policy, this will not do anything in time for the 2030 strategy, and the vapes part of it needs to avoid preventing switching, and any further restrictions favour expanding the illegal market. 2. Challenges facing the vape sector, including youth access and the environment 2a. How should we tackle issues relating to youth vaping? Please provide details of your experiences and supporting evidence including examples of effective interventions or other work, including from other sectors or countries. What else should the government, regulators, retail and vape sectors be doing in this regard and what does an effective strategy look like? Youth are already prevented from legally purchasing vapes, and the uptake of regular use > 1 time a week is 0.8% and not trending quickly in any direction. Keeping legal vapes on the market and available more freely than illegal ones is key, illegal vapes will only be sold if profitable, the cheapest control for illegal sales is to have legal products that prevent illegal products being profitable. Vaping is at least 20 times safer than cigarettes, and has an off ramp in tapering, while use is undesirable, it is still very much better than cigarettes for those determined to use nicotine. 2b. How should we tackle issues relating to the environmental impact of vaping. Please provide comment and evidence on the effectiveness of the current environmental legislative regime, such as the WEEE Directive, whether this is fit for purpose or what changes need to occur. I wrote to APPGVaping before with some ideas here is the letter from 28th feb 2023 this would also help suppress the illegal oversize devices, and reduce waste by a factor of ten times. _2023.pdf 2c. What other measures or schemes could be considered to improve the environmental impact of vaping? Is there, for example, a need to consider innovative take-back schemes together with financial penalties or incentives on the consumer, retailer and manufacturer, and what is the role for government and regulators? disposables should be discouraged, having a rewarded return scheme, and improving the design. For example I released a metal free pod that the part thrown away is entirely safe to throw away, the two tiny graphite contacts are the only parts that do not biodegrade quickly It is dedicated to public domain so anyone can use for any purpose. 2d. Will the government’s likely proposal to ban single use or disposable vapes be beneficial in tackling youth vaping and the environmental impact of vaping? Are there potential consequences that need to be understood and explored? Please explain and evidence yourcomments. No it will likely drive all disposable sales to illegal markets (30% is already oversized/strength disposables) This will result in easier availability to underage due to no age of sale law being followed and greater risk due to untested products. This needs to be considered, a ban will increase danger. 2e. How can challenges relating to the growth of the illicit vape market be addressed and what role is there for government, regulators, law enforcement, retail, vape manufacturers etc? The regulated legal market is the best way to ensure it is not profitable to sell illegally, this has zero cost to implement. Ensure legal products are desirable and useable enough and there is no profit in illegal products. 2f. In recent years, there has been a significant increase among smokers believing that vaping is as harmful as tobacco use. Why has this come about, what are the risks with this and how can such misconceptions be addressed and corrected? Media focus on harms. This needs media and facts targeted particularly at older adults to get them facts and encourage then to switch as soon as possible. There is no other policy that can reach the most at risk population, older adults facing smoking related issues, the sooner they switch the better. 3. The economic impact of vaping towards public health, retail sector and wider economy 3a. What evidence can you share that highlights the economic impact of vaping, both positive and negative, towards the various sectors listed above. Having it be cheaper for the consumer is another reason to switch, the risk reduction is enormous so a large incentive is warrented to incentivise switching. 3b. What impact will the government’s likely course of legislative action (proposed ban on single-use vapes, banning advertising and branding as well as potential restrictions on vape flavours and retail display) on vaping have on the economic impact of vaping? Youth regular vaping is 0.8% and it might reduce that to 0.5% at best, meanwhile it will prevent many adults from switching, the adults still smoking face death 50% of the time. None of the youth starting will face death from vaping in the short or medium term, and unlikely to face death in the long term. The youth gain little for a lot of adult death. An annoying dependence VS 50% chance of death, these need to be weighted properly. 4. Proposed government legislative measures including flavours, packaging, display, excise and a ban on certain vaping products 4a. Please comment on the government’s likely proposed measures for regulating the vapesector including a ban on single-use vapes and a graduated excise regime – please indicate where you support or oppose such steps and your views on their likely consequences. as above the risk to youth and adults must be propperly considered. The risk of increasing illegal sales as well, it can be seen from Australia that demand exists and supply will meet it. Far better legal regulated vapes than illegasl ones. Flavours are vital for adults and any youth determined to try vapes will use whatever is available, it is unlikely to change the decision they make. 4b. Please comment on the government’s potential measures around packaging, display and flavours – please indicate where you support or oppose such steps including your views on their likely consequences (the APPG recognises that the government is still to publish full details around a number of these measures). Packaging/flavours should be no more restricted than the far worse alcohol, or other adult goods, if age of sale is acceptable for alcohol, and yet deaths occur in under 18s then a product without deaths and unlikely in the extreme to cause any, it doesn’t make logical sense. one puff in 30 days but 0.8% regular use indicates vapes are not as sticky as cigarettes, as most trials do not proceed to regular use. Risk reduction, because risk elimination is not possible. 4c. What are the risks, if any, to achieving the government’s Smoke Free 2030 ambition with its likely course of legislative action? The potential to increase the share of illegal sales, thus increasing availabity to youth, while causing adults to thing vaping is as harmful as cigarettes. Restrictions have a huge potential to cause harm, and little to do good on a whole population basis. 5. Better regulating the vape sector in the UK 5a. Please set out what in your view what would constitute a better regulated vape sector, with reference to examples from other sectors or countries. Where available, provide evidence to highlight how a particular route or measure has achieved its goals in delivering better regulation and the desired outcome. This could include responsibilities for government, regulators, retail and manufactures and both legislative and non-legislative routes. The existing rules are not too bad, they have led to the lowest youth vaping in the world and no spike in use as seen in the USA. Better enforcement of age of sale and keeping the illigal market suppressd, it would be very easy to do worse than continue as things are. 5b. Would a licensing scheme for vaping provide a better regulated sector and how could such a model work? Please provide any evidence to substantiate your comments including examples from other sectors or countries, and what would specifically need to occur to make this a feasible & effective scheme? 500 words No vapes should be available wherever cigarettes are available and with preferably less restrictions. The existing laws are good as they are, slightly favouring display of vapes over tobacco. Restrictions on vapes will make tobaccomore appealing in comparison, and tobacco is 20 times worse. 6. Other 6a. Please use this space to set out any other information or comments that you like to submit that you do not feel have been adequately covered by the above. Respondents can also submit an attachment. 500 words general supporting evidence attached Youth vaping is well under control and there are no sudden or worying trends or fad use. This is possibly as good as it gets, more restrictions are lilkey to make things worse (increasing illegal markets) Regular use very low and has been the same for several years
Response to APPG call for evidence
Thank you for the reply, please find my response inline. On Thu, 2024-10-24 at 17:26 +0000, Department of Health and Social Care wrote: > Our ref: DE-1529395 <cut> We also remain fully committed to our Swap to Stop scheme, which sees up to one million adult smokers being encouraged to ‘swap to stop’, swapping cigarettes for vapes under the national scheme – the first of its kind in the world. Very glad to hear this, as suggested before I hope you would consider putting extra focus on reaching older cigarette users, they are the group most directly facing health harms, and the generational ban does nothing for them ever. The possibility exists to eliminate a huge amount of disease and death. With savings to the NHS year on year because cancer treatments are expensive. On the subject of the tobacco and vapes bill, I don't see the big rush the likes of ASHuk promote, by the time the legislation has any effect the 2030 smoke free deadline will have passed. IMHO it is better to take the time and get it right, than to rush through damaging regulations. Clive Bates provides good reasons here:   In addition, NHS programmes delivering nicotine replacement therapy are helping thousands of adults each year to live healthier lives with adult smoking rates dropping by more than half in the last three decades. Good, the more low risk options available the more likely people will find an acceptable one, and thus not die. Whilst vapes can be an effective quit aid for adult smokers, we are concerned about the worrying rise in vaping among children, and there are legitimate concerns about the unknown long-term harms from vaping. There has not been a significant rise in regular use of vapes (once a week or more) certainly nothing sudden or panic worthy. The Please see this graph: With 20 years of use, biomarker data, 16 years of popular use mostly in ex cigarette users, you are vastly overstating the remaining risk. Vaping is not likely to cause cancer of any kind (cancer potential 0.004% of smoking, a robust body of evidence At this stage any possible risks are sure to be minor, the type that may cause discomfort or be annoying, but extremely unlikely to be life threatening. Science has moved on since cigarettes where found harmful, there is also real world population data from Sweden on reduced risk products and the effect. No need for modelling, there has been enough time to see the results in the eurobarometer. Vapes can do the same in the UK, or legalise Snus and copy Sweden, either way would work. As long as the you do not ban the good, while trying to achieve the perfect (resulting the disaster of more cigarettes). Ideally legalise Suns alongside vapes and transition those who will not vape to that, and cut deaths faster. Disposable vapes play a significant role in driving youth vaping with 54 per cent of current vapers aged 11-to-17 in Great Britain using them. They are easily available, cheaply priced and come in enticing colours and flavours. Additionally, they cause significant environmental harm with five million disposable vapes being either littered or thrown away in general waste every week. Given the level of environmental harm, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is reviewing proposals to restrict the sale and supply of disposable vapes and will shortly outline its plans. Reusable and refillable products will remain available to help support smokers to switch and we do not have any plans to restrict vapes, for instance, to prescription only channels. There is absolutely no reason to punish the thousands of adults who will be put off from vaping, for 54% of 0.8% (youth vapers who never used cigarettes). Half of those adults not switching will die, while the youth will need to taper off nicotine using refillable vapes built in off ramp, cigarettes do not have that. Meanwhile according to NHS digital 2022 (graph below) 8% of 11-16 year old's have been drunk 3 or more times, vape are very effectively kept out of young peoples hands compared to that. There is no mass moral panic about alcohol, alcohol is far more deadly than vapes You need to sort priorities out, because the evidence doesn't support the focus on vapes. Enforcement of our regulations is vital. This is why we will ensure that the Tobacco and Vapes Bill contains new powers for trading standards, to take more immediate action to prevent the sale of vape to children and stop illicit products. That is great, underage sales need to be kept low, so does the illegal sale of unregulated vapes. In addition to local enforcement action, we are also providing £3million of funding over two years for Operation Joseph to reduce the sale of illegal vapes and nicotine containing vapes to under 18s. Operation Jospeh has been increasing funding at ports to ensure trading standards can conduct large seizures of illicit vapes before they enter the country. Great, but ensuring a legal market of products people want and find acceptable will mean illegal sales are unprofitable, there is also no cost to the government to enforce that. Restricting adults choices of flavours and full plain packaging will result in demand, the proposed sin tax will increase profitability, Australia at the time of writing has had 130 firebombings in the vapes turf war, do not bring that sort of insanity here, learn from their mistakes. Marketing is already restricted, and no reputable company targets underage users, they would be boycotted out of existence by consumers because they will not put up with youth targeting (I have seen this several times and it is very effective). Any genuinely youth appealing marketing or packaging can be dealt with under existing rules against advertising the product. It is while consumers are on side you can rely on this, if like Australia restrictions mean the public support the illegal market, then things will go badly here, just like Australia. I also worry the focus on vaping will detract from youth alcohol and drug prevention. Both these cause significant deaths, vaping doesn't even intoxicate, nor will it cause young people to die. The Department has previously published a call for evidence, a policy paper and a response to the public consultation on tobacco and vaping measures. All of these contain published links to evidence the Government has used in formulating policy and are relevant to many of the points you have raised. In addition to this, we work closely with organisations such as Action on Smoking and Health, public health bodies, academics, local organisations and other relevant parties to ensure that policy is based on the most reliable evidence. With respect it would be best to rely more heavily on the reports that where done for OHID, and less on hearsay or anecdotal evidence that may be brought up in parliament. Views should be heard, but must never take precedence over a report based on evidence and backed by science. We will be undertaking further consultations before the introduction of vaping regulations once the Tobacco and Vapes Bill has completed its parliamentary stages, and I would encourage you to respond to those consultations when they launch. Yes thank you. You can be sure I will be taking part in such consultations where possible. I am however just a consumer and care for my Mum who has vascular dementia, I hope this reply is helpful. Yes thank you, it makes it clear that risk is not an easy concept, and I hope the information presented helps to provide better perspective. Please feel free to ask any questions I will do my best to clarify any points or provide extra evidence if needed. Yours sincerely, Correspondence Officer Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries Department of Health and Social Care --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Please do not reply to this email. To contact the Department of Health and Social Care, please visit theContact DHSC section on GOV.UK To receive news about DHSC: sign up to our monthly newsletter This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic communications. -- Richard Pruen <>
Email response to DHSC draft 2
Hi folks, Since the government promised to be evidence led, I thought this new evidence was vital for vaping policy. In this paper the authors examined respiratory symptoms in e-cigarette users without a history of smoking from the VERITAS cohort. While vapers reported slightly more frequent symptoms than non-vapers on the Respiratory Symptom Experience Scale, the difference was not clinically significant. Disposable e-cigarettes were the most common device type, with fruit flavors preferred by most users. The VERITAS cohort aims to provide long term data on vaping in never cigarette users <100 cigarettes in their life, and is important because most vapers are past cigarette smokers and significant confounding exists due to this. The first data above shows 'the difference between groups was not clinically significant', further proof that in the long term, vaping is vastly safer than smoking, and the effects on non-smokers are tiny, not clinically significant. It is vital that you factor this information into policy because adults who are convinced not to switch face death 50% of the time. Adolescent nicotine use is falling, and if they do use any product, then smoking should be the least available to them, as it is the most harmful. Vaping in adolescents is lower than alcohol use, and alcohol is far more toxic in both the short and long term. The current age of sale laws means the UK has the lowest regular use of vapes in underage in the world; we should keep doing that, but be aware that there is little harm from vaping when you compare that to the death faced by cigarette smokers. The tax and ban policy will not work; it will lead to illegal markets, just like Australia has seen; once control is lost, it will be harder to regain. Sweden, on the other hand, did not reduce nicotine use, which is average for the EU, but has seen reductions in smoking-related diseases and cancer. They have also achieved the smoke-free goal 17 years early: The UK will reduce death and disease more rapidly being more like Sweden than like Australia. I would like you to focus on reducing death and disease quickly, and without sacrificing the older cigarettes smoking population, this is possible, if Sweden can do it, so can the UK. Thank for your time. -- Richard Pruen <>
Email to DHSC 20 nov 2024