Nicotine / THR - Guides for Healthcare and Social Services Professionals

Safer nicotine wiki Tobacco Harm Reduction
Revision as of 20:21, 8 September 2024 by Skip (talk | contribs)
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Reminder: Using NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) is a form of THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction).

Healthcare Professionals

Doctors, Nurses, Clinics, Hospitals

Supporting People Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Using e-cigarettes before, during and after pregnancy

  • Provides links to guides and infographics for maternity and healthcare professionals. Also, it provides information for pregnant people and their families.

Supporting People Living With Mental Health Conditions

Supporting People Living With Substance or Alcohol Use Disorders

Cessation Services - Public Health

Cessation Services - Nontraditional such as Vape Shops

Social Services


Supporting People Experiencing Unstable Housing

Adoption and Foster Care - “Substitute Carers”


Michael F. Pesko

  • "(1/Thread): Hey health policy/econ professors, ever considered adding an #ecig section to your health course? Here is a slide deck for you: Feel free to use any part of this in your own courses to spread knowledge about this important/interesting topic. #econtwitter" (Note: This doc always links to a clickable link for an updated version)