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World Safer Nicotine Day

From THR Blog (Andrew Thompson)


December 30th is World Safer Nicotine Day. WSND it an opportunity to celebrate safer (and safe!) alternative nicotine products to smoking cigarettes and other combustible forms of tobacco. Such products include (tobacco free) nicotine vaping and nicotine pouches, as well as smokeless tobacco based products like snus & heated tobacco products.

It is scheduled for December 30th each year so that people who smoke and might be making New Year resolutions to quit smoking, have information on viable and enjoyable alternatives to switch to.

Suggested Hashtags for social media posts

#WSND, #WSNDnn (where nn is the year), #WorldSaferNicotineDay. #Commit2Switch.

Topics for discussion

There are many things you might share on World Safer Nicotine Day to help people who smoke to see alternatives.

Nicotine: The misconceptions that nicotine causes cancer, heart disease, COPD etc.

Snus: Decades of population level evidence suggesting no difference in lifespan between snus consumers and never nicotine users. The miracle of the Nordic countries which have seen a dramatic drop in smoking rates and smoking related disease as a result of consumers switching to snus en mass.

Nicotine Pouches: The ‘new kid on the block’ in terms of smokeless products, which shows great potential as a pleasurable alternative to getting nicotine, and is well suited to times and places where vaping or use of a heated tobacco product is inappropriate.

Vaping / e-cigarettes: A form of consuming nicotine that closely mimics the action of smoking, but in thousands of delicious flavors.

Heated Tobacco Products: The low risk way to get nicotine that most closely resembles the usage profile, taste and experience of smoking.

Note that the purpose of WSND is not to try to engage with anti-nicotine and tobacco zealots, or to encourage politicians to ease restrictions on alternative products. It’s all about people who smoke, and making them aware of the wonderful alternatives to smoking which they can enjoy switching to.


Logos available here in various sizes may be linked, or downloaded as you wish.