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===2022: [ What low-income smokers have learned from public health pedagogy: A narrative inquiry]===
===2022: [ What low-income smokers have learned from public health pedagogy: A narrative inquiry]===
*Frohlich et al and others have suggested that public health educational messages may have the unintended consequence of marginalizing low-income smokers and unintentionally contributing to health disparities. Our study participants also point to healthcare professionals as an important group who may be contributing to these feelings. With this in mind, efforts to educate healthcare providers on how their actions may be perceived as judgmental or lacking in compassion about the effects of nicotine withdrawal are warranted.  
*Frohlich et al and others have suggested that public health educational messages may have the unintended consequence of marginalizing low-income smokers and unintentionally contributing to health disparities. Our study participants also point to healthcare professionals as an important group who may be contributing to these feelings. With this in mind, efforts to educate healthcare providers on how their actions may be perceived as judgmental or lacking in compassion about the effects of nicotine withdrawal are warranted.  
===2022: [ Smoking and social housing from LIN and ASH]===
*"People who smoke" are mentioned 16 times in this report. One example: "These particular examples also shine a light on the potential of e-cigarettes for people who smoke and live in social housing. Reviews of the evidence by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicines in the US and the UK Committee on Toxicity have concluded that the relative risk of adverse health effects from e-cigarettes are likely to be substantially lower than from smoking. E-cigarettes have also been shown to be an effective aid for quitting, in clinical trials and at population level, with some evidence suggesting they are even more effective than traditional forms of nicotine replacement therapy, like patches and gum. They also appear to have been particularly valuable among groups who face higher levels of addiction and more barriers to quitting, for example among people experiencing homelessness and people with mental health conditions. Considered alongside the evidence from the ‘Swap to-Stop scheme, e-cigarettes therefore present a real opportunity to substantially benefit people who smoke and live in social housing."

===2020: [ Changing the Language of How We Measure and Report Smoking Status: Implications for Reducing Stigma, Restoring Dignity, and Improving the Precision of Scientific Communication]===
===2020: [ Changing the Language of How We Measure and Report Smoking Status: Implications for Reducing Stigma, Restoring Dignity, and Improving the Precision of Scientific Communication]===