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==<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">NEW:,</span>[ Association of Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Use Patterns With Levels of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers Among US Adults: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study]==
==<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">NEW:,</span>[ Association of Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Use Patterns With Levels of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers Among US Adults: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study]==

* Our analysis was restricted to Wave 1 adults ≥18 years of age with nonmissing data on biomarkers and cigarette/e-cigarette use. Analytic sample sizes were dependent on the respective biomarker considered.
* "Our analysis was restricted to Wave 1 adults ≥18 years of age with nonmissing data on biomarkers and cigarette/e-cigarette use. Analytic sample sizes were dependent on the respective biomarker considered."

* s. Compared with exclusive smokers, exclusive e-cigarette users had significantly lower levels of almost all inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers other than high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (geometric mean ratio, 0.91 [95% CI, 0.79–1.07]).
*"...we observed no difference in inflammatory and oxidative  stress biomarkers between exclusive e-cigarette users and nonusers (no cigarettes or vaping), and levels were lower in exclusive e-cigarette users relative to exclusive smokers."

==<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">NEW: </span>[ Associations of Socioeconomic Status, Parental Smoking and Parental E-Cigarette Use with 10–11-Year-Old Children’s Perceptions of Tobacco Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes: Cross Sectional Analysis of the CHETS Wales 3 Survey]==
==<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">NEW: </span>[ Associations of Socioeconomic Status, Parental Smoking and Parental E-Cigarette Use with 10–11-Year-Old Children’s Perceptions of Tobacco Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes: Cross Sectional Analysis of the CHETS Wales 3 Survey]==