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(2015 Biochemical Estimation of Noncompliance with Smoking of Very Low Nicotine Content Cigarettes)
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== VLNCs ==
'''VLNC (Very Low Nicotine Cigarettes)'''
A topic hotly debated. While they still contain the dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes, the theory is that with less nicotine, they will not appeal to people who smoke and will help them quit smoking. Meanwhile, to those trying smoking for the 1st time, it is hoped that the lower nicotine content will make them less addicting and will be a route for people to become habitual smokers.
For lose who are new to smoking, it is hoped that with the low nicotine content people won't become addicted to them and convert to habitual smoking. For people who already habitually smoke, it is hoped that the lower level of nicotine will help them break free from smoking or if they want/need more nicotine, convert to a safer alternative. The US FDA granted the first MRTP (Modified Risk Tobacco Product) to a VLNC on December 23, 2021.

== Studies ==
== Studies ==