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=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Heavy Metals at dangerous levels=
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Heavy Metals at dangerous levels=

===2018: [ Heavy Metal]===
*Studies like the 2018 one from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health claimed they found substantial levels of toxic heavy metals in eliquid and vapour. The results have then been used as part of overexcited lectures to the media by the likes of the lamentable Bonnie Halpern-Felsher. A study from researchers at West Virginia University pours cold water over the argument by finding that vapers’ blood and urine matches those who neither vape or smoke.

===2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Article: [ Heavy Metal]===
: Studies like the 2018 one from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health claimed they found substantial levels of toxic heavy metals in eliquid and vapour. The results have then been used as part of overexcited lectures to the media by the likes of the lamentable Bonnie Halpern-Felsher. A study from researchers at West Virginia University pours cold water over the argument by finding that vapers’ blood and urine matches those who neither vape or smoke.
*2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Article: [ Dr. Farsalinos Discredits “Toxic Metal” Study For Being Misleading]
:  “The ‘significant amount’ of metals the authors reported they found were measured in ug/kg. In fact, they are so low that for some cases (chromium and lead) I calculated that you need to vape more than 100 ml per day in order to exceed the FDA limits for daily intake from inhalation medications.” He suggested that this happens because studies sometimes use concentration limits associated with constant intake, as opposed to just the breaths that include e-liquid vapor. According to Farsalinos, “humans take more than 17,000 breaths per day but only 400-600 puffs per day from an e-cigarette.” So when researchers calculations omit this fact, the results can appear drastically worse than they ought too.
*2020: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Study: [ Association of electronic cigarette use with lead, cadmium, barium, and antimony body burden: NHANES 2015-2016]
: Blood lead levels, and urinary cadmium, barium, and antimony levels were similar between participants who used e-cigarettes and participants who did not.
* 2015: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Study: [ Are Metals Emitted from Electronic Cigarettes a Reason for Health Concern? A Risk-Assessment Analysis of Currently Available Literature]
:  Based on currently available data, overall exposure to metals from EC use is not expected to be of significant health concern for smokers switching to EC use, but is an unnecessary source of exposure for never-smokers. Metal analysis should be expanded to more products and exposure can be further reduced through improvements in product quality and appropriate choice of materials.
: Article about above study: [ Metals emitted from e-cigarettes are NOT a reason for health concern]
* 2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Metal Concentrations in e-Cigarette Liquid and Aerosol Samples: The Contribution of Metallic Coils]
* 2013: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Metal and silicate particles including nanoparticles are present in electronic cigarette cartomizer fluid and aerosol]

=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Heart Disease caused by vaping=
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Heart Disease caused by vaping=