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<big>'''Stigma and stigmatizing language lead to viewing people as less worthy and can lead to bias, racism, and [ discrimination]. Stigma can affect the mental health of the stigmatized, may inhibit their ability to achieve wanted changes in their lives, and may cause them to avoid [ medical care] or helpful services.'''</big>
<big>'''Stigma and stigmatizing language lead to viewing people as less worthy and can lead to bias, racism, and [ discrimination]. Stigma can affect the mental health of the stigmatized, may inhibit their ability to achieve wanted changes in their lives, and may cause them to avoid [ medical care] or helpful services. This page explores the use of Person-First Language and the consequences of stigmatizing people who use nicotine.'''</big>
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*I propose that if we want to help erase stigma, we choose to use the word recurrence rather than relapse. “Recurrence of substance use disorder” creates a more accurate connotation, one that is more consistent in the medical world.
*I propose that if we want to help erase stigma, we choose to use the word recurrence rather than relapse. “Recurrence of substance use disorder” creates a more accurate connotation, one that is more consistent in the medical world.
*Our language activates implicit cognitive scripts that give meaning to what we try to convey and communicate.  
*Our language activates implicit cognitive scripts that give meaning to what we try to convey and communicate.  
='''"Black Words - Example: Black Market"'''=
=='''Studies, Papers, Reports'''==
===2019: [ Communicating about Substance Use in Compassionate, Safe and Non-Stigmatizing Ways]===
*Instead of "Black Market," use alternative terms such as "illegal supply," "unregulated market," "illegally obtained," "illegally produced," or "diverted."
*“Black” is often used as an adjective to convey that something is illegal or otherwise “bad” (e.g., black market, blacklist, black sheep, blackmail, etc.), which has clear racist underpinnings.
===2018: [ “Blacklists” and “whitelists”: a salutary warning concerning the prevalence of racist language in discussions of predatory publishing]===
*This commentary addresses the widespread use of racist language in discussions concerning predatory publishing. Examples include terminology such as blacklists, whitelists, and black sheep. The use of such terms does not merely reflect a racist culture, but also serves to legitimize and perpetuate it.
*The racism in such “black is bad, white is good” metaphors is inappropriate and needs to cease.
*...the word WHITENESS has 134 synonyms; 44 of which are favorable and pleasing to contemplate…Only ten synonyms for WHITENESS appear to me have negative implications—and these only in the mildest sense… The word BLACKNESS has 120 synonyms, 60 of which are distinctly unfavorable, and none of them even mildly positive…
=='''Articles, Blogs, Websites'''==
===2023: [ Why We Should Abandon the Term “Black Market”]===

===2021: [ Say This Instead: “Blacklist,” “Blackball,” “Blackmail,” “Black market,” etc.]===
*"In a continuation of the “Say This Instead” series, let’s look at the pervasive symbolism of “white” as positive and “black” as negative in the English language. Words like “blackmail” (related to extortion), “blackball” (rejection), “blacklist” (banishment), and “black market” (illicitness) are so woven into the fabric of our language that we often don’t reflect on their racist overtones. The meaning of these phrases is always something undesirable. It perpetuates a systemic stigma caused by using the same terms that describe the color of our skin as a delineation between good and bad.  Based on our use of these words, “black” is bad and “white” is good."
===2020: [ Racist Language and Origins I Didn’t Always Know]===
*The symbolism of white as positive and black as negative is pervasive in our culture. ...color is related to extortion (blackmail), disrepute (black mark), rejection (blackball), banishment (blacklist), and illicitness (black market).
*"To be an antiracist means taking action to change inherit bias, implicit bias, systemic racism, covert bias, and micro-aggressions. While we may say things without malice or racist intent, we can do better by learning how to recognize and stop using language with racist origins, meanings, or connotations."
==Articles, Websites, Blogs==
===2022: [ CTP Updates “Grandfathered Tobacco Product” Term to “Pre-Existing Tobacco Product”]===
*On Aug. 19, FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) updated the term “grandfathered tobacco product” to “pre-existing tobacco product” on all the Center’s systems.
*Additionally, the term “grandfathered” – when used to describe someone or something exempt from a new law or regulation – has its roots in 19th century racist voting laws. Therefore, this terminology has been updated in accordance with CTP’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.
===2013: [ The Racial History Of The 'Grandfather Clause']===
*"Because of the 15th Amendment, you can't pass laws saying blacks can't vote, which is what they wanted to do," says Eric Foner, a Columbia University historian. "But the 15th Amendment allowed restrictions that were nonracial. This was pretty prima facie a way to allow whites to vote, and not blacks."
='''"Derogatory Terminology"'''=
*Comment from Skip, the creator of this wiki page:
**Those of us who believe there is a place in the world for alternative nicotine products have witnessed years of stigmatization for people's nicotine use. I encourage all of us to think twice about our own use of stigmatizing words, especially when directed at those we don't agree with. We must remember that we sometimes seem like "zealots" to them, too. Name-calling, disrespectful attitudes, and hurtful words will never open the dialogue between opposing viewpoints. Don't be a PANTZ (pro-alternative nicotine and tobacco zealot).
**Be kind - millions of people are dying from smoking. It is one thing to be enthusiastic, it is another thing to be a rude troll. Show your mission's credibility by treating others respectfully, even if they've come across as rude. We should teach by example.
**Stick with issues, not personal attacks. Many of us did things when we were teens that our parents didn't know about. When it comes to the teen vaping issue, why are we attacking parents? How are they supposed to know what their kids are doing 24/7? With all the misinformation out there, why are we angry at their panic over their child's use of vapor products? Many falsely believe that vaping can kill their kids or turn them into "addicts" (with all the stigma attached to that word). We shouldn't stigmatize parents, call them names, crack jokes about them drinking wine, etc. We should show compassion for their fear and keep offering to have a conversation and work towards solutions.
==Labeling Opponents==
*[ Video on Twitter]
*Anti Nicotine and Tobacco Zealots
*A derogatory label applied to individuals and groups focused on eliminating all nicotine and tobacco products without taking the continuum of risk into consideration. Some of those individuals believe that all forms of nicotine are harmful, and society would experience improved public health without the use of nicotine. Some of those individuals are hyper-focused on concerns about youth initiating nicotine use and struggle to include concerns for anyone who smokes. Much of this debate is focused on e-cigarettes. A good discussion on the lack of balance is in this paper: [ Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes]
*Term used when referencing Michael Bloomberg, his money, the organizations he financially supports, and his followers.
*A pejorative term for a (most often white) woman (or rarely a man) perceived as entitled or [ demanding] beyond the scope of what is reasonable.
*Sometimes called "soccer moms."
==Mass Murderers - Nazi - Homicide==
*Terms used by some pro-tobacco harm reduction advocates aimed towards those who they don't agree with. Claiming that people who don't support tobacco harm reduction are purposely causing the deaths of people who smoke.
==Nanny State or Nanny Stater==
*Nanny State is sexist and pejorative--trying to say that the govt thinks we're all babies in need of a "nanny."
*The term is [ attributed] to British Conservative politician, Iain Macleod, who used it in a derogatory sense to criticize government intervention in people’s lives.
*Example of better terminology: "supporter of state intervention to influence behavior"
*A shill is someone who [ publicly helps] or gives credibility to a person, company, industry, or organization without disclosing their close relationship or employment. In online discussion media, shills make posts expressing opinions that further interests of an organization in which they have a vested interest, such as a commercial vendor or special interest group, while posing as unrelated innocent parties.
*Both sides of the debate tend to aim this slur (without proof) at people they disagree with. Often to accuse someone of working in the tobacco industry or accuse someone of having their pockets lined by a wealthy funder who pushes a specific agenda. It is an attempt to discredit another person.
*The phrase is used in a [ derogatory] way to deride those particularly on the left of the political spectrum, and those with progressive liberal views. The author Chuck Palahniuk used the term 'snowflake' as an insult in his 1996 novel Fight Club. But way back in early 1860s in Missouri, USA, a 'snowflake' was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery.
==Tobacco Control =/= People Control==
*Califf (FDA)
==Mom's Basement==
*Brian King (FDA CTP)
*[ Tweet by SRNT 2023 Atendee]
*“It’s easy to criticize from a twitter handle in your mother’s basement”

='''Words Matter - Lessons Learned: Drugs, Alcohol, Race, Gender, Mental Health, Weight, etc.'''=
='''Words Matter - Lessons Learned: Drugs, Alcohol, Race, Gender, Mental Health, Weight, etc.'''=