Movies, Videos, Vlogs

Safer nicotine wiki Tobacco Harm Reduction
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Movies - Documentary

A Billion Lives

A billion people projected to die. You'll be surprised who's keeping it that way.

You Don't Know Nicotine

Nicotine is one of the most-hated, misunderstood substances found in nature. With significant profits, taxes, and funds at stake, the waters are very muddy. We’ve made a commitment to our Kickstarter backers to cut through the noise and come back home from our journey with the truth.

Movies - Other

Conferences and Seminars

Global Forum on Nicotine

The GFN is the only international conference to focus on the role of safer nicotine products that help people switch from smoking. (International / English)

Burning Issues: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2020

Over 5 hours. (long music intro) Mapping the availability and use of THR products and the regulatory efforts surrounding those products. (International / English)


Videos - HnB Heat Not Burn

Videos - Nicotine/NRT

Videos - Snus

EU for Snus

We are a campaign committed to giving everyone access to nicotine replacement products. (Europe / English)

Videos - THR Tobacco Harm Reduction

Brad Rodu discusses tobacco harm reduction (2013)

Shares what he has learned. Discusses various forms of THR, sources of funding, "tobacco shill". (USA and Sweden / English)

GSTHR - Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction

The GSTHR maps the global, regional and national availability and use of these products, regulatory responses to them, and the public health potential of tobacco harm reduction.

Tobacco Harm Reduction in Africa

The aim of this short film is to disseminate accurate information on tobacco harm reduction (Africa / English)


It is projected that a billion people will die early this century from smoking-related illness. The lack of accurate information is now a primary cause of these deaths. Covers THR issues from around the world. (USA / English)

Videos - Vaping

Golden Oldies Capitol Tours

We're all about reducing the harms caused by smoking cigarettes. We're making videos, posting photos, and writing letters to spread the word that there's more to the story than curious or rebellious teens. We're telling the world about harm reduction and saving lives! Grandmas and Grandpas matter. The world is a better place with our elders in it! (USA / English)

The Truth About Vaping

Myth busting some of the misconceptions about Electronic Cigarettes and Nicotine. (USA / English)

Vlogs / Harm Reduction / General Interest / Podcasters


I'm here to spread some good information about e-cigs and vaping, Nicotine and Tobacco Harm Reduction. Also does product reviews. (USA / English)

Matt from SMM

Vaping, News, Advocacy, Tobacco Harm Reduction, Product Reviews (USA / English)

Pippas Live

Everyone has a story that should be heard. Everyone can learn something from those stories. News, views and thought provoking conversations. (Australia / English)

Rise and Vape Podcast

News and advocacy. (USA / English)

Son of Liberty Radio

News, advocacy, general conversation (can contain foul language). (USA / English)


Vaping news and advocacy. (USA / English)