Nicotine / THR - Statements from Experts

Safer nicotine wiki Tobacco Harm Reduction
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The following experts are speaking out in support of adult use of Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) products to help people quit smoking and to prevent relapse so smoking.

Kenneth Warner

File:Kenneth Warner.jpg
University of Michigan

Less Dangerous
Kenneth Warner, a University of Michigan scholar, says harm from tobacco is far greater than from vaping. A founding board member of the Truth Initiative — the nonprofit public-health organization committed to ending tobacco use — Warner has also been the president of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the senior scientific editor of the 25th-anniversary Surgeon General’s report on smoking and health, and the dean of the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. Warner and a colleague, David Mendez, built a computer model that tracks the U.S. adult population’s smoking status and smoking-related deaths. When they ran data about vaping through the model, they found that under all but the very worst-case assumptions, the benefits of e-cigarettes, which can help smokers quit, exceed their costs in terms of lives saved.