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=Tobacco Pouches - Studies, Surveys, Papers=
=Tobacco Pouches - Studies, Surveys, Papers=

Please see [[SLT]] page for more details
=Tobacco Free Nicotine Pouches - Studies, Surveys, Papers=
=Tobacco Free Nicotine Pouches - Studies, Surveys, Papers=

Revision as of 17:43, 11 January 2023

This page is for referencing the possible benefits of Smokeless tobacco - Pouches (not Snus) AND tobacco free nicotine pouches.

  • If you'd prefer someone else to add a study to a topic, there is a subject section called "Suggested studies to add to this page". You may put the link in that section for one of the regular page editors to address.
  • Sometimes it's necessary to view the PDF version to access the full study.

Tobacco Pouches - Studies, Surveys, Papers

Please see SLT page for more details

Tobacco Free Nicotine Pouches - Studies, Surveys, Papers

2021: A Randomised Study to Investigate the Nicotine Pharmacokinetics of Oral Nicotine Pouches and a Combustible Cigarette

  • NPs (Nicotine Pouches) can provide nicotine in amounts sufficient to replicate cigarette smokers' nicotine uptake following a switch from conventional cigarettes to these potentially less harmful NP products.
  • Citation: McEwan, M., Azzopardi, D., Gale, N. et al. A Randomised Study to Investigate the Nicotine Pharmacokinetics of Oral Nicotine Pouches and a Combustible Cigarette. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet (2021).
  • Acknowledgement: All authors are current employees of British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited except JM who is an employee of RAI Services Company and IMF who is a consultant contracted by British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited.

2020: Initial Information on a Novel Nicotine Product

  • Nonusers of tobacco had very little interest in ZYN. Smokeless tobacco users are not only more interested and likely to buy ZYN than other tobacco users, they were the largest group of regular users.
  • The first assessment of a new nicotine product, ZYN, suggests that current and former tobacco users may perceive ZYN as a reduced‐risk product. ZYN potentially could be used as a smoking/tobacco‐cessation aid based on reasons of current users.
  • PDF Version
  • Citation: Plurphanswat, N., Hughes, J. R., Fagerström, K., & Rodu, B. (2020). Initial Information on a Novel Nicotine Product. The American Journal on Addictions. doi:10.1111/ajad.13020
  • Brad Rodu’s Blog: First Study of ZYN, A Novel Consumer Nicotine Product

2020: Pharmacokinetic Comparison of a Novel Non-tobacco-Based Nicotine Pouch (ZYN) With Conventional, Tobacco-Based Swedish Snus and American Moist Snuff

  • The two higher doses of ZYN (6 and 8 mg) deliver nicotine as quickly and to a similar extent as existing smokeless products, with no significant adverse effects.
  • Citation: Lunell E, Fagerström K, Hughes J, Pendrill R. Pharmacokinetic Comparison of a Novel Non-tobacco-Based Nicotine Pouch (ZYN) With Conventional, Tobacco-Based Swedish Snus and American Moist Snuff. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020 Oct 8;22(10):1757-1763. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntaa068. PMID: 32319528.

2020: An approach for the extract generation and toxicological assessment of tobacco-free ‘modern’ oral nicotine pouches

  • This study demonstrates that tobacco-free nicotine pouches are significantly less biologically active than an equivalent reference Swedish-style snus product. Future product usage studies, pharmacokinetics and clinical studies will provide further data to substantiate the reduced risk potential of tobacco-free modern oral nicotine pouches (MOP).
  • Citation: Bishop E, East N, Bozhilova S, Santopietro S, Smart D, Taylor M, Meredith S, Baxter A, Breheny D, Thorne D, Gaca M, An approach for the extract generation and toxicological assessment of tobacco-free ‘modern’ oral nicotine pouches, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 145, 2020, 111713, ISSN 0278-6915,
  • Acknowledgement: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: BAT funded the project and all authors were employees of BAT at the time of the study conduct. LYFT tobacco-free modern oral nicotine pouches are manufactured and supplied by BAT.

Articles, Blogs, Videos (Tobacco and Tobacco Free Pouches)

2021 Blog: Can Nicotine Pouches Alleviate Harm Reduction Hurdles in Emerging Markets?

  • Compares cost in various countries to other forms of tobacco Harm Reduction Products.
  • There is a significant role for nicotine pouches in tobacco harm reduction in Emerging Markets, particularly in countries where oral tobacco use is prevalent.
  • In theory, regulators should look more favourably on the category, but this has not proven to be the case. In part, the industry needs to take a more proactive approach and engage with regulators and local stakeholders, where appropriate, before launching new products.
  • Nicotine pouches don't require consumers to buy often prohibitively expensive devices. Still, relatively high current production costs make it challenging to earn the returns needed to facilitate meaningful investment in many developing countries. Over time, this could be addressed by a combination of appropriate excise-tax regimes and reduced input costs.

2019: US endorses tobacco pouches as less risky than cigarettes

  • For the first time, U.S. health regulators have judged a type of smokeless tobacco to be less harmful than cigarettes, a decision that could open the door to other less risky options for smokers. The milestone announcement on Tuesday makes Swedish Match tobacco pouches the first so-called reduced-risk tobacco product ever sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • FDA Press Release: FDA grants first-ever modified risk orders to eight smokeless tobacco products

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  • PAGE EDITORS - Please only add Studies, Surveys, Papers in this format to keep page consistent for all viewers.
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HELP WANTED: We are looking for a volunteer to research the possible THR benefits of Smokeless Tobacco - Pouches (not Snus) and enter them on this page