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Dorothy K. Hatsukami, PhD
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*1995-1995 [ President, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco]  
*1995-1995 [ President, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco]  
*[ Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes]
*[ Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes]
===Dorothy K. Hatsukami, PhD===
*1999-2000 [ President, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco]
*[ Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes]

===Clifford E. Douglas, J.D===
===Clifford E. Douglas, J.D===

Revision as of 12:38, 9 December 2021

Scientists, Professors, Medical Professionals, Tobacco Control and Public Health Leaders, along with Lawmakers are speaking out in support of adult use of Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) products to help people quit smoking and to prevent relapse.


Dr. Diego Verrastro

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Milton Klun

Pharmacist Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina


Ron Borland PhD

Quote Source / Bio and Photo

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Wayne Hall

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Dr. Alex Wodak AM

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Colin Mendelsohn, MB BS

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Judith Watt

Former Executive Director, NCD Alliance Former Director, Quit Victoria,

Dr Kevin Murphy

Senator Hollie Hughes

Fiona Patten MP


Bernhard-Michael Mayer, PhD

Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Austria

Ernest Groman, MD

Associate Professor Nicotine Institute & Medical University of Vienna Austria


Frank Baeyens, PhD

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Karolien Adriaens, PhD


Ian Irvine, PhD

Quote / Bio / Photo

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David Sweanor, JD

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Chris Lalonde, PhD

Amelia Howard, Sociologist

Mark Tyndall MD ScD FRCPC

Professor, School of Population and Public Health University of British Columbia Canada

Dr John Oyston

Martin Juneau MPs, MD, FRCP(C)

Director, Prevention and Cardiac Rehabilitation Montreal Heart Institute Full Clinical Professor of Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Montreal, Canada

Michael Chaiton

Clifford Garfield Mahood, O.C.

Founding Executive Director (1976-2012) Non-Smokers’ Rights Association Toronto Canada

Patrick Fafard, PhD

Full Professor Centre for Health Law, Policy, and Ethics Graduate School of Public and International Affairs University of Ottawa

Kellie Ann Forbes BScN



Hernán Prat, MD, PhD

Professor at the University of Chile. Former Director of the Cardiovascular Department of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile. Former president of the Chilean Society of Hypertension. Chile


Hugo Caballero Durán, MD

Former president of the Colombian Society of Pneumology. Former Clinical Scientific Director of Marly Clinic. Director of the Pneumology and Respiratory Therapy Service, Marly Clinic Bogotá, Colombia

Czech Republic

Eva Králíková, MD

Professor Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology Centre for Tobacco-Dependence First Faculty of Medicine and General Hospital Charles University Prague Czech Republic

Pavel Bém MD

Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy Head of the Clinical Department, Adictology Clinic, Charles University Former Mayor of Prague Member of The National Drug Commission Office of the Government of the Czech Republic


Enrique Teran, MD, PhD

Professor College of Health Sciences - Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Ecuadorian Academy of Medicine Academy of Science of Ecuador Ecuador

Francisco E. Urrestra. MD.

Medical Director Hospital Clinica Metropolitana. Ibarra.

César Paz y Miño, MD, PhD

Director, Centro de Investigacion Genética y Genómica and Specialist in Genetics and Human Molecular Biology Universidad UTE Quito, Ecuador


John Britton, MD

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Sharon Cox, PhD

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Lynne Dawkins, PhD

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  • Disclosures: I have provided consultancy for the pharmaceutical industry relating to the development of smoking cessation products. I have no conflicts with respect to the tobacco or e-cigarette industry.

Peter Hajek, PhD

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Martin Jarvis ODE, PhD

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Caitlin Notley, PhD

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David Nutt DM, FRCP, FRCPsych, FSB, FMedSci

Quote Source / Bio and Photo / Follow on Twitter

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Louise Ross

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Lion Shahab, PhD CPsychol AFBPsS

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  • Disclosures: LS has received a research grant, honoraria for talks, consultancy and travel expenses to attend meetings and workshops from pharmaceutical companies that make smoking cessation products (Pfizer; Johnson & Johnson). He has never received any funding or other monetary benefits from the tobacco or e-cigarette industry.


Quote Source / Bio

Rosemary Leonard, MBE, MA, MB, BChir, MRCGP, DRCOG

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Sir Norman Lamb

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David Halpern

  • We should deliberately seek to make e-cigs widely available, and to use regulation not to ban them but to improve their quality and reliability.
  • Quote Source

Jim McManus, OCDS, FFPH

Jim McManus, Director of Public Health, Hertfordshire: How and why I changed my mind on e-cigarettes,

Dr. Sudhanshu Patwardhan

Snus Forum Interview

Sanjay Agrawal, MD, MBChB

Robert West, PhD

Professor Emeritus in Health Psychology, University College London

Marcus Munafò, PhD

Professor of Biological Psychology and MRC Investigator MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit School of Psychological Science University of Bristol United Kingdom

Prof Paul Aveyard

Dr Leonie Brose

Olivia M Maynard, PhD

Senior Lecturer, School of Psychological Science Bristol Population Health Science Institute MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit Bristol, United Kingdom

Martin Dockrell

Benjamin Human

Source of name

Deborah Arnott

Over at ASH, however, Arnott summarily dismisses such fears. “There are people in the public health community who are obsessed by e-cigarettes,” she says. “This idea that it renormalises smoking is absolute bullshit.” Furthermore, she insists, “There is no evidence so far that it is a gateway into smoking for young people.” ASH’s concern, she says, “is quite the reverse—that because there is so much bad publicity about them, people’s understanding about the relative risk of smoking and e-cigarettes is being undermined. The risk is that smokers who could potentially use these as an alternative to smoking are being discouraged, and that’s not a good thing.” For Arnott, the concept of harm reduction boils down to a simple proposition: “Do you want the tobacco industry to carry on making cigarettes which are highly addictive and kill when used as intended, or do you want them to move to a product which is much nearer licensed nicotine replacement therapy and is unlikely to kill anyone?”

Dr Russell Thorpe

Quote source

Dr Kathryn Scott

  • Quote Source
  • chief executive at Yorkshire Cancer Research
  • "Easy and reliable access to vaping products will give more people in Yorkshire the best chance of quitting for good.”


Jacques Le Houezec, PhD

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Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg

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Philippe Arvers, MD, PhD

Tobaccologist ans addictologist Université Grenoble Alpes France

Marion Adler, PhD

Smoking Cessation Specialist Hôpital Antoine Béclère Clamart France


Peter Liese MEP

Tweet about Peter

Frank Sitta

tweet about Frank



Prof. Dirk Ziebolz

Dr Ingo Schröder


Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH

Quote Source / Bio and Photo / Follow on Twitter

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G. Karl Snæ MD


Dr Nimesh Desai

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Kiran Melkote, MBBS, MS

Associate Consultant Dept. of Orthopaedics Fortis Memorial Research Institute, New Delhi India

Aparajeet Kar, MD

Consultant Pulmonology and Critical Care Sir H.N Reliance Foundation Hospital Mumbai India

Rohan Sequeira, MD, PhD

Professor of Internal Medicine Specialist in Non-Invasive Cardiology, Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity Management Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre Mumbai India


Dr Garrett McGovern

Bio Article and Quote


Riccardo Polosa

Quote Source / Bio

Umberto Tirelli MD

Professor Director, Cancer Center Clinica Mede Sacile

Pietro Fiocchi

  • Follow on Twitter
  • Tweet with info
  • Quote: I would like to emphasize the help deriving from vaping devices in gradually eliminating the phenomenon of smoking, and therefore reducing the risk to the health of the smoker as much as possible, not forgetting the social cost, especially in terms of loss of human life caused by tobacco, which could be contained with a targeted damage mitigation strategy ".


Naohito Yamaguchi, MD

Chief of Research Division, Saiseikai Research Institute of Health Care and Welfare Former Professor of Public Health, School of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University


Morgana Danielė

video on twitter


Dr Steven Chow

Quote Source / Bio and Photo

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Dr Arifin Fii

Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, PhD

Professor of Occupational Safety and Health/Ergonomics Department of Environmental and Occupational Health University Putra Malaysia Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, PhD


Roberto A Sussman, PhD

Department of Gravitation and Field Theories Institute for Nuclear Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico, ICNUNAM Representing Pro-Vapeo Mexico AC Mexico

Christian Heinrich Henonin MD

MIPH International Public Health. Medical professor, researcher and health consultant Mexico


Imane Kendili M.D.

Psychiatre - Addictologue Professeure affiliée à l'UM6P Cheffe de service Psychiatrie-Addictologie Clinique Andalouss Vice-Présidente du Centre Africain de Recherche en Santé Morocco

New Zealand

Ruth Bonita, MPH, PhD, MD (hon) and Robert Beaglehole, MD, DSc

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Marewa Glover

Deborah Hart LLB

Natalie Walker, PhD

Associate Professor of Population Health and Director of the Centre for Addiction Research, National Institute for Health Innovation, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland

Eliana Golberstein Rubashkyn, B.Sc. Pharm, B. Chem

Consultant, advisor in health policy and toxicology. National University of Colombia

George Laking, MD, PhD

Chair, End Smoking New Zealand

Yolande Jeffares

Dr Murray Laugesen

  • Follow on Twitter
  • “…inhaling mist from the e-cigarette is rated several orders of magnitude (100 to 1000 times) less dangerous than smoking tobacco cigarettes.”
  • Quote Source


Clive Bates

Quote Source / Bio and Photo / Follow on Twitter

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Karl E Lund, PhD

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Dr Ashar Ahmed

Source for name and quote


Dr. Fernando Fernandez

Quote Source / Bio and Photo

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Ron Christian G. Sison, MLS(ASCPi), MPH

Assistant Professor Lead Convenor Harm Reduction Alliance of the Philippines Manila Philippines

Arleen R. Reyes, DMD, ICD, ICCDE

Past President, Philippine Dental Association Chairman, Commission on Dental Education Asia -Pacific Dental Federation Philippines


Andrzej Sobczak, PhD

Professor Head of Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec Medical University of Silesia Katowice Poland


Dr. Ehsan Latif

Prof Linda Bauld, OBE

South Korea

Young-bum Park, PhD

Professor Department of Economics Hansung University South Korea


Fernando Fernández Bueno, MD

Oncological surgeon at the Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla Professor at the University of Alcalá de Henares Madrid Spain

Josep María Ramón Torrell, MD, PhD.

Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health University of Barcelona Head of Clinical Prevention Research Group Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institut Head of Tobacco Prevention Service Bellvitge Hospital Barcelona, Spain

José David García Muñiz, MD, PhD

Clinical Pharmacology and Internal Medicine Clinical Trials Coordinator, Principal Investigator University Hospital of Ceuta Spain

Francisco Garcia Sierra, MD.

Head of the Nephrology Service University Hospital of Ceuta Spain

Angel González Ureña, PhD

Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry. Complutense University of Madrid

Maria del Mar Sangüesa Jareño, MD

Intensive Care Specialist University Hospital of Ceuta, Spain

Antonio Sierra, MD, PhD

Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of La Laguna. Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of La Laguna Former General Director of Public Health of the Government of the Canary Islands

Carmen Escrig, PhD

Genetics and Cell Biology Autonomous University of Madrid Spain

Manuel Linares Abad, PhD

Miguel de la Guardia PhD

Professor of Analytical Chemistry University of Valencia Spain

José Mª García Basterrechea, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine University of Murcia Former head, Addiction and Dual Pathology Unit Reina Sofía Hospital. Spain.


Andrew John da Roza

Psychotherapist - Addictions Promises Health Care Pte. Ltd. Singapore

Tan Kok Kuan, MD

Medical Director Dr Tan Medical Center Novena Medical Center Singapore


Anders Milton MD, PhD

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Lars Ramström PhD

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Tikki Elka Pang, PhD

Former Director, Research Policy & Cooperation, WHO, Geneva Switzerland

Jean-François Etter, PhD

Professor of public health Institute of Global Health, Faculty of Medicine University of Geneva

Dr. Moira Gilchrist

Include a disclosure about PMI



Quote Source: / Bio and Photo

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United States

Kenneth Warner, PhD

Quote Source / Bio and Photo

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  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • Evidence from six completely different sources demonstrates that vaping is increasing smoking cessation.
      • 1. Randomized controlled trials. The Cochrane Review, the gold standard of scientific credibility, says there is “moderate certainty evidence” that vaping increases smoking cessation more effectively than do nicotine replacement therapy products.
      • 2. Population studies find e-cigarettes increasing smoking cessation, especially when people use ecigarettes frequently.
      • 3. As e-cigarette sales rise, cigarette sales fall. Econometric studies confirm the two products are substitutes.
      • 4. Other studies have found that policies intended to decrease youth vaping have increased youth smoking. Another study found that a tax on e-cigarettes in Minnesota increased adult smoking and decreased smoking cessation.
      • 5. Multiple simulation analyses have concluded that the potential benefit of vaping for adult smoking cessation substantially outweighs any risk that vaping might increase youth smoking.
      • 6. Swedish men’s substituting snus, a smokeless tobacco product, for cigarettes demonstrates the potential for lower-risk products to dramatically reduce tobacco-produced diseases.
    • Tragically, public health organizations that focus exclusively on the potential risks of vaping for young people – risks that, frankly, have been grossly exaggerated – are likely to be damaging the health of the public.
    • Kenneth Warner, PhD
    • Avedis Donabedian Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Public Health,
    • Dean Emeritus of Public Health
    • University of Michigan

Steven Schroeder

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Mitch Zeller, JD

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Dr. Scott Gottlieb

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Alex Azar, JD

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Dr. Jerome Adams

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David Abrams

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  • 1-David Abrams good quotes from David and others
  • 2-Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • WHO of all Institutions should base its policies and recommendations on the best and strongest scientific evidence available. The WHO can do better at saving the lives of over a billion smokers by updating its science and by correcting the massive misinformation that all forms of nicotine and tobacco -products are equally deadly and thus smokers should quit or die rather than reduce their harms dramatically by using dramatically less harmful modes of nicotine delivery.
    • The WHO misinformation is not science at its best, it is tantamount to embracing propaganda. Propaganda that conflates all tobacco and nicotine products as being equally harmful. This is unacceptable from such an august and respected body as WHO, it is antithetical to the core values of WHO – of social justice, eradication of preventable chronic diseases where combusted (smoked ) tobacco and some forms of smokeless tobacco but not nicotine itself is the primary driver of chronic diseases, death and untold suffering.
    • David B Abrams PhD.
    • Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences
    • New York University School of Global Public Health

Tom Miller

Iowa Attorney General
Iowa Attorney General

Scott Ballin, JD

  • Photo: Monique Calello / The News Leader
  • Bio: Has served as chairman of the Coalition on Smoking or Health (the precursor to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids); vice president of the American Heart Association; steering committee of the Alliance for Health Economic and Agriculture Development (AHEAD); advisor to the Food and Drug Law Institute’s tobacco conferences; advisor to the University of Virginia's Morven Dialogues on tobacco, nicotine and harm reduction.
  • Statement: Most smokers want to quit and if we can provide those smokers with science based, consumer acceptable lower risk products we could fundamentally alter the current marketplace and save hundreds of thousands of premature deaths.
  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • This year approximately 8 million people will die prematurely from smoking. I am deeply disappointed with what can only be described as an ongoing 'dark ages' approach to tobacco control. While many traditional forms of tobacco control remain useful and effective, little has been done by the WHO and many other mainstream public health organizations to acknowledge and think about how regulation, research, technology and innovation can be collectively harnessed to give the billion addicted cigarette smokers viable science based lower risk products. Science and 'safe-haven' engagement and debate continues to be displaced with polarized thinking that often is more focused on getting media attention than actually finding workable win-win solutions for the good of society.
    • Scott D. Ballin, JD
    • Health Policy Consultant
    • Former Vice President and Legislative Counsel, American Heart Association
    • Former Chairman of the Coalition on Smoking OR Health (AHA, ASCS. ALA)
    • Advisor to the University of Virginia, Institute for and Engagement and Negotiation (The Morven Dialogues)

Kenneth Michael Cummings PhD, MPH

  • 1-Source: If you have somebody pulling their chemo bag and they are going to sneak a cigarette out behind the cancer center, which we see, it’s pretty sad. It ain’t a choice. It’s a true addiction. There are alternative nicotine delivery products that don’t have to send you to your local cancer center,”
  • 2-Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • The status-quo is unacceptable – 8-million deaths from cigarettes just this year, more next and the year after that. WHO’s ideologic, non-science based position on lower risk nicotine products as substitutes for deadly cigarettes is costing lives and protecting the profits of the very companies they wish to put out of business. Please update your tobacco control playbook, lives are stake.”
    • K. Michael Cummings, PhD, MPH - Bio and Photo
    • Professor, Medical University of South Carolina, USA

Ovide Pomerleau, PHD

Dorothy K. Hatsukami, PhD

Clifford E. Douglas, J.D

  • Follow on Twitter
  • 1-Statement:
    • All nicotine-containing products fall along a continuum of risk – with combustible tobacco products like cigarettes on one end representing the most dangerous form of nicotine delivery, and on the other end medicinal nicotine products. For the smoker, quitting all nicotine and tobacco use is the surest way to reduce risk, but for those who want or need to continue using nicotine, switching to a noncombustible source of nicotine will significantly reduce their risk compared to continued smoking.
  • 2-Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • The WHO blithely, and quite wrongly, claims that switching from smoking cigarettes, by far the leading preventable cause of premature death and disability, to far less harmful e-cigarettes—which they cleverly but unscientifically imply may be deadly—is not quitting,
    • Clifford E. Douglas, J.D.
    • Director, Tobacco Research Network
    • Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy
    • University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • Bio and photo:
    • In 1988 he served as the associate director of the National Coalition on Smoking or Health, where he worked for its founding director, Matt Myers (who later became the president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids); He served as an attorney and advisor in the state attorney general actions that resulted in the Master Settlement Agreement; Worked as a policy advocate, lawyer and consultant on behalf of Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights and the Public Health Law Center; Served as the American Cancer Society’s Vice President for Tobacco Control and as the founding Director of ACS’s Center for Tobacco Control; He is the Director, University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network and Adjunct Professor, University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Allan Erickson

No Photo found. Source #1 Bio: Former Vice President for Public Education and Tobacco Control, American Cancer Society; staff director, Latin American Coordinating Committee for Tobacco Control. National Tobacco Reform Initiative (NTRI) Coordinator Statement / Quotes: I know how totally horrible tobacco is for a human being, and what it does to you. But I think things are moving in the direction of harm reduction. I think a lot of people have hidden their heads in the sand. They are just so totally opposed to e-cigarettes, it drives them nuts. I think there is a whole range of new products that are coming up that could potentially be better and better and better—less harmful.

Abigail S. Friedman, Ph.D.

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  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • A myriad of studies link e-cigarette price increases and access-restrictions to greater smoking rates. Findings from biochemical analyses suggest that such regulations are likely to be harmful on net: vaping nicotine appears to produce substantially lower levels of key toxicants than smoking cigarettes; and, adverse respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes as well as biomarkers for major carcinogens generally fall when smokers switch to nicotine e-cigarettes. Thus, for smokers who do not want to quit tobacco or who want to quit but have been unsuccessful in their cessation attempts, substituting towards electronic nicotine delivery systems offers a means to reduce their risk of tobacco-related illness. The public health community and World Health Organization have a moral obligation to clearly communicate these facts to smokers and their families, and to advocate for policies that reflect tobacco products’ relative risks.”
    • Abigail S. Friedman, Ph.D. - Bio and Photo
    • Assistant Professor,
    • Department of Health Policy and Management
    • Yale School of Public Health

Jonathan Foulds PhD

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  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • Over a billion people smoke tobacco. All smokers should be informed that many sources of nicotine are far less harmful than cigarettes. Keeping people ignorant of this fact denies the basic human right to accurate information and impairs their ability to make informed choices that affect their health. Nicotine in its most harmful and addictive form—the cigarette—is typically cheap, available everywhere, to take for as long as you like, and in many parts of the world (including the USA) comes with minimum information on health risks. It is time for regulation of all nicotine-delivery products to provide access inversely proportional to harmfulness (the opposite of the current situation). [Foulds & Kozlowski, 2007]
    • Jonathan Foulds PhD - Bio and Photo
    • Professor of Public Health Sciences & Psychiatry
    • Penn State University, College of Medicine, United States

Jonathan Foulds PhD

Alex Liber

Dr. Cheryl Healton

Founding President and CEO of American Legacy Foundation (created from MSA Funds, now known as the Truth Initiative); Dean of School of Global Public Health and Professor of Public Health Policy and Management, NYU School of Global Public Health; Founding chair of the Public Health Practice Council of the Association of Schools of Public Health; Serves on the National Board of Public Health Examiners, the Betty Ford Institute, Lung Cancer Alliance, Board of Directors at the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, and the Board of Directors at HealthRight International. Tobacco Harm Reduction Quote: E-cigarette Summit 2021 We treat addiction to combustible tobacco differently than addiction to other products with respect to harm reduction approaches. We are spending way too much time on infighting and too little time on finding common ground to massively reduce combustible tobacco use and ending the false equivalency between products. Smoking remains a worldwide tragedy causing a billion lives at stake in this century alone. Lower risk products exist to help those unable or unwilling to quit. We have abandoned our harm reduction approach in public health when it comes to saving smokers. Retirement from American Legacy (now Truth)

Bethea A Kleykamp, MA, PhD

  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • As I write these words, thousands upon thousands of people are losing their lives because of tobacco smoking. Each of these lives had a story—a story cut short because health authorities including the WHO are not using scientific and regulatory resources to make harm reduction products and information fully available to the public. Let us finally come to our senses and stop these unnecessary deaths by embracing the science of harm reduction.”
    • Bethea A Kleykamp, - Bio and Photo
    • Research Associate Professor,
    • University of Rochester Medical Center
      • COI: I currently have no conflicts of interest with respect to tobacco, vaping or pharmaceutical industries. From May 2014 to September 2018, I provided harm reduction consulting services to an e-cigarette company (NJOY) and a tobacco company (RJ Reynolds) through my work at Pinney Associates.

Lynn Kozlowski

Ethan A Nadelmann

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  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • It took WHO all too many years to embrace “harm reduction” thinking and policies vis a vis consumers of illicit drugs but it eventually did. Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of lives, could have been saved if WHO had acted earlier to transcend the political forces and counterproductive ideologies and rhetoric that drove the war on drugs and its insistence on punitive abstinence-only policies.
    • Yet now we see WHO repeating very similar mistakes as it resists and dismisses the technological innovations in tobacco and nicotine products that could radically reduce associated harms to both consumers and society at large. The organization’s leaders need to open their eyes and summon the courage to follow the science, not the politics. Failure to do so may ultimately result in the emergence of an international tobacco/nicotine prohibition regime with all the failures, costs and counter-productive consequences of the failed global drug prohibition regime.
    • Ethan A Nadelmann - Bio and Photo
    • Founder & Former Executive Director (2000-2017)
    • Drug Policy Alliance
    • New York and International

Raymond S. Niaura, PhD

  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • Misinformation that conflates the term tobacco control with all forms of nicotine delivery regardless of harm thus egregiously deprives smokers, the public, policymakers and governments of responsible policymaking and individual choice, grossly ignores the full weight of current scientific evidence, evidence that can and should more rapidly make the most lethal combusted forms of smoked tobacco obsolete and save millions and millions of lives and suffering much sooner that could otherwise be achieved. Telling the whole truth to the world should be the sole mission of WHO and it can and should do better.
    • Raymond Niaura PhD. (Bio and Photo)
    • Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences
    • New York University School of Global Public Health
    • Former: Director of Science and Training at the Schroeder Institute (SI) for Tobacco Research and Policy Studies at the Truth Initiative, and former President of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
    • Deputy Editor of the Nicotine and Tobacco Research

John Seffrin, MD, PhD

Photo Source #1 and Source #2 Bio: Former CEO of the American Cancer Society and ACS Cancer Action Network. Served on the White House Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health, as well as the Advisory Committee to the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He also served on the National Cancer Policy Board of the Institute of Medicine and the National Cancer Legislation Advisory Committee. He is a past president of the International Union Against Cancer. He helped to create the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids (now the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids) Source #1 and Source #2 Statement: Technologies/alternatives exist today that can help people quit smoking or at least reduce significantly their consumption of burned tobacco, which is what kills them. After fighting the tobacco epidemic for over 5 decades, we now have proven harm reduction methods to help us avoid a carnage in otherwise preventable deaths.

Michael Siegel

Visiting Professor, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine Boston

Paul Newhouse

Quote source "It [nicotine] seems very safe even in nonsmokers. In our studies we find it actually reduces blood pressure chronically. And there were no addiction or withdrawal problems, and nobody started smoking cigarettes. The risk of addiction to nicotine alone is virtually nil."

Robin Mermelstein, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, Liberal Arts and Sciences Psychology Department Director, Institute for Health Research and Policy Co-Director, Center for Clinical and Translational Science University of Illinois at Chicago

Charles A. Gardner, PhD

Arielle Selya, PhD

(need to find a quote)

(Add disclosure about now working @Pinney)

Thomas J. Glynn, PhD

Adjunct Lecturer Prevention Research Center School of Medicine, Stanford University Formerly, Associate Director, Cancer Control Science Program, U.S. National Cancer Institute, and Director, Cancer Science and Trends, American Cancer Society

Matthew Wayne Johnson, Ph.D.

Quote / Bio and Photo

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Veronique de Rugy, PhD

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Cheryl K. Olson, Sc.D.

  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • Too few of my colleagues in public health research know people who smoke; they become abstractions to us. Existing smoking cessation aids have been available for many years; evidence suggests they don’t help most smokers. Let’s treat smokers like fellow human beings and provide them with a range of options they actually want and can live with (pun intended).
    • Cheryl K. Olson, Sc.D. - Bio and Photo
    • San Carlos, California
    • Behavioral research consultant,
    • Previously on Harvard Medical School psychiatry faculty

Michael F. Pesko, PhD

  • Follow on Twitter
  • Source: Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders
    • The evidence base is growing that when you regulate e-cigarettes so they are harder to purchase and/or less appealing to use, there is more combustible tobacco product use across all populations. WHO should acknowledge that e-cigarettes (and snus) are safer products, and advocate regulating proportionate to risk, in order to improve population health.
    • Michael F. Pesko, PhD - Bio and Photo
    • Associate Professor
    • Department of Economics
    • Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
    • Georgia State University

Daniel Wikler, Ph.D.

Michael Fiore

"In just today, we are going to lose 20 of our residents. Twenty individuals in Wisconsin are going to die prematurely of a disease directly caused by their smoking, on average, robbing them of 10 to 15 years of life." " Many adults don't want children exposed to secondhand smoke. Vaping is, without a question, less dangerous than cigarette smoking."

Thomas Brandon, PhD, United States

Moffitt Cancer Center

Earlier this year, the findings from a major clinical trial, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that e-cigarettes were almost twice as effective as the nicotine patch for producing one year of smoking cessation. These findings added to those of other, smaller studies previously published.

This could be a game-changer for lots of people,” says Thomas Brandon, Ph.D., director of Moffitt’s Tobacco Research and Intervention Program and chair of the Department of Health Outcomes and Behavior. “It means that for smokers who have not been able to quit by using the available medications, vaping might be worth a try. But it is important to completely switch from smoking to vaping to get the most health benefits.”

Thomas Brandon, PhD, is the Director of the Tobacco Research and Intervention Program and Chair of the Department of Health Outcomes and Behavior at Moffitt Cancer Center. He is also Professor of Psychology and Oncologic Sciences at the University of South Florida

SEE: Tweet w/graphic

Neal Benowitz

Sally Satel

Peter Killeen PhD

If e–cigs displace cigarettes and help people quit other tobacco products—and they already have been shown to do so—how do we justify discouraging their use?

Sheila Vakharia, PhD

Tweet thread

Carl V. Phillips, MPP, PhD

Bio 1 and Bio 2 Quote Source "Three months of additional smoking poses a greater risk to someone’s health, on average, than a lifetime of using a low-risk alternative."

Dr. Brad Rodu

Helen Redmond

Carrie Wade, PhD

Include disclosure about JUUL

Bill Godshall

Robert Sklaroff

Source of name - need to research for a quote

Suzanne M. Colby, PhD

  • Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Center for Alcohol & Addiction Studies, Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University
  • 2019-2020 President, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
  • Source of name, need to find their own quote

Vaughan Rees, PhD

Senior Lecturer on Social and Behavioral Sciences Director, Center for Global Tobacco Control Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Stephen F. Gambescia, PhD

Source of name - need to research for a quote professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia

Joel Nitzkin, MD

File:USA - Joel Nitzkin.jpg

Jasjit S Ahluwalia, MD, MPH, MS

File:USA - Jasjit S Ahluwalia.jpg

Jason Osborne

File:USA - Jason Osborne.jpg

Jeffrey Brandes

File:USA - Jeffrey Brandes.jpg

Stanton Glantz, PhD

File:USA - Stanton Glantz.jpg


Natasha A. de Herrera, PhD

Clinical Psychology Centro Medico Docente la Trinidad Psychiatric Unit Smoking Cessation Clinic Caracas Venezuela

Statements by Multiple Parties

2021: One hundred specialists call for WHO to change its hostile stance on tobacco harm reduction - new letter to FCTC delegates published

2021: Reappraising Choice in Addiction: Novel Conceptualizations and Treatments for Tobacco Use Disorder

2021: 75 Tobacco Control experts ask CDC to change the name of EVALI

2019: Testimony for New York Senate hearing on vaping safety - Clive Bates and David Sweanor

2018: Letter from seventy-two specialists in nicotine science, policy and practice

Suggestions to add to this page

expert reaction to Department of Health press release ‘e-cigarettes could be prescribed on the NHS in world first’

E-cig Summit UK 2021 speakers

A New International Commission of Experts Finds the Global Fight Against Smoking Has Stalled



Sec. Azar (need to find original source, might be a youtube video) VTA Graphic and Hawaii Graphic

expert reaction to WHO report on nicotine and tobacco products

Michael Erikson

Ending Cigarette Use By Adults In A Generation Is Possible

Letter with names to research

More names to research for positive statements

Jaron Hoani King

Comments on vaping and tobacco harm reduction from expert stakeholders

More names on this doc

World No Tobacco Day: Here's why WHO’s approach to tobacco cessation needs an overhaul

The Truth Initiative, too, once embraced harm reduction. Its former board chairman, Tom Miller, Iowa’s long-serving attorney general, still argues that e-cigarettes are a “means to saving millions of lives.” Cheryl Healton, its former CEO, and David Abrams, formerly executive director of the Schroeder National Institute of Tobacco Research and Policy Studies, which is housed at the Truth Initiative, are harm-reduction advocates. So is Steven Schroeder, for whom the institute is named. Found here

72 Statements to WHO


Dr. Derek Yach

  • “We’ve been very clear that we support provisions that children should never vape or smoke. However, our main objective is to help adult smokers quit by making cessation aids accessible and to support adult smokers switching to approved harm reduction products. These include snus, e-cigarettes, heated-tobacco products and nicotine pouches,” says Yach. “In the long term, tackling cessation together with harm reduction is the only way to bring smoking rates down relatively soon. If today’s adult smokers quit or switch, even into their fifties or sixties, they will see improvements in their quality of life.”
