Center of Excellence for the acceleration of HArm Reduction

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What is CoEHAR?

Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction. A unique multidisciplinary center focused on the study of Tobacco Harm Reduction. Innovation, peer-review research, and globalization of ideas are at the core of CoEHAR actions. CoEHAR is the International Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction established in 2018 within the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Catania.

The Center’s main objective is to contribute to the global revolution through a multidisciplinary approach that helps to spread strategies and tools to reduce the harm caused by conventional cigarette smoke.

The CoEHAR council is made up of 40 academics, physicians, professors and technical operators of the University of Catania, from all the departments of the university, who work together and in connection with the world to make science and innovation.

CoEHAR includes the existing “Center for Tobacco prevention and treatment (CPCT)”, as well as the clinical setting of a local CRO and a selected network of cell and molecular biology as well as microbiology laboratories and will also act as a coordinating centre at a global level for scientific research, development of tech innovation, consolidation of existing research centers (particularly in LMIC), training and education, networking, and advocacy activities. In addition, the Center also collaborates with the Italian Anti-Smoking League - LIAF and ECLAT, a spin-off founded within the University of Catania to make innovation transferrable.

Catogory: Harm-reduction