Safer nicotine wiki Tobacco Harm Reduction
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Smokeless tobacco, usual abbreviated as SLT


Smokeless tobacco is a tobacco product that is used by means other than smoking. In other words, this type of tobacco is not burned, its consumption  does not involve  combustion.

The consumption SLT involves chewing, sniffing, or placing the product between gum and the cheek or lip. They are produced in various forms, such as snuff, snus, chewing tobacco and Dissolvables (lozenges, sticks, strips, orbs)

A significant  proportion  of SLT s are considered  safer than combustion  cigarettes  because  they eliminate over 4000 various compounds, most of which are hazardous carcinogens.

SLTs can be a great answer  to the public  healthcare if well integrated in the public  health system.

It is important  to note that because of the ban of such saffer alternatives in some countries gives rise to a "black market" where illicit and unregulated SLTs are sold.

Types of smokeless tobacco


Snus, a product that originated in Sweden, is moist snuff that comes packaged in small pouches and is often flavored. This product does not produce excess saliva like other forms of smokeless tobacco, making it spit-less.

Separate from American snus, Swedish Snus are produced pursuant to a voluntary standard designed to reduce contaminants and nitrosamine levels (the “Gothiatek” standard). The FDA reviewed some of these 9 Swedish Snus products and permitted their sale in the U.S. and authorized them as modified risk tobacco products.

“Using General Snus instead of cigarettes puts you at a lower risk of mouth cancer, heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.” By allowing them to be sold, FDA concluded that the manufacturer demonstrated that the products will benefit the health of the population as a whole.

Chewing tobacco (“chew”)

Chewing tobacco is available in loose leaves, plugs, or twists of tobacco, and is placed between the cheek and gum or teeth. Examples of chewing tobacco include Red Man and Levi Garrett.


Snuff is finely ground tobacco packaged in cans or pouches, which can be sold dry (powdered form that is sniffed) or moist (placed between the lower lip or cheek and gum) and is sometimes used in teabag-like pouches. Popular brands of moist snuff are Copenhagen and Skoal.

Dissolvable tobacco

Dissolvable tobacco is another spit-less, frequently flavored tobacco product that is finely milled and dissolves orally. Ariva and Stonewall are some of the dissolvable products on the market.

Table of available SLT products and where available details of ingredients

Product Name Region Mode of use

A=Applied gums

C = Chewed

D = Dentifrice

DI = Dissolves

G = Gargled

H = Held in mouth

IN = Ingredient

N = Nasal use

S = Sucked

Form Ingredients/additives
Gundi (kadapan) India C, IN Tobacco (coarsely powdered) Coriander seeds, other spices, and aromatic, resinous oils
Hogesoppu (leaf tobacco) India C, IN Unprocessed tobacco bundled in long strands None
Kaddipudi India C, IN Powdered sticks of raw tobacco stalks and petioles Sometimes molasses and water
Kiwam (qiwam, kimam) Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangladesh C, H, IN Tobacco (boiled) Spices (cardamom, saffron, and/or aniseed), additives such as musk, and may contain silver flecks
Loose leaf United States C, H, S Tobacco leaves (air-cured) Sugar and/or licorice and other sweeteners
Mishri (masheri, misri) India A, D, S Tobacco (toasted, powdered) None
Moist snuff (low pH) South Africa, United States, Canada, Mexico H, S Tobacco (fermented, air or fire-cured) Flavorings (spices, essential oils, extracts), sweeteners, inorganic salts, humectants, preservatives
Neffa Algeria, Libya, Tunisia N Tobacco (dry) None
Tobacco chewing gum Gam, Japan C Tobacco (finely ground) Chewing gum base, xylitol
Pattiwalla without lime India C, IN Tobacco (sundried, flaked) None
Plug United States C, H, S Tobacco leaves Licorice, sweeteners
Red toothpowder (lal dant manjan) India A, D Tobacco (powdered) Herbs, flavorings. Additional plant-related ingredients such as ginger, pepper, and camphor, among others, may be used.
Snus (low pH) South Africa, United States, Canada, Brazil, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland H Tobacco (heat-treated, pasteurized) Sodium carbonate, moisturizers, salt (sodium chloride), sweeteners, flavorings, water
Tapkeer (bajjar, dry snuff) India A, H, N Tobacco (fermented, fire-cured) Flavorings may be added.
Tobacco leaf India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan C, IN Tobacco leaves (dry) None
Tumbaco Congo N Tobacco (dry) None
Twist United States C, H Tobacco (dark and air-cured leaf) Tobacco leaf extracts and sometimes sweetener or flavorings
Watery tobacco Myanmar G Tobacco Water
Zarda Yemen, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan C, IN Tobacco Slaked lime or other alkaline agents, spices, vegetable dyes, and sometimes areca nut and/or silver flecks

