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[[File:English Cap dark Mythbusters.pdf|alt=Mythbusters |thumb|Mythbusters ]]
'''Here we take a look at busting myths and debunking junk science about nicotine or products containing nicotine.'''
'''Here we take a look at busting myths and debunking junk science about nicotine or products containing nicotine.'''

=ENDS - COVID / EVALI / Respiratory Disease=
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;"> [ Myth - Nicotine Causes Cancer]=
===2020: [ E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: NO EVIDENCE]===

* ^ Link will take you to the page with information about nicotine and cancer concerns
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - COVID/EVALI/Respiratory Disease caused by vaping/nicotine=
*See Also:
: [[Myth_Busting#ENDS_-_Popcorn_Lung|ENDS - Popcorn Lung]] below
: [ EVALI Page]
: [ COVID Page]
===2021: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Testimony in Netherlands pertaining to a potential flavour / flavor ban: [ Regulation of e-cigarette flavours – a response]===
: Signed by 24 experts from around the world
: Covers 12 key points
===2020: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Letter: [ E-Cigarette Use and COVID-19: Questioning Data Reliability]===
: The link between ever, but not current, ecigarette use and COVID-19 suffers from biological implausibility.
*2021: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ Experts Question Study Claiming E-Cigarettes Are a COVID-19 Risk Factor]
: A number of experts responded swiftly to the study's abnormal findings that lacked a credible causal theory.
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span>: [ Association Between Youth Smoking, Electronic Cigarette Use, and COVID-19]
===2020: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span>  [ E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: NO EVIDENCE]===
* The re-analysis by Kenkel and colleagues should prompt the American Journal of Preventive Medicine’s editors to revisit their decision to publish Bhatta and Glantz’s latest study.
* The re-analysis by Kenkel and colleagues should prompt the American Journal of Preventive Medicine’s editors to revisit their decision to publish Bhatta and Glantz’s latest study.
* Cornell University researchers, led by economics professor Don Kenkel, have published a comprehensive re-analysis of the study "Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis", concluding: “We find no evidence that current or former e-cigarette use is associated with respiratory disease.” Their paper on the topic: [ E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: A Replication, Extension, and Future Directions]
* Cornell University researchers, led by economics professor Don Kenkel, have published a comprehensive re-analysis of the study "Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis", concluding: “We find no evidence that current or former e-cigarette use is associated with respiratory disease.” Their paper on the topic: [ E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: A Replication, Extension, and Future Directions]
* Debunking this study: [ Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis]
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> study: [ Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis]
* Debunking this press release: [ E-Cigarettes Significantly Raise Risk of Chronic Lung Disease, First Long-Term Study Finds]
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> press release: [ E-Cigarettes Significantly Raise Risk of Chronic Lung Disease, First Long-Term Study Finds]

===2016: [ New Study on E-Cigarettes and Bronchitis: An Example of Scientific Dishonesty and Deception]===

===2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ Dr. Farsalinos Disputes Wet Lung Linked to Vapor]===
*There is no such thing as a 'wet lung.' This is neither a scientific term nor a medical condition. The case report that was accompanied by a press statement refers to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This is a condition caused by a form of an allergic reaction that results in an inflammatory response.
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> article: [ Teen develops "wet lung" after vaping for 3 weeks]
===2016: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ New Study on E-Cigarettes and Bronchitis: An Example of Scientific Dishonesty and Deception]===
* The rest of the story is that essentially what we have here is an example of scientific dishonesty and apparently intentional deception of the journal readers and the public. For a movement that has devoted so much attention to attacking the tobacco industry for its deception and scientific dishonesty, I believe that we need to adhere to the highest standards of honesty and transparency in our scientific reporting. This is not happening in our reporting of the health effects of vaping, and it is certainly not happening in this study and the dissemination of its results.
* The rest of the story is that essentially what we have here is an example of scientific dishonesty and apparently intentional deception of the journal readers and the public. For a movement that has devoted so much attention to attacking the tobacco industry for its deception and scientific dishonesty, I believe that we need to adhere to the highest standards of honesty and transparency in our scientific reporting. This is not happening in our reporting of the health effects of vaping, and it is certainly not happening in this study and the dissemination of its results.
* Debunking the Abstract of: [ Electronic Cigarette Use and Respiratory Symptoms in Adolescents]
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Abstract of: [ Electronic Cigarette Use and Respiratory Symptoms in Adolescents]
* Debunking this Press Release: [ E-cigarette use linked to risk of respiratory symptoms among adolescents]
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Press Release: [ E-cigarette use linked to risk of respiratory symptoms among adolescents]
===2019: <span style="background-color: rgb(172, 255, 51);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ACFF33;">Research Notes</span> Minnesota Smoke-Free Alliance [ THC Cutting Agents]===
*Research on the products use to cut THC containing liquids that led to the outbreak of EVALI / VALI / THCVALI. This outbreak was falsely blamed on the nicotine vaping industry (ENDS).
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS exhaled/inhaled vapor contains dangerous levels of toxic chemicals/VOCs=
===2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ Paper: E-cigarette flavors and aldehyde emissions: another failure to verify findings from a previous study]===
: Our results were revealing in identifying a very small contribution of flavorings on aldehyde emissions. In fact, aldehyde levels were so low that consumption of 5 grams liquid per day would expose vapers to less formaldehyde and acetaldehyde than just staying at home and breathing air. For acrolein, exposure was orders of magnitude lower compared to NIOSH-defined recommended safety limits. To give you an idea of the differences in results, the authors of the original study found up to 7000 ug/g formaldehyde, while we found a maximum of 62 ug/g.
*2017: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Study: [ Do flavouring compounds contribute to aldehyde emissions in e-cigarettes?]
: In conclusion, we confirmed that flavouring compounds can contribute to aldehyde emissions from ECs, but such contribution, detected in only 3 liquids and two flavours herein, was minimal.
*2016: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Flavoring Compounds Dominate Toxic Aldehyde Production during E-Cigarette Vaping]

=ENDS - Formaldehyde=
==[ E-cigarettes emit very high formaldehyde levels only in conditions that are aversive to users: A replication study under verified realistic use conditions]==

=ENDS - Exhaled breath (e.g. secondhand vapour)=
===2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ Influence of electronic cigarette vaping on the composition of indoor organic pollutants, particles, and exhaled breath of bystanders]===
*The concentration increases of nicotine and formaldehyde were small when compared with those described in other studies of indoor atmospheres or health regulatory thresholds. No significant changes were observed when comparing the concentrations of exhaled breath in vaping and no vaping days. Even the exhaled breath nicotine concentrations in both conditions were similar. As expected, toluene, xylenes, benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene did not show increases in the vaping days since combustion was not involved.

==[ New study proves there is no second-hand vaping: e-cigarette aerosol contains less volatile compounds than normal exhaled breath]==

=ENDS - Gateway=
===2015: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ New study proves there is no second-hand vaping: e-cigarette aerosol contains less volatile compounds than normal exhaled breath]===
: Obviously, smokers or vapers do not hold their breath for 20 seconds before exhaling the breath. Thus, the study probably overestimated the absorption rate of VOCs present in cigarette smoke or e-cigarette aerosol.
: The results of the study basically showed that indoor air and normal exhaled breath contains more VOCs that the e-cigarette aerosol.
*2015 <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Study: [ A rapid method for the chromatographic analysis of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath of tobacco cigarette and electronic cigarette smokers]
: Tobacco cigarette smoke provided the samples containing highest concentrations of all compounds analyzed. Besides nicotine it contained benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene and naphthalene in high abundance as well as other compounds such as isoprene, pent-1-ene, n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane and others.
: This composition was in strong contrast with that of vapor from the e-cigarettes in which all these compounds were virtually absent except nicotine
*2020: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Article: [ Vaping regulations, teen use remain hot topics]
: Research shows that secondhand aerosol from vapes and e-cigarettes may expose bystanders to nicotine, heavy metals, ultrafine particulates, volatile organic compounds and other toxicants.

==[ On Gateway effects]==
==[ expert debunks vaping gateway myth]==

===2014: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ Comparison of Select Analytes in Exhaled Aerosol from E-Cigarettes with Exhaled Smoke from a Conventional Cigarette and Exhaled Breaths]===
* The findings of this work suggest that exhaled e-cigarette aerosol does not increase bystander exposure for phenolics and carbonyls above the levels observed in exhaled breaths of air, in contrast to the quantifiable levels of these analytes in exhaled conventional cigarette smoke.
*Lorillard study

=ENDS - Heart Disease=
==2019: [ E-cigarette use increases the risk of stroke and heart attack: conclusions that constitute epidemiological malpractice]==

* Dr Farsalinos: “Increasing the risk” means that someone is FIRST exposed to a condition (in this case, exposed to e-cigarette use) and THEN, BECAUSE OF THIS EXPOSURE, he/she develops disease. Both studies CANNOT provide any of this information to substantiate an increased risk. Both are cross-sectional surveys, meaning that they asked participants if they have heart disease and if they use e-cigarettes. The studies provide no information on whether e-cigarette use was initiated before (and how long before) or after the development of disease. What if participants used e-cigarettes after they developed the disease in order to quit smoking?
* The same concerns were raised by Holly R. Middlekauff, MD and Jeffrey Gornbein, DrPH in their 2019 paper: [ Association of Electronic Cigarette Use With Myocardial Infarction: Persistent Uncertainty].
* Debunking this study: [ Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction]
* Debunking this conference abstract: [ E-cigarettes linked to higher risk of stroke, heart attack, diseased arteries]
* Debunking this Medical Xpress article: [ E-cigarettes linked to higher risk of stroke, heart attack, diseased arteries]

==2016: [ Response to stories suggesting that vaping is as bad for the heart as cigarettes]==
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Flavor Danger=

* Professor Peter Hajek: “The study is reporting on a well-known short-term effect of nicotine – stiffening of arteries – that accompanies all types of stimulation. The same effect is generated by watching a thriller or a football match or sitting an exam. Drinking a cup of coffee actually produces a larger response of much longer duration. The key heart health risks of smoking are not caused by nicotine but by other chemicals in tobacco smoke that are not present in e-cigarette vapour.”
* We look at 2 important questions: 1) Is vaping flavors toxic and 2) Are flavors motivating non-smoking teens to experiment with vaping?

==[ <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">RETRACTED</span>: Retraction to: Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction Among Adults in the US Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health]==

* Given these issues, the editors are concerned that the study conclusion is unreliable.
===2021: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Testimony in Netherlands pertaining to a potential flavour / flavor ban: [ Regulation of e-cigarette flavours – a response]===
* The editors hereby retract the article from publication in Journal of the American Heart Association
: Signed by 24 experts from around the world
: Covers 12 key points

: News items regarding the retraction
: [ nyu scientists and others call for taxpayer funded ucsf vaping study probe]
: [ Study linking vaping to heart attacks muddied amid spat between two tobacco researchers]
: [ Journal Retracts "Unreliable" Glantz Study Tying Vaping to Heart Attacks]
=ENDS - Youth=
[ Canada takes a wrong turn after a flawed paper induces moral panic about youth vaping and smoking]

===2019: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Article: [ The US vaping flavour (flavor) ban: twenty things you should know]===
: A well researched article that touches on many of the myths and fears about youth use of flavored vapor products.

=ENDS - Multiple Myths=
===2017: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Follow Up: [ Comment on “Flavoring Compounds Dominate Toxic Aldehyde Production during E Cigarette Vaping”]===
==2020: [ 8 Things to know about Ecigaretes]==
: We would like to point out that the finding is in a stark contrast to previous results.
: The high levels only happen under dry puff conditions, something avoided by vapers as it is very unpleasant.
*2016: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Flavoring Compounds Dominate Toxic Aldehyde Production during E-Cigarette Vaping]

=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Formaldehyde is at dangerous levels=
===2017: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> [ E-cigarettes emit very high formaldehyde levels only in conditions that are aversive to users: A replication study under verified realistic use conditions]===
: In realistic conditions, formaldehyde in e-cigarettes is lower than cigarette smoke.
: High levels of formaldehyde in e-cigarettes are produced in unrealistic (dry puff) conditions and should be avoided in the laboratory setting.
*2018 <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Article: [ Farsalinos Exposes Faults in Formaldehyde Vape Studies]
: While direct replications like this and studies with similar methods can offer useful comparisons, the main point of the paper isn’t as much about the results as it is about the methods. Before we can really answer the key questions, we need to consider why the method used matters so much.
* 2015: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Letter: [ Hidden Formaldehyde in E-Cigarette Aerosols]
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Gateway to smoking=
===Please see the page: [ Myth: Alternative nicotine products are a gateway to smoking]===
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Heavy Metals at dangerous levels=
===2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Article: [ Heavy Metal]===
: Studies like the 2018 one from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health claimed they found substantial levels of toxic heavy metals in eliquid and vapour. The results have then been used as part of overexcited lectures to the media by the likes of the lamentable Bonnie Halpern-Felsher. A study from researchers at West Virginia University pours cold water over the argument by finding that vapers’ blood and urine matches those who neither vape or smoke.
*2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Article: [ Dr. Farsalinos Discredits “Toxic Metal” Study For Being Misleading]
:  “The ‘significant amount’ of metals the authors reported they found were measured in ug/kg. In fact, they are so low that for some cases (chromium and lead) I calculated that you need to vape more than 100 ml per day in order to exceed the FDA limits for daily intake from inhalation medications.” He suggested that this happens because studies sometimes use concentration limits associated with constant intake, as opposed to just the breaths that include e-liquid vapor. According to Farsalinos, “humans take more than 17,000 breaths per day but only 400-600 puffs per day from an e-cigarette.” So when researchers calculations omit this fact, the results can appear drastically worse than they ought too.
*2020: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Study: [ Association of electronic cigarette use with lead, cadmium, barium, and antimony body burden: NHANES 2015-2016]
: Blood lead levels, and urinary cadmium, barium, and antimony levels were similar between participants who used e-cigarettes and participants who did not.
* 2015: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Study: [ Are Metals Emitted from Electronic Cigarettes a Reason for Health Concern? A Risk-Assessment Analysis of Currently Available Literature]
:  Based on currently available data, overall exposure to metals from EC use is not expected to be of significant health concern for smokers switching to EC use, but is an unnecessary source of exposure for never-smokers. Metal analysis should be expanded to more products and exposure can be further reduced through improvements in product quality and appropriate choice of materials.
: Article about above study: [ Metals emitted from e-cigarettes are NOT a reason for health concern]
* 2018: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Metal Concentrations in e-Cigarette Liquid and Aerosol Samples: The Contribution of Metallic Coils]
* 2013: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Metal and silicate particles including nanoparticles are present in electronic cigarette cartomizer fluid and aerosol]
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Heart Disease caused by vaping=
===2020: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 51, 183);" data-mce-style="background-color: #FF33B7;">Retraction</span> Explanation: [  Retraction to: Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction Among Adults in the US Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health]===
: Given these issues, the editors are concerned that the study conclusion is unreliable.
: The editors hereby retract the article from publication in Journal of the American Heart Association
*News items regarding the retraction
: USA Today [ A study claimed vaping doubles risk for heart attacks. It's been retracted for being 'unreliable']
: USA Today [ Study linking vaping to heart attacks muddied amid spat between two tobacco researchers]
: Vaping 360 [ Journal Retracts "Unreliable" Glantz Study Tying Vaping to Heart Attacks]
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> 2020: [ Comments on the study and JAHA's lack of action to address the issues.]
: Comments and questions from experts around the world
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> 2020: [ URGE JAHA TO RETRACT BAD SCIENCE – TOBACCO HARM REDUCTION NEWS]
: Includes and excellent time line of events with links.
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> 2019: [ E-cigarette use increases the risk of stroke and heart attack: conclusions that constitute epidemiological malpractice]
: Dr Farsalinos: “Increasing the risk” means that someone is FIRST exposed to a condition (in this case, exposed to e-cigarette use) and THEN, BECAUSE OF THIS EXPOSURE, he/she develops disease. Both studies CANNOT provide any of this information to substantiate an increased risk. Both are cross-sectional surveys, meaning that they asked participants if they have heart disease and if they use e-cigarettes. The studies provide no information on whether e-cigarette use was initiated before (and how long before) or after the development of disease. What if participants used e-cigarettes after they developed the disease in order to quit smoking?
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data- -style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> 2020: [ JAHA paper on e-cigarettes and myocardial infarction]
: Letter encouraging retraction / correction by David B. Abrams, PhD; Kenneth Michael Cummings, PhD; George Davey Smith; Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH; Jonathan Foulds, PhD; Abigail Friedman, PhD; Thomas Glynn, PhD; Peter Hajek, PhD; Martin Jarvis, DSc OBE; Robert Kaestner, PhD; Ann McNeill, PhD; Marcus Munafò, PhD; Raymond Niaura, PhD; David Sweanor, JD; David Timberlake, PhD; Kenneth Warner, PhD
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data- -style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> 2019: [ Association of Electronic Cigarette Use With Myocardial Infarction: Persistent Uncertainty].
*According to their results, MI risk is lower in daily [[Abbreviations|EC]] users compared with daily [[Abbreviations|TC]] smokers, although both are worse than nonsmokers. Perhaps this is another message of the study, and TC smokers, if unable or unwilling to quit entirely, should be encouraged to switch to ECs, potentially saving thousands of lives.4 This harm reduction strategy has been embraced successfully in England,5 and we would argue, should be considered more widely
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> study: [ Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction]
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> conference abstract: [ E-cigarettes linked to higher risk of stroke, heart attack, diseased arteries]
* <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Medical Xpress article: [ E-cigarettes linked to higher risk of stroke, heart attack, diseased arteries]
===2016: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Comment: [ Response to stories suggesting that vaping is as bad for the heart as cigarettes]===
: Professor Peter Hajek: “The study is reporting on a well-known short-term effect of nicotine – stiffening of arteries – that accompanies all types of stimulation. The same effect is generated by watching a thriller or a football match or sitting an exam. Drinking a cup of coffee actually produces a larger response of much longer duration. The key heart health risks of smoking are not caused by nicotine but by other chemicals in tobacco smoke that are not present in e-cigarette vapour.”
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Study: [ Electronic Cigarette Smoking Increases Aortic Stiffness and Blood Pressure in Young Smokers]
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> Article: [ E-cigarettes are 'as bad for the heart as tobacco': Nicotine vapour damages blood vessels and raises risk of disease]
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Marketing to Kids=
===2016: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Video: [ E-Cigs and Joe Camel | Dr. Steven J. Allen]===
: Capital Research Center
: Covers many of the accusations made towards the ENDS industry and compares them to several adult consumer products and adult activities.
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myths</span> ENDS - Multiple Myths=
===Multi-Year <span style="background-color: rgb(172, 255, 51);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ACFF33;">Research Notes</span> [ Mysterious illnesses and symptoms are often blamed on "vaping"]===
*Using the word "vaping" often makes people assume that it means [[Abbreviations|ENDS]] and the use of nicotine products. The media, public health, and law makers compound the issue by not being clear on what they're talking about. Very often, these problems are not caused by nicotine products, but the use of drugs in electronic inhalation devices. This research project gives several examples of mystery illnesses and the causes.
===[ Smoking Kills. Vaping Doesn't. A Resource for Understanding Anti-Vaping Propaganda]===
===2020: [ Vaping Nicotine Is Far Less Harmful Than Smoking Tobacco]===
*Comments on several misperceptions from a study
===2020: [ 8 Things to know about Ecigaretes]===
* 8 Things that you should know, Covers myths around EVALI etc.  
* 8 Things that you should know, Covers myths around EVALI etc.  
* Not surprisingly, there are lots of inaccuracies and misconceptions about e-cigarettes and vaping. This blog looks at some of the most common myths and provides the facts.
===2020: [ Vapingis still at least 95% lower risk than smoking - debunking a feeble and empty critique]===
===2020: [ Lung Foundation Australia continues to mislead the public about vaping]===
===2020: []===
===2020: []===
===2019: [ New tobacco products, a threat for tobacco control and public health of Mexico]===
===2019: [ Response to “New tobacco products, a threat for tobacco control and public health of Mexico”]===
*We read with serious concern the position article by Reynales-Shigematsu et al. about combustion-free nicotine delivery products and public health [1]. The authors not only fail to present a balanced overview of the risk-benefit ratio of these new technologies, but grossly misrepresent the existing evidence and ignore the broad consensus that Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), Alternative Nicotine Delivery Systems (ANDS), and E-Cigs (electronic cigarettes or vaporizers) use is considerably less harmful than continuation of smoking [2-6]. By placing a greater emphasis on potential risks and disregarding possible benefits the authors fail to consider that ENDS, ANDS and E-Cigs use may represent an opportunity for public health.
===2019: [ Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis]===
===2019: [ vapers beware new study does not show..... ]===
*This study is deeply flawed because it fails to consider the most likely explanation for the study findings: that people who use e-cigarettes more likely have a history of more intense smoking than people who do not use e-cigarettes. For example, one study found that while only 21% of adult smokers who did not vape were heavy smokers, 68% of adult smokers who did vape were heavy smokers (or had been heavy smokers).

==2018: [ Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes]==

* Not surprisingly, there are lots of inaccuracies and misconceptions about e-cigarettes and vaping. This blog looks at some of the most common myths and provides the facts.
===2019: [ HowRegulators Misunderstand The Toxicity Arguments About E-Cigarettes]===

=ENDS - Popcorn Lung=  
===2019 [ :The Evidence of Electronic Cigarette Risks Is Catching Up With Public Perception]===
===Cancer Research UK: [ Does vaping cause popcorn lung?]===

* No. There’s no good evidence that e-cigarettes could cause the lung condition called popcorn lung. There’s been no confirmed cases of popcorn lung reported in people who use e-cigarettes.

===[ RE: Vape related "Popcorn Lung" debunked years ago]===
===2019: [ Vaping risk compared to smoking: challenging a false and dangerous claim by Professor Stanton Glantz]===
*In this blog, I examine an extraordinary claim by Professor Stanton Glantz of the University of California at San Francisco. Professor Glantz claims that the US public is right to believe that vaping is as harmful as smoking and that science is now catching up with public opinion.

* There is 750x more diacetyl in a pack of cigarettes than there is in a days worth of vaping nicotine fluid, and to date we have no confirmation that smokers are getting popcorn lung.

=THR - Articles=
===2019: [ Bloomberg’s Hitjob]===
==2020: [ Public Health Experts Outraged by Bloomberg-Funded Biased Study]==

* A number of  consumer groups and public health experts, have raised serious concerns about the bias and false claims made by a recent University of Bath study, which explored the Twitter activity around the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

===2018: [ Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes]===

==Long video with evidence on vaping myths!==

=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Popcorn Lung caused by vaping=

==Shorter video with less evidence presented, but more common sense!==

==Bell jar experiment by Public Health England!==
===2020: Article: [ Does Diacetyl in Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?]===
*While almost anything is possible, there’s simply no evidence that vaping causes popcorn lung.

==To Do list==

To do:  
===2019: Cancer Research UK: [ Does vaping cause popcorn lung?]===
* No. There’s no good evidence that e-cigarettes could cause the lung condition called popcorn lung. There’s been no confirmed cases of popcorn lung reported in people who use e-cigarettes.

Go through this letter and the references: [ Response to “New tobacco products, a threat for tobacco control and public health of Mexico”]

===2019: [ RE: Vape related "Popcorn Lung" debunked years ago]===
* There is 750x more diacetyl in a pack of cigarettes than there is in a days worth of vaping nicotine fluid, and to date we have no confirmation that smokers are getting popcorn lung.

===2015: [ Medical journal MISPRESENTS a case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis as popcorn lung disease caused by e-cigarette]===
*It was shocking to see a public statement reporting a case of popcorn lung disease in a patient using e-cigarettes. The title of the public release is: “Case report finds 'popcorn lung' in patient using e-cigarettes. Report points to possibility of diacetyl, a flavoring agent in e-cigarettes, to bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome”
*The case report is NOT about popcorn lung disease (bronchiolitis obliterans) but about a case of acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The article then goes on to explain why it can’t be popcorn lung.
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> [ Case report finds 'popcorn lung' in patient using e-cigarettes]
*<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ffff00;">Debunked</span> [ Case report finds acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis in patient using e-cigarettes]

[ Clearingup some myths around e-cigarettes]

[ Vapingis still at least 95% lower risk than smoking - debunking a feebleand empty critique]
===2015 [ New Study Finds that Average Diacetyl Exposure from Vaping is 750 Times Lower than from Smoking]===
*There's just one minor fact that is omitted completely in the article, as well as in all the media coverage.
*That fact: All conventional cigarettes produce tobacco smoke that contains diacetyl, and the levels of diacetyl in cigarettes are a lot higher than those produced by e-cigarettes.

[ HowRegulators Misunderstand The Toxicity Arguments About E-Cigarettes]


=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> ENDS - Youth use of vapor products=
*See also [[Youth Epidemic]]


===2021: <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 57, 33);" data-mce-style="background-color: #ff5733;">Truth</span> Testimony in Netherlands pertaining to a potential flavour / flavor ban: [ Regulation of e-cigarette flavours – a response]===
: Signed by 24 experts from around the world
: Covers 12 key points


===2020: [ Canada takes a wrong turn after a flawed paper induces moral panic about youth vaping and smoking]===

[ Bloomberg’sHitjob]
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> Nicotine - dangers and addiction=

===Need to find the bad to go with the good===

[ ALL Vaping Myths Debunked!]
===2015: [ The Great Nicotine Myth]===
*There are four nicotine myths perpetuated in modern culture that have no basis in fact.

47.[ Prevalence of vaping and smoking among adolescents in Canada, England, and the United States: repeat national cross sectional surveys.][No authors listed] BMJ. 2020 Jul 10;370:m2579. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m2579. No abstract available. PMID: 32651173 [PubMed]

[ Similar articles]
===2011: [ If the data contradict the theory, throw out the data: Nicotine addiction in the 2010 report of the Surgeon General]===
* As a result, the present SG's chapter on nicotine addiction, which purportedly "documents how nicotine compares with heroin and cocaine in its hold on users and its effects on the brain," is remarkably biased and misleading.


* The Roswell Park findings run counter to what lead author of a University of California, San Diego (UCSD) study, Jessica Wang-Rodriguez, told[ ][ The Daily Mail]in December. Wang-Rodriguez said “I believe they are no better than smoking regular cigarettes.” That study was published in the journal[ ][ Oral Oncology].
* The DCNF[ ][ reported] in December that not only were the cells used in the UCSD study “not completely comparable to cells within a living person,” but the dosage was comparable to someone smoking “for hours on end,” so it wasn’t representative of real world e-cig use. Further, the cell cultures already had “[ squamous cell carcinoma],” meaning the cells already had cancer.
* “All this study is highlighting is the fact that exposing already cancerous cells to cigarette smoke, nicotine or vapor may accelerate cell death, but of course, only if you swim in it,” Paul Barnes of Facts Do Matter told TheDCNF in December.

= <span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> THR - Articles give fuel to myths=

This links to several examples: [ VapingYouth and Covid-19 and Science by Press Release]

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"><span size="5" data-mce-style="font-size: x-large;" style="font-size: x-large;">'''ERRATUM! ERRATUM! '''</span></span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"><span size="5" data-mce-style="font-size: x-large;" style="font-size: x-large;">'''ERRATUM! ERRATUM!'''</span></span></span>
===2020: [ Public Health Experts Outraged by Bloomberg-Funded Biased Study]===
* A number of  consumer groups and public health experts, have raised serious concerns about the bias and false claims made by a recent University of Bath study, which explored the Twitter activity around the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">The authors of a notoriously influential study led by David Hammond explain how they got a massively sensitive claim about teen smoking and vaping in Canada totally wrong. Of course, they do not advertise the massive blunder in PubMed or the BMJ </span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''erratum''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> and you have to go to the[ ]</span></span>[ Supplementarydata]<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> to find it.</span></span>

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''In the original paper in The BMJ, changes in past 30 day smoking prevalence between 2017 and 2018 in Canada were reported as 10.7% to 15.5% (a statistically significant increase), which was revised after reweighting to 10.7% to 10.0% (no significant change). ''</span></span>

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">Yes... instead of a huge 45% uptick in smoking, there was in fact a modest fall of almost 7% once the numbers were redone. So not just the magnitude but the </span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"><u>sign</u></span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> was wrong.</span></span>
=<span style="background-color: rgb(51, 254, 255);" data-mce-style="background-color: #33FEFF;">Myth</span> Videos about myths=

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">It's hard to overstate the damage that this paper did in Canada - for the first time we'd seen (or so it appeared) both an increase in youth vaping </span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''and''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> smoking. The paper was unscrupulously flashed around decision-makers for months before publication and used to reverse an emerging progressive position on vaping in Canada. Some 6 months before publication, the data was trailed on the national broadcaster, CBC... </span></span>[ Teenvaping in Canada has taken a 'worrisome' turn]<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> on 18 Dec 2018.</span></span>

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''"All signs are very worrisome." And even more disturbing — cigarette smoking in teenagers appeared to be rising for the first time in 30 years. "There are also troubling findings on smoking rates and signs that progress in reducing youth smoking may have stalled," [lead author David Hammond] said, adding that there's a need for more research to confirm his results.''</span></span>
==Long video with evidence on vaping myths!==

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">Hopefully, he'll go back to CBC and admit the error? Though, happily, at least one thing subsequently went right... </span></span>

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''"We all want these findings not to be true."''</span></span>
==Shorter video with less evidence presented, but more common sense!==

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">At least they have finally corrected it? Amazingly, they have changed the data in an obscure supplement but left the false conclusion standing in the main paper: </span></span>

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">'''''Conclusions'''''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">'' Between 2017 and 2018, among 16 to 19 year olds the prevalence of ''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">'''''vaping increased in Canada and the US, '''''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''<u>'''as did smoking in Canada'''</u>''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">'', with little change in England. The rapidly evolving vaping market and emergence of nicotine salt based products warrant close monitoring.''</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">(emphasis added)</span></span>
==Bell jar experiment by Public Health England!==

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">And why has it taken this long to correct this? If only someone had pointed out the conflict with official Canadian data and suggested re-examination... oh wait, they did. It was me! Just 3 weeks after publication, I sent in a BMJ rapid response: </span></span>[ Increasesin smoking recorded in this study appear to conflict with officialCanadian data]

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">Too late, however, the error must be allowed to stand! From the data supplement: </span></span>
=Graphics and Memes about Nicotine Myths=

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''However, after publication of our paper, Health Canada released data from its national monitoring survey of youths, the Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CSTADS), which did not indicate an increase in smoking between 2016-172 and 2018-19.''</span></span>
=== [[Mythbusters|Mythbusters campaign logos, badges, stickers, graphics and social media posts]] ===
'''sets of ready to use graphic images and posts in multiple languages.''

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">So instead of reexamining the data, the authors chose to ignore this conflict and leave the false conclusion on show in the </span></span>

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">Also, of course the paper was gleefully cited by straw-clutching anti-vaping trolls: </span></span>
: '''Possible explanation for the lack of unbiased research in the United States'''

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''....and Canada, which, as shown in a paper co-authored by Borland, has seen not only a dramatic increase in youth vaping, but also the first increase in youth smoking in many years [14].''</span></span>
[[File:Cotton_candy2.jpg|Cotton Candy by age]]
: '''There is a false accusation that Cotton Candy flavors are made to market ENDS products to children. The truth is, that adults find the flavor very appealing.'''

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;">''Chapman S, Daube M. Response to Mendelsohn, Borland and Hall’s ‘Could vaping help lower smoking rates in Australia?’ Vol. 39, Drug and Alcohol Review. Blackwell Publishing; 2020. p. 419–21. ''</span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''[''</span></span>[ link]<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">'']''</span></span>

[[File:Myth_Nicotine_Causes_Brain_Damage.jpg|Important people who used nicotine]]
: '''If nicotine causes brain damage, how do we explain the accomplishments of these people?'''

[ Theimpact of heated tobacco products on arterial stiffness.]<span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">Franzen KF, Belkin S, Goldmann T, Reppel M, Watz H, Mortensen K, Droemann D.</span><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">Vasc Med. 2020 Jul 28:1358863X20943292. doi: 10.1177/1358863X20943292. Online ahead of print.</span><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">PMID: 32721197 No abstract available.</span>
=Suggestions of items to add to this page=

<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">This is well-travelled territory. Short term changes in arterial stiffness occur for many reasons, not necessarily as a marker of disease risk. Discussed[ ]</span></span>[ here]<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> by Konstantinos Farsalinos and[ ]</span></span>[ here]<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> by me (Clive Bates). And Peter Hajek[ ]</span></span>[ explains]<span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;"><span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;"> an earlier study with similar findings</span></span><span color="#990000" data-mce-style="color: #990000;" style="color: #990000;">“<span face="Verdana, serif" data-mce-style="font-family: Verdana, serif;" style="font-family: Verdana, serif;">''The study is reporting on a well-known short-term effect of nicotine – stiffening of arteries – that accompanies all types of stimulation. The same effect is generated by watching a thriller or a football match or sitting an exam. Drinking a cup of coffee actually produces a larger response of much longer duration. The key heart health risks of smoking are not caused by nicotine but by other chemicals in tobacco smoke that are not present in e-cigarette vapour.”''</span></span>
Add seizure myth

[ VapingNicotine Is Far Less Harmful Than Smoking Tobacco]
===2020: [ E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: A Replication, Extension, and Future Directions]===
*The statistical associations between e-cigarette use and respiratory disease are driven by e-cigarette users who are also current or former smokers of combustible tobacco.
*A striking feature of the data is that almost all e-cigarette users were either current or former smokers of combustible tobacco.
*Among respondents who had never smoked combustible tobacco, we find no evidence that current or former e-cigarette use is associated with respiratory disease.
*[ Link to PDF]

[ Ifthe data contradict the theory, throw out the data: Nicotineaddiction in the 2010 report of the Surgeon General]
===[ suggestions on twitter]===

[ NewStudy Finds that Average Diacetyl Exposure from Vaping is 750 TimesLower than from Smoking ]
===[ E-cig reporting: What went wrong?]===


===[ Experts Question Study Claiming E-Cigarettes Are a COVID-19 Risk Factor]===


===[ Info from twitter thread]===

[[Category:Media - Movies, Videos, Vlogs, Blogs, OpEds, News, etc.]] [[Category: FAQ Question]]
=More Information=
*Click on the category link below for more studies by topic on ENDS and Nicotine.
[[Category: FAQ Question]]
[[Category:Media - Movies, Videos, Vlogs, Blogs, OpEds, News, etc.]]  
[[Category:Myth Busting]]
[[Category:Studies, Surveys, and Papers]]

Latest revision as of 16:28, 26 July 2024


Here we take a look at busting myths and debunking junk science about nicotine or products containing nicotine.

Myth - Nicotine Causes Cancer

  • ^ Link will take you to the page with information about nicotine and cancer concerns

Myth ENDS - COVID/EVALI/Respiratory Disease caused by vaping/nicotine

  • See Also:
ENDS - Popcorn Lung below

2021: Truth Testimony in Netherlands pertaining to a potential flavour / flavor ban: Regulation of e-cigarette flavours – a response

Signed by 24 experts from around the world
Covers 12 key points

2020: Truth Letter: E-Cigarette Use and COVID-19: Questioning Data Reliability

The link between ever, but not current, ecigarette use and COVID-19 suffers from biological implausibility.
A number of experts responded swiftly to the study's abnormal findings that lacked a credible causal theory.

2020: Truth E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: NO EVIDENCE

2018: Truth Dr. Farsalinos Disputes Wet Lung Linked to Vapor

  • There is no such thing as a 'wet lung.' This is neither a scientific term nor a medical condition. The case report that was accompanied by a press statement refers to hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This is a condition caused by a form of an allergic reaction that results in an inflammatory response.
  • Debunked article: Teen develops "wet lung" after vaping for 3 weeks

2016: Truth New Study on E-Cigarettes and Bronchitis: An Example of Scientific Dishonesty and Deception

  • The rest of the story is that essentially what we have here is an example of scientific dishonesty and apparently intentional deception of the journal readers and the public. For a movement that has devoted so much attention to attacking the tobacco industry for its deception and scientific dishonesty, I believe that we need to adhere to the highest standards of honesty and transparency in our scientific reporting. This is not happening in our reporting of the health effects of vaping, and it is certainly not happening in this study and the dissemination of its results.
  • Debunked Abstract of: Electronic Cigarette Use and Respiratory Symptoms in Adolescents
  • Debunked Press Release: E-cigarette use linked to risk of respiratory symptoms among adolescents

2019: Research Notes Minnesota Smoke-Free Alliance THC Cutting Agents

  • Research on the products use to cut THC containing liquids that led to the outbreak of EVALI / VALI / THCVALI. This outbreak was falsely blamed on the nicotine vaping industry (ENDS).

Myth ENDS exhaled/inhaled vapor contains dangerous levels of toxic chemicals/VOCs

2018: Truth Paper: E-cigarette flavors and aldehyde emissions: another failure to verify findings from a previous study

Our results were revealing in identifying a very small contribution of flavorings on aldehyde emissions. In fact, aldehyde levels were so low that consumption of 5 grams liquid per day would expose vapers to less formaldehyde and acetaldehyde than just staying at home and breathing air. For acrolein, exposure was orders of magnitude lower compared to NIOSH-defined recommended safety limits. To give you an idea of the differences in results, the authors of the original study found up to 7000 ug/g formaldehyde, while we found a maximum of 62 ug/g.
In conclusion, we confirmed that flavouring compounds can contribute to aldehyde emissions from ECs, but such contribution, detected in only 3 liquids and two flavours herein, was minimal.

2018: Truth Influence of electronic cigarette vaping on the composition of indoor organic pollutants, particles, and exhaled breath of bystanders

  • The concentration increases of nicotine and formaldehyde were small when compared with those described in other studies of indoor atmospheres or health regulatory thresholds. No significant changes were observed when comparing the concentrations of exhaled breath in vaping and no vaping days. Even the exhaled breath nicotine concentrations in both conditions were similar. As expected, toluene, xylenes, benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene did not show increases in the vaping days since combustion was not involved.

2015: Truth New study proves there is no second-hand vaping: e-cigarette aerosol contains less volatile compounds than normal exhaled breath

Obviously, smokers or vapers do not hold their breath for 20 seconds before exhaling the breath. Thus, the study probably overestimated the absorption rate of VOCs present in cigarette smoke or e-cigarette aerosol.
The results of the study basically showed that indoor air and normal exhaled breath contains more VOCs that the e-cigarette aerosol.
Tobacco cigarette smoke provided the samples containing highest concentrations of all compounds analyzed. Besides nicotine it contained benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene and naphthalene in high abundance as well as other compounds such as isoprene, pent-1-ene, n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane and others.
This composition was in strong contrast with that of vapor from the e-cigarettes in which all these compounds were virtually absent except nicotine
Research shows that secondhand aerosol from vapes and e-cigarettes may expose bystanders to nicotine, heavy metals, ultrafine particulates, volatile organic compounds and other toxicants.

2014: Truth Comparison of Select Analytes in Exhaled Aerosol from E-Cigarettes with Exhaled Smoke from a Conventional Cigarette and Exhaled Breaths

  • The findings of this work suggest that exhaled e-cigarette aerosol does not increase bystander exposure for phenolics and carbonyls above the levels observed in exhaled breaths of air, in contrast to the quantifiable levels of these analytes in exhaled conventional cigarette smoke.
  • Lorillard study

Myth ENDS - Flavor Danger

  • We look at 2 important questions: 1) Is vaping flavors toxic and 2) Are flavors motivating non-smoking teens to experiment with vaping?

2021: Truth Testimony in Netherlands pertaining to a potential flavour / flavor ban: Regulation of e-cigarette flavours – a response

Signed by 24 experts from around the world
Covers 12 key points

2019: Truth Article: The US vaping flavour (flavor) ban: twenty things you should know

A well researched article that touches on many of the myths and fears about youth use of flavored vapor products.

2017: Truth Follow Up: Comment on “Flavoring Compounds Dominate Toxic Aldehyde Production during E Cigarette Vaping”

We would like to point out that the finding is in a stark contrast to previous results.
The high levels only happen under dry puff conditions, something avoided by vapers as it is very unpleasant.

Myth ENDS - Formaldehyde is at dangerous levels

2017: Truth E-cigarettes emit very high formaldehyde levels only in conditions that are aversive to users: A replication study under verified realistic use conditions

In realistic conditions, formaldehyde in e-cigarettes is lower than cigarette smoke.
High levels of formaldehyde in e-cigarettes are produced in unrealistic (dry puff) conditions and should be avoided in the laboratory setting.
While direct replications like this and studies with similar methods can offer useful comparisons, the main point of the paper isn’t as much about the results as it is about the methods. Before we can really answer the key questions, we need to consider why the method used matters so much.

Myth ENDS - Gateway to smoking

Please see the page: Myth: Alternative nicotine products are a gateway to smoking

Myth ENDS - Heavy Metals at dangerous levels

2018: Truth Article: Heavy Metal

Studies like the 2018 one from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health claimed they found substantial levels of toxic heavy metals in eliquid and vapour. The results have then been used as part of overexcited lectures to the media by the likes of the lamentable Bonnie Halpern-Felsher. A study from researchers at West Virginia University pours cold water over the argument by finding that vapers’ blood and urine matches those who neither vape or smoke.
“The ‘significant amount’ of metals the authors reported they found were measured in ug/kg. In fact, they are so low that for some cases (chromium and lead) I calculated that you need to vape more than 100 ml per day in order to exceed the FDA limits for daily intake from inhalation medications.” He suggested that this happens because studies sometimes use concentration limits associated with constant intake, as opposed to just the breaths that include e-liquid vapor. According to Farsalinos, “humans take more than 17,000 breaths per day but only 400-600 puffs per day from an e-cigarette.” So when researchers calculations omit this fact, the results can appear drastically worse than they ought too.
Blood lead levels, and urinary cadmium, barium, and antimony levels were similar between participants who used e-cigarettes and participants who did not.
Based on currently available data, overall exposure to metals from EC use is not expected to be of significant health concern for smokers switching to EC use, but is an unnecessary source of exposure for never-smokers. Metal analysis should be expanded to more products and exposure can be further reduced through improvements in product quality and appropriate choice of materials.
Article about above study: Metals emitted from e-cigarettes are NOT a reason for health concern

Myth ENDS - Heart Disease caused by vaping

2020: Retraction Explanation: Retraction to: Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction Among Adults in the US Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health

Given these issues, the editors are concerned that the study conclusion is unreliable.
The editors hereby retract the article from publication in Journal of the American Heart Association
  • News items regarding the retraction
USA Today A study claimed vaping doubles risk for heart attacks. It's been retracted for being 'unreliable'
USA Today Study linking vaping to heart attacks muddied amid spat between two tobacco researchers
Vaping 360 Journal Retracts "Unreliable" Glantz Study Tying Vaping to Heart Attacks
Comments and questions from experts around the world
Includes and excellent time line of events with links.
Dr Farsalinos: “Increasing the risk” means that someone is FIRST exposed to a condition (in this case, exposed to e-cigarette use) and THEN, BECAUSE OF THIS EXPOSURE, he/she develops disease. Both studies CANNOT provide any of this information to substantiate an increased risk. Both are cross-sectional surveys, meaning that they asked participants if they have heart disease and if they use e-cigarettes. The studies provide no information on whether e-cigarette use was initiated before (and how long before) or after the development of disease. What if participants used e-cigarettes after they developed the disease in order to quit smoking?
Letter encouraging retraction / correction by David B. Abrams, PhD; Kenneth Michael Cummings, PhD; George Davey Smith; Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH; Jonathan Foulds, PhD; Abigail Friedman, PhD; Thomas Glynn, PhD; Peter Hajek, PhD; Martin Jarvis, DSc OBE; Robert Kaestner, PhD; Ann McNeill, PhD; Marcus Munafò, PhD; Raymond Niaura, PhD; David Sweanor, JD; David Timberlake, PhD; Kenneth Warner, PhD

2016: Truth Comment: Response to stories suggesting that vaping is as bad for the heart as cigarettes

Professor Peter Hajek: “The study is reporting on a well-known short-term effect of nicotine – stiffening of arteries – that accompanies all types of stimulation. The same effect is generated by watching a thriller or a football match or sitting an exam. Drinking a cup of coffee actually produces a larger response of much longer duration. The key heart health risks of smoking are not caused by nicotine but by other chemicals in tobacco smoke that are not present in e-cigarette vapour.”

Myth ENDS - Marketing to Kids

2016: Truth Video: E-Cigs and Joe Camel | Dr. Steven J. Allen

Capital Research Center
Covers many of the accusations made towards the ENDS industry and compares them to several adult consumer products and adult activities.

Myths ENDS - Multiple Myths

Multi-Year Research Notes Mysterious illnesses and symptoms are often blamed on "vaping"

  • Using the word "vaping" often makes people assume that it means ENDS and the use of nicotine products. The media, public health, and law makers compound the issue by not being clear on what they're talking about. Very often, these problems are not caused by nicotine products, but the use of drugs in electronic inhalation devices. This research project gives several examples of mystery illnesses and the causes.

Smoking Kills. Vaping Doesn't. A Resource for Understanding Anti-Vaping Propaganda

2020: Vaping Nicotine Is Far Less Harmful Than Smoking Tobacco

  • Comments on several misperceptions from a study

2020: 8 Things to know about Ecigaretes

  • 8 Things that you should know, Covers myths around EVALI etc.
  • Not surprisingly, there are lots of inaccuracies and misconceptions about e-cigarettes and vaping. This blog looks at some of the most common myths and provides the facts.

2020: Vapingis still at least 95% lower risk than smoking - debunking a feeble and empty critique

2020: Lung Foundation Australia continues to mislead the public about vaping



2019: New tobacco products, a threat for tobacco control and public health of Mexico

2019: Response to “New tobacco products, a threat for tobacco control and public health of Mexico”

  • We read with serious concern the position article by Reynales-Shigematsu et al. about combustion-free nicotine delivery products and public health [1]. The authors not only fail to present a balanced overview of the risk-benefit ratio of these new technologies, but grossly misrepresent the existing evidence and ignore the broad consensus that Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), Alternative Nicotine Delivery Systems (ANDS), and E-Cigs (electronic cigarettes or vaporizers) use is considerably less harmful than continuation of smoking [2-6]. By placing a greater emphasis on potential risks and disregarding possible benefits the authors fail to consider that ENDS, ANDS and E-Cigs use may represent an opportunity for public health.

2019: Association of E-Cigarette Use With Respiratory Disease Among Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis

2019: vapers beware new study does not show.....

  • This study is deeply flawed because it fails to consider the most likely explanation for the study findings: that people who use e-cigarettes more likely have a history of more intense smoking than people who do not use e-cigarettes. For example, one study found that while only 21% of adult smokers who did not vape were heavy smokers, 68% of adult smokers who did vape were heavy smokers (or had been heavy smokers).

2019: HowRegulators Misunderstand The Toxicity Arguments About E-Cigarettes

2019 :The Evidence of Electronic Cigarette Risks Is Catching Up With Public Perception

2019: Vaping risk compared to smoking: challenging a false and dangerous claim by Professor Stanton Glantz

  • In this blog, I examine an extraordinary claim by Professor Stanton Glantz of the University of California at San Francisco. Professor Glantz claims that the US public is right to believe that vaping is as harmful as smoking and that science is now catching up with public opinion.

2019: Bloomberg’s Hitjob

2018: Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes

Myth ENDS - Popcorn Lung caused by vaping

2020: Article: Does Diacetyl in Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?

  • While almost anything is possible, there’s simply no evidence that vaping causes popcorn lung.

2019: Cancer Research UK: Does vaping cause popcorn lung?

  • No. There’s no good evidence that e-cigarettes could cause the lung condition called popcorn lung. There’s been no confirmed cases of popcorn lung reported in people who use e-cigarettes.

2019: RE: Vape related "Popcorn Lung" debunked years ago

  • There is 750x more diacetyl in a pack of cigarettes than there is in a days worth of vaping nicotine fluid, and to date we have no confirmation that smokers are getting popcorn lung.

2015: Medical journal MISPRESENTS a case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis as popcorn lung disease caused by e-cigarette

2015 New Study Finds that Average Diacetyl Exposure from Vaping is 750 Times Lower than from Smoking

  • There's just one minor fact that is omitted completely in the article, as well as in all the media coverage.
  • That fact: All conventional cigarettes produce tobacco smoke that contains diacetyl, and the levels of diacetyl in cigarettes are a lot higher than those produced by e-cigarettes.

Myth ENDS - Youth use of vapor products

2021: Truth Testimony in Netherlands pertaining to a potential flavour / flavor ban: Regulation of e-cigarette flavours – a response

Signed by 24 experts from around the world
Covers 12 key points

2020: Canada takes a wrong turn after a flawed paper induces moral panic about youth vaping and smoking

Myth Nicotine - dangers and addiction

2015: The Great Nicotine Myth

  • There are four nicotine myths perpetuated in modern culture that have no basis in fact.

2011: If the data contradict the theory, throw out the data: Nicotine addiction in the 2010 report of the Surgeon General

  • As a result, the present SG's chapter on nicotine addiction, which purportedly "documents how nicotine compares with heroin and cocaine in its hold on users and its effects on the brain," is remarkably biased and misleading.

Myth THR - Articles give fuel to myths

2020: Public Health Experts Outraged by Bloomberg-Funded Biased Study

  • A number of consumer groups and public health experts, have raised serious concerns about the bias and false claims made by a recent University of Bath study, which explored the Twitter activity around the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

Myth Videos about myths

Long video with evidence on vaping myths!

Shorter video with less evidence presented, but more common sense!

Bell jar experiment by Public Health England!

Graphics and Memes about Nicotine Myths

Mythbusters campaign logos, badges, stickers, graphics and social media posts

sets of ready to use graphic images and posts in multiple languages.


Possible explanation for the lack of unbiased research in the United States

Cotton Candy by age

There is a false accusation that Cotton Candy flavors are made to market ENDS products to children. The truth is, that adults find the flavor very appealing.

Important people who used nicotine

If nicotine causes brain damage, how do we explain the accomplishments of these people?

Suggestions of items to add to this page

Add seizure myth

2020: E-Cigarettes and Respiratory Disease: A Replication, Extension, and Future Directions

  • The statistical associations between e-cigarette use and respiratory disease are driven by e-cigarette users who are also current or former smokers of combustible tobacco.
  • A striking feature of the data is that almost all e-cigarette users were either current or former smokers of combustible tobacco.
  • Among respondents who had never smoked combustible tobacco, we find no evidence that current or former e-cigarette use is associated with respiratory disease.
  • Link to PDF

suggestions on twitter

E-cig reporting: What went wrong?

Experts Question Study Claiming E-Cigarettes Are a COVID-19 Risk Factor Info from twitter thread

More Information

  • Click on the category link below for more studies by topic on ENDS and Nicotine.